《Alexithymia | STRANGER THINGS》twenty six | vecna's curse
After seeing Valerie shake her head at him, Matthew said, "Oh, come on, Val. You've got to admit that The Shining, Cujo and Children of the Corn are easily some of the best adaptations of Stephen King's books. I mean, what is there to not like about 'em? Besides, they're nothing to be scared of. They're just movies based on books that Stephen King wrote." When she only sighed to herself, he asked her, "And what, you mean to tell me that you're not scared of that Carrie movie you had me watch just last year and you just so happen to love so much?"
Valerie replied, "No. I'm not."
With a scoff, Matthew asked her, "And why the hell not? I mean, come on, Val. In Carrie, people died there, just like they died in The Shining, Cujo and Children of the Corn. In the movie The Shining, the main character– Jack Torrance– tried to kill his own wife and son because of some evil spirits that drove him insane, which is me just simplifying it, okay? In Cujo, the killer was Cujo– a dog– that only went around killing people after he got rabies from getting bitten by a fucking bat. And in Children of the Corn, Isaac Chroner basically brainwashed other kids into killing all of the adults in town as human sacrifices. The only difference between those three movies and the movie Carrie was that in Carrie, Carrie White was a girl that had these powers of hers– powers that are arguably pretty close to the ones that El had before what happened over the summer– and basically ended the movie using those very same powers to go after all of the assholes in her school and then did the same exact shit to her own mother. And you're telling me that you're not scared to watch Carrie– a movie where some girl with telekinetic powers takes her revenge against anyone that's wronged her– and yet you're scared of watching The Shining, Cujo and Children of the Corn? Are you fucking serious, Val?"
When she only nodded her head, he simply blankly stared at her before he grabbed her by the arm and carried the three movies in one hand as he quickly dragged her over towards the counter to the Family Video store and put the movies on the counter.
While still holding onto Valerie's arm, Matthew let out a sigh before he asked, "Buckley, Harrington, can one of you please knock some sense into Valerie here and tell her that's nothing scary about watching The Shining, Cujo and Children of the Corn?"
When neither Steve or Robin had responded to him, Matthew went to say something to them, only to stop when Valerie had elbowed him in his side and pointed at the television that they were staring at, which got him to pay attention to it just in time to hear the reporter on the television talking about a body being found in the Forest Hills trailer park.
And while Valerie quickly threw herself over the counter to use the phone in order to call her mother, Matthew could do nothing but stare at the trailer in the background that he'd been to at least over a dozen times during the nearly three years that he'd spent buying drugs from Eddie Munson.
After both Steve and Robin had turned to look over at Valerie after hearing her voice, they both looked over at Matthew, just in time to see him gulp to himself and stare at the television with his eyes just a little bit wider before he went towards the other phone in the store to dial a completely different phone number than Valerie had.
Long after the realization that a body had been discovered on the television by Steve, Robin, Matthew and Valerie, the two juniors were still standing inside of the video store.
Only this time– instead of arguing about movies– Matthew was trying to keep Valerie calm and reassure her that just because a body was found in the Forest Hills trailer park didn't mean that it was Max's body.
And while he did that, Matthew had to keep his own emotions under wraps about the chance and possibility of the body being none other than Eddie Munson.
Although, if that were the case, he was sure that many people in the town of Hawkins would more than likely celebrate the death of the supposed freak of the town, who had to repeat his senior year yet again after failing to graduate from Hawkins High School two years in a row.
And it was because of his determination to keep Valerie from breaking down crying in the video store that he was unaware that Robin and Steve were staring at him and Valerie with frowns on both of their faces and their eyebrows furrowed.
It was only when the sound of the doorbell to the store had rung that the four of them turned their heads to look over at Dustin, who said as he walked into the video store with Max, "Hey, Steve."
While Valerie quickly ran over to Max and tightly wrapped her arms around her little sister, Steve pointed over at the television as he asked the two freshmen, "You guys see this?"
In turn, Dustin asked him, "How many phones do you have?"
Steve told him, "Someone was murdered."
Dustin asked him, "How many phones do you have?"
Steve replied, "We have two. Why?"
Then Robin said, "Uh, technically three, if you count Keith's."
