《victon imagines》subin - true colors


requested by @http-hyunjin


Elly's POV

People find me unique for a particular reason. It is because my eyes have a very colorful shade. The right one has a light blue shade while the left one is purple. It may look amazing but how I see the world is different.

Ever since I was born, I can only see a grayscale of everything. It's just like watching a movie from the very first television.

During high school, both of my parents passed away. I didn't handle life properly after that since I went through a lot of tough situations so I was forced to drop out of school.

Recently, I'm living in an apartment along with my friend, Seungsik. I've always trusted him since childhood. He lends me a shoulder to cry on every time. He even told me that my tears were colorful as well.

Today is my parents' death anniversary that's why I felt gloomy. I left the place and headed to our old house. I didn't want to sell the house in the first place since I just don't want the memories to fade.

I didn't tell Seungsik my whereabouts since I knew he would worry about me. And he cared for me too much.

I unlocked the door as the chains dangled along with the handle. As I opened the door, I stared at the living room blankly as tears started falling. I looked at my palm looking at the gray shaded tears that I guess was supposed to look purple and blue.

I wiped away my tears as my mind reminisces moments playing in my head. I simply smile at them and made my way to my mom and dad's room.

I walked around while touching the cabinets and drawers covered in dust. I suddenly stop as my finger stopped at an odd silver box.

I opened the small box in curiosity. The sun glistens on the watch's metal covering. To my surprise, the watch was still working. I wore it and it was pretty large on my wrist. I looked at it closely as I spot something different. There was a small compass that looked out of place.

I shook my thoughts off and went to my room. The door creaked as I see spider webs everywhere. I opened the cabinets with things that I didn't expect that I had. I saw an envelope on my bed that made me wonder.

I plopped on the bed playfully and picked up the envelope. I was expecting a letter but there was just a small piece of folded paper. I unfolded it seeing the initials 'JSB'.

It was a bit weird and creepy since I tried remembering people with those initials. Maybe it wasn't initialed at all. It doesn't say where it came from. It wouldn't just pop out of nowhere.


I kept the piece of paper in my pocket and left the house. I hitched the chain again, leaving in deep sorrow.

I walked to a 24-hour convenience store not so far from where I was standing. I was a bit thirsty so I thought of buying something.

As I entered the store, there weren't that many people. I only saw the staff on the counter staring at his phone plainly. He looked really young though, probably 20 or something.

I ignored him and walked passed him as I tried finding my favorite soy milk. As I spotted it, I grabbed the glass bottle as I looked in my bag if I still had money. Luckily, I found some and headed to the counter.

I placed the bottle on the counter as I tapped my bills on my hand. The staff looks up at me and stood up immediately.

As he stood up, his phone topples the bottle off the counter and crashes into pieces. I just froze as I stared at the milk and glass shards on my sneakers. He bows at me and apologizes.

I saw that he knew he would get in trouble, and I just can't let him since I felt bad for him for no reason at all. "Hey, it's fine. I'll just get another one." I plainly said walking away and getting another one. He stares at me while I was walking; getting a bit shocked that I didn't get mad.

As I came back, I saw him sweeping the shards of glass and milk on the floor. I placed another bottle and patiently waited for him.

I paid for the milk normally as if nothing happened. I grabbed the bottle and sat down near the window staring blankly outside.

It was awkward since it was just the two of us in the store at that time. I opened the bottle and chugged it down. I looked at the watch once more, then I realized something peculiar.

The compass was pointing at the staff. I moved my hand nearer to the window as it continues to point at him. I was in total shock as I moved it in different directions. I gave up and continued drinking my soy milk.

After a few minutes, my hand gets tired resting on the table so I let it down by my side. Then, my arm felt something in my pocket. I instinctively got the item and it was the piece of paper from a while ago.

I opened it reading the thing again. My eyes unintentionally looked at the staff again as I saw something very shocking. I didn't know if it was coincidental or destiny.

