《Treacherous | Hermione Granger Book II》|56| Chapter Fifty-Six



Ron's final interactions with Hagrid and Dumbledore as a basis in their pursuit for answers, Saffron and the boys looked for both spiders and something or one to help them in the school over the days that followed.

However, it was proving more difficult than they had ever anticipated. When it came to Dumbledore's part their search, Saffron promised Harry and Ron that she would try with Amanda, as she had finally confided in them who precisely the woman was. Naturally, Harry was curious as Amanda had known his mother. So, Saffron took Harry along with her to meet Amanda with her siblings the next weekend.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Saffron?" Harry asked her tentatively. "I don't want to intrude..."

"Don't be silly," insisted Saffron with a note of finality. She didn't want Harry to back out of going to see Amanda. Rachel had initially considered doing so when the Mitchell's first made contact with her and now she and Amanda had a great relationship. "You have just as much of a right to get to know her as we do, she was friends with your mum too, after all," Saffron sighed guiltily. "I feel bad for not bringing you with me earlier, but well, Amanda likes to take things slow, I think. She feels really bad for not making contact with us,"

"How did you meet her then?" Harry questioned, as they took another flight of stairs down to the spare classroom that Amanda always set up for them. They weren't supposed to go anywhere without a teacher and Amanda had gone to Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw specifically to walk with Rachel and Rowan. Saffron, however, insisted that there was no point in going all the way from Ravenclaw to Gryffindor considering they were on totally different sides of the castle. So they had to be quiet so as to not be noticed and get told off.

"It was an accident," Saffron told him honestly. "Olly and Padma had been trying to get me to go to their Charms club for a good while, when I finally agreed to go, I saw her. You see, I've had some pictures of my parents for as long as I can remember, I've looked at them every day. The one of their wedding, the one that I showed you with your parents, Amanda was in it. Anyway, she was very nervous to meet me but we agreed to meet again, and we haven't stopped since," Saffron paused. "I'm sure that if she was going to reach out she would have reached out to the four of us and you, but because it was an accident she never had to. Honestly, I'm not sure that she would have ever tried to talk to us, so we got lucky that the accident happened,"


Harry seemed nervous when Saffron opened the door to the spare classroom. His breaths were short yet deep and his hands were evidently feeling very sweaty as he kept on wiping them on his trousers.

Sending a reassuring smile in his direction, Saffron set foot in the room to find that Amanda, Maya, Rachel and Rowan were all already there, eating away at the breakfast Amanda had taken from the kitchens for them.

"Hi," Amanda stood up, sounding and looking rather breathless. "It's so great to see you both, Saffron, Harry,"

Harry nodded uncomfortably.

"Harry, I---, you... well, you have your mother's eyes,"

Again, Harry nodded uncomfortably as the Mitchell's exchanged curious glances, all unsure what to think. But they completely related to Harry as they had been in his position with Amanda only months previously.

"Yeah, I get that a lot,"

"I'm sure you do," said Amanda in agreement, offering him her hand. "I'm Amanda,"

Harry wiped his hand on his trousers again before stumbling into the handshake.

"Your mother was a great friend of mine," Amanda told him earnestly. "It took us a long time to find each other, she was in Gryffindor with Prina and another friend, Sage. I became friends with her eventually, through Prina, really. It's, well, it's---"

Amanda struggled to find the word. Rowan offered her one:


"That's one way of putting it," mumbled Amanda, her cheeks reddening ever so slightly. "James, well, I got to know him later on in life rather than in my early years in school as I did with Lily. But he was a great person, he and Lily truly were made for each other,"

"Um, thanks," replied Harry.

Saffron raised her eyebrows before taking a seat next to Rowan, Harry followed suit soon thereafter. Amanda, still standing, spluttered out, "Tea? ". Not waiting for an answer, she rushed over to a teapot that was brewing on a nearby desk in order to occupy herself with something.

"It'll get easier," Saffron reached for Harry's hand under the desk, whispering so that the others couldn't hear what she was saying. "Rachel wanted to leave our first time, so you're doing well,"


"Thanks," muttered Harry.

Luckily, both Harry and Amanda seemed to adjust to their new normal of seeing each other. The air of uncomfortableness soon was swept up in a vacuum and it was back to proceedings as normal when it came to their talks with Amanda. Rachel spoke about how she was already devising a plan to get Ms Squire to allow her to go and visit her friend Elena over the Summer, Rowan spoke about Luna Lovegood's new conspiracy theory which centred around Professor Lockhart actually being the one to orchestrate the Chamber of Secrets, Maya pressed Amanda on the petrification subject and enquired about any new leads that the staff may have. Unfortunately, Amanda promised her that there were not any yet but that there was bound to be one soon. Saffron was unconvinced, as the woman said those words every single time they visited her.

When it came to Saffron, she spoke honestly and told them, with help from Harry, about what had happened when Professor Dumbledore left Hagrid's Hut a few nights back. Maya, Rachel and Rowan were all in shock and confusion as to what was said. Amanda, however, seemed much less sceptical as to the deeper meaning of the words.

"I think he was just trying to assure you that the right people would be staying at Hogwarts still, even if he wasn't going to be there," Amanda brushed off their questions of what his words about help could mean with simplicity. The woman didn't seem to even want to look into the deeper meaning of the words. "Honestly, he doesn't want any of you to get more involved than you already have to be due to the climate of the school nowadays. The help he's talking about is all of the staff, nobody in particular. I know Dumbledore is one for having such a meaningful message in his words, and obviously, that's the case, but the meaning is to ask for help, not to try and help yourselves,"

"And then Hagrid---" began Harry, but Saffron cut him off.

"And then Hagrid left," Saffron finished for him, knowing full well that those were not the words that Harry intended on using. But she had a reason for not letting him get that point across to Amanda. "Now his dog Fang is by himself, you must come with us to feed him one day, Rach,"

"Oooh, I'd like that," replied Rachel enthusiastically.

Saffron exchanged a look with a confused Harry and waited until the end of their meet up to tell him why she cut him off.

"She might've known something about the spiders," Harry said to Saffron in disappointment, as they headed to the Great Hall to meet Ron. "Why didn't you let me ask her about them?"

"Amanda won't let us do anything about it," responded Saffron. "You heard her whole speech about what Dumbledore said, she doesn't want us to get involved. I know I'm usually one for getting the teachers to deal with it, but Hagrid told you to do this. And you trust Hagrid, don't you?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I do,"

"Well, I trust you," Saffron told him with a small grin. "So I trust Hagrid because of you,"

"Wow, the words 'I trust Hagrid' came out of your mouth," Harry laughed amusedly. "What happened?"

Saffron snorted. "You know what I mean. I just think that if you trust that Hagrid wanted you to do this, that you have to do it. That we have to do it, me, you and Ron. We'll have to trust each other to go together because right now I don't trust anybody else to end this other than us,"

"Good," nodded Harry satisfied that she was completely on board to follow the spiders. "Now all we have to do is find some spiders to follow,"

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