After being pulled away from Max, Valerie could only watch with furrowed eyebrows as Max looked over at Dustin and said with a nod of her head, "Yeah, three works."
When Dustin went to take off his backpack, Steve asked him, "What are you doing?" After Dustin had slid the backpack over the counter, Steve quickly raised his hands and yelled, "Whoa! What are you—"
While Dustin went to throw himself over the counter, Robin yelled, "My pile!"
While Dustin swung his legs into some VCR tapes, Steve yelled, "No, no, no! My tapes! Dude." After Dustin sat himself down in front of their computer, Steve asked him, "What are you doing, man?"
Dustin told him, "We're setting up base of operations here."
Then Robin said, "Base of operations?"
As he went to get Dustin away from the computer, Steve said to him, "Stop. Get off of that."
Dustin replied, "No, I need it."
Steve asked him, "Need it for what?"
Dustin told him, "Looking for Eddie's friends' phone numbers."
With his eyebrows furrowed, Matthew asked Dustin, "Why are you looking for Eddie's friends' phone numbers?"
In turn, Dustin asked him, "Since when do you call him 'Eddie'?"
While Matthew pinched the bridge of his nose and started to shake his head to himself with a sigh, Steve said to Dustin, "Oh, Eddie. Your new best friend Eddie who you think is cooler because he plays your nerdy game?"
Dustin only looked over at Steve and said to him, "I never said that."
As she put the VCR tapes back onto the counter, Robin said, "Seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around in here like toddlers, but it's Saturday. It's our busiest day."
With a scoff, Matthew replied, "Busiest day? No offense, Buckley, but for it being your busiest day, it sure does look empty in here. Right, Val?"
This time, Valerie was the one to pinch the bridge of her nose and shake her head to herself with a sigh, while Dustin said, "Alright, look, Robin, I totally empathize, but this cannot wait until Monday."
In turn, Robin asked him, "What, so calling all of Eddie's friends is an emergency?"
Dustin yelled, "Correct!"
Then Steve turned to Robin and asked her, "Uh, do you want me to strangle him or you want to do that?"
Robin told him, "We could take turns."
With a sigh, Matthew said, "Okay, sorry to say this, Henderson, but I'm still not getting why you had to drag Max in here with you only to call Eddie's friends. What could possibly be so important that you have to drag Eddie's friends into this and not Eddie himself?"
With a sigh, Dustin turned to Max and asked her, "Can you fill them in while I do this?"
Then Robin turned to face the two freshmen and asked them, "Fill us in on what?"
After hanging up the phone she was using, Max turned to the others and said, "Hey, guys, I might have a lead."
While Dustin, Robin, Matthew and Valerie all turned to look over at Max, Dustin said, "Seriously?"
Max replied, "Yeah. Apparently, Eddie gets his drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick, and sometimes Eddie crashes there."
With a wave of her hands, Robin said, "That sounds promising. Um, where does this Reefer Rick guy live?"
Max told them, "See, that's the thing. No one knows. He's more of a... a legend than someone that people actually know."
Dustin asked her, "Well, what about a last name?"
Max replied, "I don't know that either."
It was then that Steve said to them, "Bet the cops know the last name."
While Matthew quickly turned his head to look over at Steve with narrowed eyes, Max said, "What?"
Steve said, "Cops." As he turned to face the five of them, he said to them, "I mean, listen, if this Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer, I guarantee you he's been busted at some point. Means he's in the system."
In turn, Dustin asked him, "The cops? Really, Steve? That's your suggestion?"
Steve replied, "I mean, I think at this point they should probably be filled in on what we know, what's going on."
Dustin asked him, "You think Eddie's guilty, don't you?"
Steve said to him, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I believe in innocent until proven guilty, all that constitutional shit. I just, you know, I just don't think we can rule it out."
After seeing the look that Matthew now had on his face as he stared at Steve, Valerie was quick to grab him and do what she could to hold him back, while Max said, "That's precisely what we're trying to do here, Steve."
Then Dustin said, "And maybe we'd have a little bit more luck if you spent less time trying to find a girlfriend and more time trying to find Eddie."
Steve replied, "Oh, well, somebody has to attend to the customers."
