《victon imagines》seungwoo - cursed to be with you


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After school, you were walking to the convenience store you work at. It may be a hassle to work right after school, but you had to since you're living alone, far away from your parents so there is a need to have extra income instead of relying on your parents.

"Hey Y/N, you're late again!" Sejun, who takes the morning to the afternoon shift. He's three years older than you, although he has two part-time jobs.

"I'm sorry, I had to run errands," I explained so he wouldn't get mad. "Oh, it's fine. Just enjoy your school life while you're at it." Sejun said while patting your shoulder before leaving. "What does that mean?" I asked myself, then shrugged.

I started arranging items left on the wrong shelves and checking expired items. As I heard the bell of the door, alerting me there's a customer. I monotonously greeted the customer while doing what I was doing.

I glanced at the customer for a short while and went back to the shelf. But I had another glance after giving me suspicious vibes. He was wearing all-black formal attire. I felt like the Grim Reaper was going to take me.

He was about to get to the counter so I hurriedly walked to the counter. He placed down the water bottle and the money on the counter. As soon as I scanned the barcode, I placed it down and he immediately took it, walking out slowly as if it was a runway.

"Gosh that was creepy," I whispered to myself as I shivered dramatically.


It's been a week and every day, you see that same suspicious man buying the exact same thing, and wearing a completely black outfit from head to toe. One more thing that gives you the creeps is that he also goes to your store at almost the exact same time as well. The thought of him being the Grim Reaper is overpowering your thoughts.

"Oh my gosh, I don't want to die yet. At least after I graduate." You whispered to yourself while staring at the marble tabletop. "Ehem," The man scoffed at you. Did he hear me? Oh gosh, I didn't even see him there. You came to my senses and awkwardly scanned the item.

"Sejun, why are you here? And what happened?" You asked after he comes running in the store, all sweaty. "There was a person trying to follow me and I ended up here." He said while panting between words.

He suddenly hid behind you like a little kid. "Come on, grow up. Where is it?" You were chill at the moment, knowing he wouldn't be in that much trouble. Not until you see a man outside the store, holding a knife in his hand.

"RUN!" Sejun screams as both of you ran hand in hand. The killer was picking up his pace as well. "What kind of trouble did you get into? And you dragged me in it as well!" I half-screamed at him while running.


The two of you ran to a dead end as we turned around in horror. The killer slowed down as he realized you and Sejun were trapped at the end of an alleyway. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Sejun bravely asked. His hoodie was covering his eyes so we couldn't see his face.

The killer just smirked at us and slowly went nearer. Was that suspicious guy part of this situation?. He raised the knife, so both of us closed our eyes, ready for our lives to flash before our eyes. Instead, we heard a loud thud in front of us, slowly opening our eyes.

The suspicious guy who kept going to the store was now in front of us. He held a hollow block on his hand with the killer's blood dripping from the concrete block. The killer was on the ground with his head bleeding badly.

We were standing there, wide-eyed. You were still panting hard, also trying to understand the situation you were into right now. Sejun on the other hand, heaved a sigh of relief as he knew he was safe.

He ran to the man and hugging him tightly as if they've met before. You would normally find it funny since he's really clingy most of the time. But seeing him doing it to the suspicious man, makes you really awkward.

The man pushed him away and went towards your direction. Unexpectedly, your heart started to race. You didn't know if you were scared, or something else. He bent down to your ear and whispered, "Your shift is over," The man spoke with a deep voice.

He left slowly, as always, and you were left there, dazed. "Oh wait!" You ran to where he left, but he was gone quickly as if he disappeared. You were about to ask for his name and at least thank him properly.

While you and the man were having a moment, Sejun already called the cops. And thankfully came quickly to get the killer. They also brought an ambulance to bring the killer as well.

"Hey hey, what did he whisper," Sejun asked, expecting something exciting. "Don't ask, or else I'm throwing a fit," You replied with a tone of annoyance. "Um excuse, sorry to interrupt but can the both of you come with us to the police station as witnesses?" I sighed as I knew I won't be going home immediately.

"I blame you for ruining my life," You gave Sejun a stare.


Both of you arrived at the police station, apparently as victims.

"So how did you get away with the killer?" The police officer asked us. "Oh! There was this guy-" Sejun was cut off as someone spoke up, who was behind us. We looked at him, and it was the guy.

