《victon imagines》byungchan - where stars land



Byungchan's POV

"Hey Byungchan, can you bring the tensabarriers in front of the Gate 12 to the storage room? It's disturbing the queue." My boss ordered me. "Yes, sir." I quickly got up from my seat and do as I was ordered to. I didn't want to do it, but I had to it as part of the Passenger Services Unit.

I brought a cart along with me and collected the tensabarriers. Easy to say, but it couldn't be easy for a weakling like me. I started with one and it felt like it drained my energy. I stopped at the third one and leaned on it for a while before continuing.

Before I resumed my work, I felt someone's hand snatch the tensabarrier away from mine and lifted it. "I didn't ask for help," I told Y/N. "Your face was screaming 'I need help'" She monotonously replied. "So? I was assigned for this." "I'm in the same team as you." She talks back. "Whatever," I raised my voice a little. She's always playing hard to get, but I like it.

After finishing everything, I went on my way. "Not a single thank you?" Y/N asks. "Thank you. There you happy?" She replies with a smug smile. I raised my fist at her jokingly and cursed under my breath.

I passed by the staff lounge and grab some water. I went back to the office and continue some paperwork. As I sat down, I looked at her face and scoffed at it. Why does it need to have our desks face each other? I can't even stand to see her face for a whole year, and it's only been 3 months.

"Y/N, can you go to Security Check at Gate 18? Some passengers fought with one of our staff." Our boss ordered her. "Yes, sir." She replied and wasted no time getting to it. "Oh Byungchan, you should come with her." Our boss ordered. "Why me?" "You know she's only been in this Unit for 3 months, she might cause more trouble. There aren't any other people in this office anyway." I sighed in reply.


I got to Gate 18 and expected some verbal violence. Instead, I saw the staff drenched in water as the passenger was shouting at him. I ran to the scene to resolve the problem. "Excuse me, what is happening here?" I asked calmly. "This is none of your business. Who are you anyway?" "I'm Y/F/L/N from the Passenger Services Unit. And yes, this is part of my business." "What did you say?" The passenger asks in an angry tone.

The passenger raised his hand and preparing to slap me. I felt a bit of wind hit my face instead. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Byungchan holding onto the passenger's hand. "Let go of me you jerk." The passenger shouts at Byungchan as he was struggling to get out of his grip. "I'm Choi Byungchan from the Passenger Services Unit." He holds his ID in front of the man's face with his other hand. Then, he forcefully let go of the man's hand.


"What happened?" Byungchan asked the drenched staff. "That man brought water with him so I stopped him since it wasn't allowed on the plane. But he argued about it and I explained I was just doing what I was ordered to do. Then he got angry and poured the water on me." The staff explained.

"Sir, according to our staff, he was just doing his job. It's against the rules of the airport. Since it is also for the safety of the passengers." He explained boldly. "How could you even harm someone with water?" The passenger questions. "Didn't you know you can make a bomb with water?" "I'm not even that type of person!" The passenger shouts at him, while Byungchan is unaffected at all. He looks cool right now. Wait, how is he being like this all of a sudden.

"A lot of passengers go through the airport, and also we haven't met before so I don't know any of your motives." He never lost eye contact with the passenger. "I need the CEO, not some dumb staff." The passenger looks away after running out of what to say.

"Now that you did this to one of our staff, this is a serious problem. If you wouldn't have done it, you would've caused less trouble." Byungchan says in addition.

Between the argument they had, I called the Security Services through my radio to take care of the rest. They took the man by force to pay for what he did to the staff. The crowd went away and everything went back to normal.

Byungchan left so I followed him since we're just in the same department, I knew he'd go to the office. "Hey, nice one Choi Byungchan." I playfully hit his shoulder with mine. He showed a tiny smile on his face with his dimples showing.

I'm starting to like him after he showed a different side of him. During the drama a while ago, he wasn't like the weak and fragile Byungchan I knew. He had a different aura as if it was me. If I knew those facts I would do the same. I think I'm starting to like him.

Byungchan's POV

That task was totally for me. I feel so relieved after what I just did. The only strength I have is probably knowing the rules and talking about it. I should do those more often but unfortunately, those things don't usually happen.

As I was doing paperwork, I noticed Y/N glance at me from time to time and it's giving me a weird feeling. I tried ignoring but it kept bothering me. I decided to catch her looking at me and she looked away immediately. I tapped the glass divider between our desks and she slowly looked up. "Do you need anything?" I asked. She just looked down meaning a 'no'.

a month later...