With a wink of her eye, Robin asked him, "Especially if they're babes, right?"
With a finger pointed directly at Robin, Steve said to her, "Hey, not fair. Okay? I attend to all customers equally, babes and non-babes alike. We've got a very big selection in here, alright? It can be super overwhelming for these people."
With a tilt of his head, Matthew replied, "Oh, yeah? Well, if that's the case, Harrington, then why don't you fucking help the guy that just walked into the store then, huh?"
As he started to point a finger in Matthew's direction, Steve forced himself to stop when he saw the way that the violent member of the Wheeler family was looking at him before he heard a click and looked down to see that Matthew had just opened up his switchblade.
With a gulp, Steve took a step back from the counter, just when Robin turned to the computer and said to them, "Yeah, it can be."
After Robin sat down in front of the computer, Max asked her, "What are you doing?"
Robin told them, "Maybe we don't need a last name."
While walking around the counter and making sure he kept his distance from the enraged seventeen-year-old boy, Steve stopped just beside Robin and watched as a list of people with the name 'Rick' appeared on the screen.
It was only then that Robin said to them, "Twelve Ricks have accounts here."
Max replied, "That's a lot of Ricks."
In turn, Robin said, "So, let's narrow it down. Rick Alderman's latest rentals are Annie and Dumbo. What are the chances our drug dealer has a family?"
With a tilt of her head, Max said, "Not likely."
Then Robin said, "Alright. Rick Conroy. Sixteen Candles, Teen Wolf, and Romancing the Stone."
In unison, Max, Steve, Dustin, Matthew and Valerie all said, "No."
With a shake of her head, Robin said, "Okay. Rick Joiner. Mask, Footloose, and Grease."
Yet again, the five of them said, "No."
Then Robin said, "Rick Kimbrough. The Blue Lagoon and Splash."
While Matthew only sighed to himself, Steve said, "No way."
Robin replied, "Okay. Rick Lipton. Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Cheech & Chong's Next Movie. Cheech & Chong's Nice Dreams. Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke."
With a chuckle, Dustin said, "Bingo."
Then Max asked her, "Lipton?"
Robin replied, "Spelled like the tea. 2121 Holland Road."
It was then that Dustin said, "That's out by Lover's Lake."
With a raise of her eyebrows, Max said, "Middle of nowhere."
As she turned to look over at Steve with a smile on her face, Robin said, "It's a perfect place to hide."
It wasn't long after that that the five of them quickly ran out of the video store and over to Steve's car, but not before Matthew grabbed his one and only backpack and then got into the back of Steve's car.
As soon as Matthew was in the car and had shut the door behind himself, Steve started the engine to his car and quickly drove them in the direction of Lover's Lake.
After watching Dustin press a finger onto the doorbell and hear it repeatedly ring without getting an answer from anyone, Steve said, "Okay. Well, that's settled. I guess he's not here."
While Matthew slowly turned his head to look over at Steve with narrowed eyes, Dustin quickly knocked onto the door and yelled, "Eddie! It's Dustin! Look, we just wanna talk, okay?" While Valerie slowly pulled Matthew away from Steve, Dustin said, "No cops, I swear. We just wanna help."
Then Dustin hit the door again and yelled, "Eddie!"
In turn, Robin said, "Shh."
After a couple more times of ringing the doorbell, Dustin yelled, "Rick!" After hitting the door again, he yelled, "Reefer Rick!"
Then Steve said to him, "Don't scream that."
While Max started to walk away from them and Matthew did everything that he could to fight against the urge to repeatedly punch Dustin in the face because of all of his screaming, Dustin yelled, "Rick!"
Steve told him, "He-He's not there."
Then Dustin yelled, "Reefer Rick!" Then he looked over at Steve and told him, "He could just be really high."
With a scoff, Steve asked, "Is that a foot?"
Dustin replied, "No, that's just a shoe."
It was then that Max said, "Hey, guys?"
As soon as the five of them had reached Max, they could each see a single boathouse just a couple of feet or so away from the house.
Not long after at least half of the group had shared a look with each other, they quickly made their way over towards the boathouse before Robin slowly opened the door to the boathouse and said, "Hello? Is anyone home?"
