《Treacherous | Hermione Granger Book II》|61| Chapter Sixty-One



of being in the Ravenclaw common room with her brother to get out of a full-scale interrogation from Lavender, Saffron made it down to the Great Hall with them to eat breakfast. But they had very little time due to how long it had taken for Saffron to wake up since she was functioning on such little sleep.

Neville had to shake Saffron awake during their first period, Transfiguration as the girl was drifting off, which was under no circumstances allowed in Professor McGonagall's classes. She widened her eyes to the announcement that their exams would be starting on the first of June. This shocked certain people, namely Seamus.

"Exams?" Seamus exclaimed. "We're still getting exams?"

Saffron flinched when Neville somehow managed to vanish one leg of his desk, making it topple over right beside Saffron. She rolled her eyes. Both at Neville's clumsiness and at Seamus being so shocked at them having exams. Why else would they still have school? To lounge around? No, if they were in school, they would do exams, there were no other two ways about it.

"The whole point of keeping the school open at this time is for you to receive your education," said Professor McGonagall impatiently. "The exams will, therefore, take place as usual, and I trust you are all revising hard."

Saffron bit her lip. Although she knew they would have exams, she hadn't given much thought to them. Her priorities were very decidedly not on school work. It seemed as though she wasn't the only one to feel like this at everyone seemed very sour at the news.

"Professor Dumbledore's instructions were to keep the school running as normally as possible. And that, I need hardly point out, means finding out how much you have learned this year." frowned Professor McGonagall, and dropped the matter to continue with the lesson as normal, only having to chide Saffron twice and Ron three times to pay attention, as the pair both wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep.


Later that morning, Harry and Ron fed Saffron a matter they had discussed at length the night before. That being that the girl who died in the bathroom was bound to be Moaning Myrtle.

"Myrtle?" said Saffron in surprise having never even considered the thought before, but now that she heard them say it to her, it made perfect sense. "Merlin, how did none of us figure that out before now? It must be her, she died in that bathroom, didn't she?"

"Yeah," nodded Harry. "I can't believe we never asked her about it,"

"I can," replied Ron shrugging. "She'd have thrown a fit if we ever even went close to mentioning it, the last thing I wanted was to have to listen to her cry any more than we already did,"

The three Gryffindors wanted nothing else than to go and interrogate Myrtle, but it was becoming hard to find the right time to do so. They considered using the cloak, but they just hadn't been able to find the time with the sheer amount that was going on within the school over the next few days. Saffron voiced this agitation to her brother, right after the joyful announcement that the mandrakes were almost ready. That, however, didn't actually make Saffron feel any better. She'd rather that those petrified stay petrified rather than risking the trouble of getting petrified or worse, all over again.

"I swear we can't so much pee by ourselves nowadays," Saffron mumbled dramatically, sat with Rowan at the Ravenclaw table. "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually looking forward to going back to Squires now, I just want this nightmare to end. It's exhausting me,"

Rowan frowned. "You won't be saying that when we go back there, though,"

Shrugging her shoulders, Saffron said: "Maybe not, but I've never hated being here as much as I do right now. It just seems so stupid that such powerful wizards and witches can't figure this out,"


"Maybe that's why they can't figure it out," said Rowan thoughtfully.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Saffron arched an eyebrow confusedly.

Rowan merely continued to scoop up cheeri-owls with his spoon and simply said: "Maybe they're looking in the wrong places. Maybe the answer to who this Heir is is actually right in front of us, but we don't know it,"

Saffron shook her head. "I don't think so, I mean who's the obvious person at this point. "Oh---" Saffron had been scanning the Great Hall only for her eyes to land on a long mane of ginger hair, belonging to Ginny Weasley, who seemed to be storming out of the hall tearfully, away from Harry, Ron and Percy. Saffron furrowed her brow in worry. "Poor Ginny, she needs to be kept on a leash. Maybe if she had someone to comfort her all the time she'd feel better about everything going on," Saffron paused. "I should probably go after her,"

"I wouldn't worry about her," said Rowan sincerely. "She never likes anyone to follow her, whenever I see her after one of her meltdowns she's always writing in her diary,"

"Oh. . . " said Saffron slowly, a slight thought flying through her brain. However, no sooner had the thought flown into it, had it flown out. She returned to her food. "Okay."


"It seemed like she knew something,"

Saffron had questioned Harry whilst being escorted from Defence Against the Dark Arts several hours later as to why Ginny seemed so upset that morning. Harry seemed very sceptical and eager to talk to the girl, as according to him, it seemed like she wanted to tell him and Ron something about the Chamber until Percy interrupted them.

"And you really think it could have been about the Chamber?" questioned Saffron, amazed at the prospect that little Ginny of all people could have information.

"It seemed like it to me," Harry informed her. "I know everyone's saying they're close to figuring it out, but we can't know for sure. So I think we need to speak with Ginny about it, and Myrtle too. Maybe both of their stories will make the whole thing make sense,"

"That shouldn't be too hard with Ginny," Saffron said to him. "I guess I'll try with her, she might find it easier to talk to a girl. But with Myrtle, well, I don't know when we'll have the chance,"

"Leave it to me," Harry told her, and leave to him she did. As he used Lockhart to get what they wanted.

"Mark my words," Lockhart was saying to the second years, sounding bored, as they walked down yet another corridor. "The first words out of those poor Petrified people's mouths will be 'It was Hagrid .' Frankly, I'm astounded Professor McGonagall thinks all these security measures are necessary."

"I agree, sir," said Harry, which shocked everybody around them. It wasn't unknown, particularly by the Gryffindors that Harry despised Lockhart and to hear him actually agree with him was unheard of before. Saffron too was surprised, but she understood that there was a motive behind his words.

"Thank you, Harry, said Lockhart appreciably, as Saffron offered Rachel (who was walking with Professor Sinistra and her year group) a grin. "I mean, we teachers have quite enough to be getting on with, without walking students to classes and standing guard all night..."

"That's right," Ron too realised what Harry was getting out. "Why don't you leave us here, sir, we've only got one more corridor to go--"

"You know, Weasley, I think I will," agreed Lockhart. "I really should go and prepare my next class--" Without even the slightest hesitation, he sped off in the opposite direction.

Saffron grabbed Harry's hand excitedly, and Ron followed her as she pulled Harry around the corner with a grin.

"Right, let's do this thing,"

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