I read his name tag saying 'Jung Subin'. It perfectly fits the initials on the piece of paper. Also the fact that the compass kept following his direction.


As of my sudden realization, I unnecessarily jumped on my seat as everything started to appear with colors. I rubbed my eyes trying to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. But I wasn't.

I opened my phone's camera and checked the front view. I looked into my eyes and I insist that it is purple and blue.

I was truly shocked by seeing the world in full color. My attention went back to the staff. I had the sudden urge to tell him what just happened.

I came up to him on the counter as he looked up again. "Can we talk? This would take a while but it's up to you." I comfortably said to him. "I guess I can only do that after my shift," He replies. "Sure, I can wait," I said and went back to my table.

I patiently waited on my table as I found myself eating a lot. I got hungry while waiting since I skipped dinner since it was very late.

As time passed by, I didn't realize his shift was actually over. I was the only person in the store. It was almost midnight though I didn't care. I just really want to talk to him.

As I was lost in my thoughts, my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and I slide my finger to pick up the call.

"Seungsik?" I said. "Where are you? It's already midnight and you're still not here." He asks feeling worried. "I'm sorry, I'm doing something really important. I'll just tell you when I get home." I replied as I ended the call.

"So, my shift is over..." The staff said awkwardly as I was still holding my phone. "Let's talk outside," I said as I stood up from my seat. We sat on a table not so far from my original seat.

I sighed as I inhaled fresh air. "Please don't call me crazy or something if I tell you this. He simply nods in reply.

I told him what just happened like showing the piece of paper, the compass, and how I saw colors because of him. I think that he believed me at some point, but I wasn't sure.

"Well miss I-" "Call me by my name, Elly." I cut him off since I felt uncomfortable being directed as a miss. "Sorry," He apologizes as I just smiled in return.

"You see Elly, I didn't actually buy it at first. But the compass and the paper truly shocked me." He said. "Your eyes caught my attention so I thought you were special, but I didn't expect it would be something worse. I'm sorry about that" He says.

"Everyone says that. But it's fine, I'm cool with that." I said. "Do you want to hang out?" He asks a sudden question. He was probably testing if we had any destiny or some sort. "That was a bit sudden but it's fine. Recently, my life is boring and I do nothing every day." I said.

"How about tomorrow? It's my day off anyway," He says and I agreed.

the next day...

Subin's POV

We went almost everywhere in the city in just a span of 5 hours or so. We got to know each other and became closer. It was a very tiring yet fun day with Elly.

I felt the chemistry between us despite the fact of just meeting her. I just hope that she feels the same.

Our last destination was something that I thought of. It was a dock near the outskirts of the city. It wasn't just any ordinary dock. I used to go here with my girlfriend, unfortunately, she passed away.

It was actually her death anniversary yesterday so I thought of this place. We always watched the sundown here whenever we had day-offs or other occasions.

We sat silently at the edge of the dock, waiting for the sundown. It was a rather, romantic yet awkward moment but I liked for some reason.

I rested my hand at the back as we stare at the pinkish-blue sky.

"Can I tell you something? I think I could trust you with this." I said breaking the silence. "Yeah, sure," she said. "It was my girlfriend's death anniversary yesterday. I don't tell this to just anyone. I just want to calm my mind that's why I took you here." I said.

She fell silent listening to my story. "Actually, it was my parents' death anniversary yesterday as well." She explains. I got surprised by the mere coincidence.

I hear her sniff so I turned my attention at her. I see her tears roll out her eyes as I see the sadness in her eyes. I was shocked by the shade of her tears. I didn't know what to do since it was my first time seeing her like this.

She suddenly pulls me into a hug as I felt her smile. I started tearing up as well and cried.

I looked at my hand with a red shade of reflection as I looked at the sky. It was already sundown. I sat up and she did too. We watched the sun disappear at the back of the mountains.

My hand crawled to her's. She leans her head on my shoulder watching the dark sky until the sun was gone.


AAAAAA idk it's my first time writing a soulmate au so yAy. hope you liked it !!

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