While walking closely behind Valerie and into the boathouse, Matthew simply scoffed to himself, which got Valerie to look over at him with a mere shake of her head.
In turn, Matthew said, "What?" When Valerie only shook her head and walked even further into the boathouse, he said, "What, Valerie?"
When she only shook her head some more, Matthew said, "Oh, come on, Valerie. I wasn't even gonna fucking say anything. All I did was fucking breathe, Val. That's it." When she didn't respond, he asked her, "What, so I can't just fucking breathe now without you having something to say about it?"
With a sigh, Valerie replied, "Matt, knowing you, you were probably thinking of some smartass comment to say, and we really don't need that right now. The only thing we need is to find Eddie and find out just what the fuck happened at that trailer of his. That's it."
With a scoff, Matthew asked her, "And what, you think I don't know that? You don't think I know the importance of finding him before anyone else gets the chance to?"
While Valerie only sighed to herself because of just how defensive Matthew got when it came to Eddie, Steve started to walk into the boathouse and said, "What a dump."
It wasn't long after that that both Valerie and Matthew heard Dustin ask, "What are you doing?" When Dustin didn't get a response, he once more asked, "What are you doing?"
Then both Valerie and Matthew turned their heads to see Steve repeatedly hitting the tarp-covered boat as he said, "He might be in here."
Dustin replied, "So take the tarp off."
With a wave of his hand, Steve retorted, "If you're so brave, you take the tarp off."
With a sigh, Matthew said, "Jesus Christ."
Then he quickly walked over to them and went to take off the tarp, only to stop when Steve had suddenly grabbed his arm.
After letting out yet another sigh, Matthew said, "Harrington." When Steve turned his head to look over at Matthew, Matthew asked him, "Just what the fuck do you think you're doing grabbing me like that?"
In turn, Steve asked him, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
As he went to grab at the tarp with his other hand, Matthew replied, "Taking the tarp off, dumbass. What else?"
With a scoff, Steve asked him, "Are you kidding me, Wheeler? You don't know what's under there."
With a nod of his head, Matthew said, "Yeah, I think that's kind of the point of taking off the tarp, Harrington. To see what may or may not be underneath that fucking tarp."
With a gulp, Steve quickly looked between Matthew and the tarp he was holding before he shoved Matthew into Dustin, who had barely enough time to get out of the way, which resulted in Matthew falling face-first onto the floor of the boathouse.
With a scowl now on his face, Matthew slowly pushed himself off of the floor and looked over at Steve as he asked, "Are you fucking serious, Harrington?"
When Steve had only grimaced to himself, Matthew quickly pulled his switchblade out of one of his front jean pockets and was about to open it, only to stop when Valerie had grabbed him by the arm and did her best to drag the enraged seventeen-year-old boy away from Steve Harrington.
And while Dustin simply watched as Steve repeatedly hit the tarp-covered boat with the oar that he was holding, Valerie did what she could to keep Matthew from attacking Steve with his switchblade before she eventually took a quick glance over at Dustin when he said to Max and Robin, "Don't worry. Steve will get him with his oar."
As he continued to hit the tarp-covered boat with the oar that he was holding, Steve replied, "I know you think you're being funny, Henderson, but considering the fact that everyone in this room has nearly died about a hundred times, personally, I don't find it funny in the slight—"
It was then that someone quickly threw the tarp aside and ran towards Steve and eventually pinned him up against one of the walls in the boathouse, which got Steve to yell, "Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!"
Then Dustin yelled, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Eddie! Eddie! Stop!" While Matthew and Valerie stared wide-eyed at Eddie from where they stood on the other side of Steve and Eddie, Dustin yelled, "Eddie! Eddie! It's me. It's Dustin. This is Steve. He's not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?"
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The Great Voyage
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Cultivation at Home!?00
" hahaha, scream! scream all you want, for there's no one to save you lass! " " How many times do I have to tell you I'm a boy! ..." *boom " Worry not, as I'm here for you! " said a Knight with shining armor " heh! who do you think you are huh!, acting as a hero saving the beauty! " "..." (facepalm) note to self, don't leave the savepoint if you come to another world! Note: English isn't my native language, Beware! I read so much MTL YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
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Stone Mountain
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