《Treacherous | Hermione Granger Book II》|49| Chapter Forty-Nine



Saffron had the biggest 'I told you so' moment that she had ever had the pleasure of experiencing in her short life thus far. As the next morning, whilst on their way to first period, Harry confided in her and Hermione that Riddle's Diary had told him that Hagrid had been the one to open the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago.

However, after that moment, Saffron found herself confused at the confirmation that Hagrid had been the one to open the Chambers. Firstly, the way Harry told it, he had seen a memory of Riddles. That was a red flag right there. Saffron, Hermione and Ron had all been wary of the diary and now it had done something to suggest that there was magic inside of it. For all they knew, it could be dark magic and could be telling a lie.

"You know what this means, don't you?" said Saffron tentatively, as they waited alone outside the Herbology greenhouses.

"That Hagrid's the Heir of Slytherin?" responded Ron. Saffron actually cracked a smile at that. She hadn't thought about it like that.

"No, well, yes, but no," she continued the point she was trying to make hastily. "It means that Luna was right, remember, she told me that Hagrid was the one who opened the Chamber,"

"Oh, Saffron, you can't seriously still be listening to her of all people," Hermione rolled her eyes, refusing the notion that Luna could have had any prior knowledge.

"Yeah," said Ron in agreement. "She's called Loony Lovegood for a reason,"

"Stop calling her that," snapped Saffron waspishly. "And yes, I am going to listen to her, because she knew something. She didn't just pick that name out of thin air,"

"That's exactly what I think she did," Hermione told Saffron matter-of-factly. "She probably used that name to get a reaction out of you, she likely knows about his creatures obsession," Hermione paused. "Regardless, there's no point in approaching this through Luna. Don't you think that we should just ask Hagrid?"


"That'd be a cheerful visit," said Ron. " Hello, Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?"

"I don't think nows the right time," said Harry after breaking a prolonged silence. "I say we wait it out, there's no point in accusing him of it until we have to,"

The other three agreed with Harry. Saffron was just hoping that there wouldn't be another attack. There hadn't been one in almost four months and the theory going around the castle was that the heir was finished. The atmosphere had altered in the past few weeks because of this. Many people had a tendency to do things alone again and the fear of being attacked had certainly decreased. The only reminder was the students petrified in the hospital wing.

The only known powers of the monster were the ability to petrify people. Even though that was a frightening and awful prospect, the antidote was almost finished and once it was done, there would be enough to cure anyone else who could potentially get petrified.

So, they would wait and hope that nothing else would happen. But as Parvati said to Saffron the day before, maybe the heir was biding their time. Waiting to do something even worse than before.


The Heir of Slytherin was the least of Saffron's worries, as a week later, it was revealed that Rachel had gone through her first encounter with the Grey.

Throughout the year, the Grey had been a grey area for Saffron. Very little had come of it. She had only gone once within the past few months and besides that, nothing else had happened. It seemed like taking daily doses of doleo had stifled the effects of the Grey. However, according to Amanda, the same thing happened to her mother. Apparently, it had gotten worse for her when she turned fifteen. At twelve, Saffron still had some ways to go before reaching that point.


It was going to be interesting to hear what Rachel had to say about the Grey, especially because Saffron knew who she would have seen first: their mother.

"It was a load of rubbish was what it was," an agitated Rachel whispered to her siblings at breakfast the morning that the revelation was revealed to Saffron. Saffron had asked her what she felt about it and Rachel's answer was a completely negative one, but understandably so. "Whoever cursed our family's blood sucks, because it was so fake. That wasn't her, it just wasn't,"

"At least you know that," Maya told her with a faint smile. "We're only seeing what we want to see, seeing what we've lost,"

"But I never really lost anything," replied Rachel glumly. "That's what's weird. I never knew her, so I can't miss her, I can only really miss not having her if that makes sense?"

"It makes sense," nodded Saffron. "I haven't gone there in ages, what about you Maya?"

"About a month ago," Maya informed her. "It was mum, but it was just the same old twaddle, nothing new really,"

"Was it really that sore, Rach?" Rowan asked her with wide eyes. It was evident that he was dreading having to go through the experience. It was something he had been eagerly awaiting and eagerly wanting to avoid at the same time ever since he found out about it.

"More embarrassing than anything," Rachel remarked bitterly. "Elena was practising a levitation charm and accidentally lifted up the book I was leaning on. I wasn't even scared, but I jumped a bit and then it happened,"

"Did she say how long it was you were out for?" Saffron asked her anxiously. They wanted to avoid any of their friends talking amongst each other and finding out that what happened to their respective friend was a theme in their family.

"Only a few seconds," said Rachel. "She thought I was sleepy anyway because it was late. So it wasn't that noticeable,"

Maya nodded, relieved. "It won't be too long until we're able to control it. That's what I was told in there and that's what Amanda said too. Once we can, we'll get something out of it apparently. Which I guess means we can choose to not go to it anymore or something along those lines,"

"Let's hope that's what it is," responded Rachel. "I don't ever want to have to go through it again,"

"It gets easier," Saffron assured Rachel. She turned to Rowan. "And it'll get easier for you too, once it happens, it doesn't feel like the worst thing in the world. At least you know that it's going to happen,"

Maya rolled her eyes. Saffron understood that Maya had been instructed specifically by the Grey to not tell anyone about it, notably other people who shared her blood who didn't talk to her about it. But that didn't seem like an excuse to avoid telling her, especially since her failure to do so could have resulted in her death courtesy of a three-headed dog.

"For the millionth time, I'm sorry," said Maya through her teeth. "Anyway, I have to go, talk to me, all three of you, about anything,"

The other three Mitchells nodded and one by one went their separate ways. It was one of the things that Saffron appreciated about her family. No matter how divided they became, they always came back together. As for the longest time, that was all they had and not one of them would ever truly forget that.

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