Our head in the department decided to have a dinner party with everyone at Passenger Services. I didn't have anything to do so I decided to go as well. And thankfully, everyone attended.

During the dinner party, some of them had shots of soju and stuffed their faces with some beef. I don't really drink so I didn't have any. To my surprise, Y/N was drinking and I never knew she did.


After everything, they decided to leave and the others helped out grab a taxi for my other drunk co-workers. Y/N and I were left since I cleaned up our table and Y/N was on her phone.

"Y/N, aren't you going?" I asked. She drunkenly raised her head to face me. Her eyes were reddish and she had a smug smile on her face. "Stop being a neat freak. Come on!" She stood up keeping her phone in her pocket and took my hand.

She forced me to stand up even though I didn't want to. Even though she was drunk, she was still strong so I can't get off her grip. We got to an empty corner near the back of the kitchen, and with that fact, it scared me.

She grabbed my shoulder and threw me to the wall and trapped with one of her arms. "Why did you become cool all of a sudden, huh?" Her breath reeked soju as she spoke through the words. "How did you become so attractive too?" She had a drunk smile on her face and I knew she wasn't her at the moment.

By every sentence, she moved her face near to my face and I started panicking. Before she smashes her lips on mine, I pushed her away from me. "You should really go home," I told her. She muttered words that I didn't understand. She raised her hand and suddenly collapsed. Instinctively, I caught her immediately.

I wasn't strong enough to lift her off the ground so I had to drag her to the exit. Then I realized, I don't know where she lives. I had two choices: to invade her privacy and check her phone, or to take her to my place.

I was totally against the second one so I checked if I could see her phone. Unfortunately, her phone had a lock, great. I had no choice but to take her to my place.


I woke up by my daily alarm on my phone. My sight was kind of blurry since I wasn't that sober yet. I realized, I was at a different place, which was clearly not mine. I stood up and my head was hurting in the process.

I got off the couch I slept on which was in the living room. The dining room was beside the dining area since the place was kind of tiny. I noticed a sticky note on the table beside some soup and coffee.

The note said: 'Here's some soup to get you sober. I also prepared some coffee, your energy must've been drained from last night. And, I already left early so keep the place clean as possible. - Choi Byungchan.'

Now that I realized I was at his place, I suddenly got scared. When he mentioned 'last night' my thoughts started to get less blurry. And I just remembered something I didn't want to remember. Before I get overactive, I calmed myself and focused on what's happening.

I didn't want to eat the soup but it would be disrespectful to not do so. I got ready to go to work and left his place, clean as he said. When I got out, I didn't actually know where I was but thankfully, there was a nearby bus stop. I waited there until I got to a bus going to the airport.

On the bus, a thought crossed my head about the letter he wrote. When he mentioned last night, I had the urge to not go to work at all. I'm too scared to even face him now. Different thoughts came to mind until I got to the airport and my whole body was shaking. I calmed myself down before entering and act as if nothing happened.

As I got to my desk, I did the usual work. And as he said, he was at work early. Just looking at him from my side view makes me panic. "Y/N," He called me with his deep voice. I hummed in response. "We need to go somewhere." He replies and took me outside without hesitation.

Byungchan's POV

I walked around some places with Y/N. I tried finding a place without any security cameras. And it was pretty hard. But not that long, we got to the newly built storage room.

We went inside and I locked the door. "Why are we h-here?" Y/N asks with her voice shaking. I walked towards her as she was moving away. She bumped into a wall so she had nowhere to go. "Do you like me?" I asked straightforwardly. "Are you serious? This is what all of this was for?" She responded as if nothing happened.

"Then what was last night all about?" I smirked after the sentence. Her eyes were shaking as I got closer, like what she did last night. "Fine! I do." The last sentence toned down.

"Okay then, that's everything I had to know," I replied while facing away from her. But before I took a step away from her, I immediately smashed my lips on her's.


Without any warning, he kissed me on the lips and I got startled. I knew that he was trying to give me a signal that we both have the same feelings for each other. He instinctively placed his arm on my hips and the other one brushing my hair.

I responded to the kiss as I placed both of my arms around his neck. The kiss was getting heated so he stopped before anything would've happened.

"After last night, you made me realize that there would be one person who would appreciate me. And that person would be you." Byungchan said after and I hugged him tightly after not knowing what to say.


lmao i'm back and sorry for SO MANY pov changes. i just had to. anyway, support byungchan and seungwoo on produce x 101 y'all !!!!!

and also, mi requests are open again lmao so yEET

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