"I was there," The man spoke in his deep voice. His hand had blood dripping after the incident. He noticed I was looking at his hand, so he pulled down his sleeve.


"Oh okay, what's your name?" The police officer asked him. The man took a while before responding. "Han Seungwoo," He replied, then police officer wrote it down. "Would you like to explain what happened?" The officer asked kindly and smiled.


Seungwoo had explained everything in perfect detail as if it was planned out. "There's one more thing," He said. The officer raised a brow.

"The killer hasn't been found for 2 years, until now." You and Sejun were shocked by that fact, the officer was shocked as well. "Hold on," the officer took the telephone and he was apparently calling the hospital if they found out the identity of the killer.

He suddenly shuffled through some files and found something. He read the file, still wide-eyed. "You're right," the officer replied.


"Thank you for your time and help. And we're also sorry for the inconvenience." The officer escorted us outside the station before we left.

"Wait!" You said before Seungwoo left. "Thank you," you said to Seungwoo. He just smiled at you before going on his way. He actually smiles.

"Aye, do you actually have a connection?" Sejun smirked so I just hit him with my shoulder and left. And that's where we parted ways.


How am I supposed to tell Y/N about who I really am? How did I know her name without asking her? We're destined to be together, rather, cursed. I've killed a lot of people as a person against the queen.

The Gods cursed me to have a red thread between someone who's from a bloodline that I have killed the most. I never died, nor would I be reborn. I stayed at the same age, every year.

I watched people I love, to just wither away. And I'm stuck living in this world waiting for myself to continue to age. In fact, I'm sick of living. Everyone I know will just get reborn and I meet them in different situations. They don't really change much, I could already tell from a first glance.

This time, Y/N changed drastically. She was always cold-hearted and we would bump into each other on bad terms. This time, she's kind and warm-hearted. That change made me have a hard time finding her.

But why do I have to find her? She's the only one who'll break this curse. And one thing we have to do is to marry, and then, I will be able to break the curse and continue to age.

And this time, it just got easier.


"You're here again," You said in a joyful tone. As always, Seungwoo would just smile at you, and it kind of makes you sad.

"Hey, thanks for saving me and my friend yesterday. In return, I'll treat you some food after my shift which is about a few minutes." You said as he placed down the item. "Sure! I was hungry anyway," He replied. Well that was easy


Seungwoo, this is your chance, you'll finally break the curse. All you have to is be on good terms, date, marry, and die in peace like everyone else. I don't even have to be in love with her. I'll just take her for granted and that's it.

Y/N and I ate at a Japanese store and ate a few classic dishes. "So, what do you do for a living?" Y/N asked. I can't just say I do nothing all these 300 years but finding her to marry. I mean, even how much I try dying, I'll end up living in any miraculous way possible.

"Oh, I don't really do much in life, haha." I blurted out an awkward 'haha' in the end. "the, what else do you do, normally?" She asked, a bit puzzled. "Well, I like singing," That's one of the only things I could do. "Really? Me too!" She replied enthusiastically. "Well, I guess we have something we could do together then," I said.

Our conversation went on for minutes, even hours, both of you not realizing. It was turning dark, and what's worse is there was a sudden shower.

"Oh no, It's late. I have to go home now." Y/N said as she hurriedly picked up her stuff and left some money on the table. "But you don't have an umbrella-" I got cut off as she ran out of the store. I paid for everything by myself and took her money to give back to her.


I ran through the rain, not caring about anything, I just needed to get home. At first, I thought it stopped raining since I wasn't getting wet. But I felt a presence behind me so I slowly turned around. There, I saw Seungwoo.

"You'll get sick," He approached you quickly as if he teleported there. He put the umbrella in your hand and put something in your pocket. You were still confused in the situation so he already left, still walking slowly even though it was raining.

"Seungwoo, wait!" You screamed his name and he stopped in his tracks. You made sure he was covered by the umbrella from above even if you were struggling to raise your arm to match his height. You looked for the money in your pocket since it was kind of full. A soon as you found it, he was already gone.

What is he?


heyyy!!!! this chapter is DRAMATICALLY LONG. so instead of keeping y'all waiting i'll just upload pt.2 a bit later :)) school just started yEET so i'm s a d again

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