《Treacherous | Hermione Granger Book II》|48| Chapter Forty-Eight



Fred and George Weasley had made it their mission to embarrass both Harry and Ginny in the common room later on that evening. Although they hadn't actually witnessed the Valentines song incident, they had been given a detailed account of it, as had the rest of the school. This account was so detailed that they had taken it upon themselves to recite it to the rest of the common room, singing and dancing around the room, much to the amusement of most of the students.

Saffron would have laughed along, but she only had eyes for two people. The first of whom was Harry, who was trying to focus on his Potions homework and trying even harder to block out the twins. The other person was Ginny, who seemed so absent from the situation that it worried Saffron. Everyone presumed that it was her that had sent the Valentine to Harry. If Saffron had that accusation, she would have removed herself from the situation. But Ginny seemed so nonplussed that she didn't seem to even realise what was going on. When Saffron stared at her brown eyes, she noticed a real glazed over expression over them. It almost felt like she was asleep on the inside whilst putting up the pretence of being awake on the outside.

Both Harry and Ginny ultimately had enough. But they expressed that they had had enough in two starkly contrasting manners.

Harry opted for a calm approach. He stood up from the armchair he sat in, gathered up his belongings, placed them in his bag that Hermione had magically fixed for him earlier that afternoon and bid his goodbyes, to a roar of laughter from the majority of the Gryffindors.

"What did he say he's tired?" Fred asked Ron, laughing almost triumphantly. Saffron rolled her eyes in annoyance, watching on as Ron confirmed that that had been Harry's excuse. "Tired my arse! Does he think we're idiots?"

"You are idiots," Melanie Jensen, Maya's friend told Fred loudly, from her seat across the room, with Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinett on either side of her.

"Precisely, Jensen, that's the point," George said to the girl matter-of-factly. "The more people that think you're dumb, the better, I always say,"

All of a sudden, a textbook had been flung across the room, hitting George square in the stomach. Moments later, another one hit Fred. Saffron let out a gasp when she saw that the source of the throws was Ginny. Every inch of the girl's face was beetroot red, and she stood up with her fists clenched, before letting out a hiss:

"Can't you both just shut up! It's not funny, why do you have to be so mean? You're acting like Slytherins, it's . . . it's just cruel!" The common room was dead silent as a side to Ginny that Saffron had never seen before came out. "You both deserve to be in Slytherin because you're nasty, so just leave me alone,"

With that, Ginny seemed to realise that every single person in the common room was watching her eagle-eyed. Fred and George were staring at her as she had turned into a three-headed dog, Ron dropped his quill and Saffron clasped her hand over her mouth. The look of horror on Ginny's face could have made Saffron cry then and there, as Ginny did cry moments later and sprinted up to the common room.


Nobody spoke for a good few moments after that. The silence was broken by Saffron who got up out of her seat, picked up the books Ginny had thrown and packed the girls bag with the utensils she had been using for homework. She then made her way up to the girl's dormitories and it was only then that she heard a rush of chatter amidst the common room.

Saffron's heart was beating at a rapid pace. She wasn't entirely sure that she was the right person to speak to Ginny after such a traumatic experience for her. But she wasn't sure who else would speak to her. If she was to put herself into Ginny's position, she knew that she wouldn't be too willing to speak to either of her sisters, just her brother if the occasion warranted it. Hence, maybe Ginny needed to hear from a female rather than a male. Besides, her brothers couldn't even reach her if they wanted to, no boy would be able to get up to the girls dormitories due to the ancient enchantments placed on them.

For the past two years, Saffron had watched Fred and George mock and tease Ron in front of everybody else. Never had he had such a reaction. Ginny hadn't either, meaning that something was probably seriously wrong with Ginny. Evidently, it had not been her day. Fred and George had crossed the line, plain and simple.

When Saffron knocked on the door and asked if she could come in, she heard sniffles and a frantic movement from within the room. Ginny was clearly trying to fix herself before letting anybody in.

"Okay, Saffron,"

Saffron pushed open the door and closed it tightly behind her. She walked over to Ginny's position on her bed and stood in front of her with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Are you doing alright, Ginny? I --- I, well I didn't want to leave you by yourself, unless, of course, you want to be by yourself,"

Ginny was hidden behind her pillow and messy red hair alike. She sniffled loudly again and considered the matter for a few moments. Until, finally, she said, "No, it's okay,"

Saffron took a seat next to her on the edge of the girl's bed. "I hope you know that everybody agrees with what you said,"

"They do?" Ginny sounded suspicious, sniffling louder now. Her words became spaced out, as she took exasperatedly breaths between each one. "Everybody. . . loves. . . Fred . . and . . . George,"

"Just because everyone likes them doesn't mean they agree with what they were doing," Saffron informed her. She was doing her best to calm Ginny down and let her know that she wouldn't be judged for what had gone on downstairs. Whether or not that was true, Saffron couldn't be sure, she leaned more on the side of it not being true due to the climate of gossip in Hogwarts. But Ginny didn't need to know that. "Someone had to tell them to stop if you hadn't of told them, I probably would have told them myself,"


"I . . . feel . . . awful," panted Ginny. Carefully, Saffron placed one hand on the younger girls knee, listening to what she had to say. "It's all my fault, all my fault,"

"It's no one's fault, Ginny," Saffron assured her pitifully. "If it's anyone's fault, it's theirs, you shouldn't feel too bad about it. They're your brothers, after all, they're not going to hold it against you for too long. I think they're going to be more impressed with what good aim you've got, maybe think that the Beaters position is in good hands once they leave school,"

"I didn't want to hurt anyone," Ginny didn't have any more tears rolling down her face. She just let out angry tearless sighs after every sentence, as a way of catching her breath. Her eyes suddenly widened. "Is Harry angry with me?"

Saffron shook her head in disbelief. "Why would you think that?" Of course, he's not,"

"He-- he left the common room,"

"Oh, I, well I don't think he liked what Fred and George were singing either," Saffron said uncomfortably. "He wasn't angry with you at all, I don't even think he thinks that you sent that poem to him,"

Ginny let out a moan, squirming at what she had done. "It was me, I just wanted to try," She sighed. "I'll never be able to look at him again,"

"Don't be silly," replied Saffron firmly. "Harry won't think twice about it. Most boys are stupid when it comes to things like that, they don't notice how any of us feel about them. The ones we like don't see that we like them for ages. The ones we don't like to think we like them. It's weird, but I think that it's okay that it's weird. Besides, you're too young for any of that anyway and so am I. Not that it would matter with me, I'm just stupid with love,"

Saffron knew very little of that. She felt like she was just telling Ginny what Lavender had told her. Ultimately, the only part she felt sure about was that she was indeed stupid with love.

"Hopefully he won't remember," Ginny said into her pillow, before sitting up straighter against the wall in her bed.

"I've had the same thing happen to me," Saffron was lying, as the example she was about to use had nothing to do with love or lust or anything of the sort. But she was going to use it in order to try and relate to Ginny. If she could make her feel even slightly better, then bending the truth ever so slightly wasn't going to do any harm. "There's this one boy who I met on Halloween last year, and I made the worst first impression ever because I ran into him,"


Saffron nodded with a grin. "Literally ran into him. Anyway, it only got worse from there. Any time I saw him, I didn't say anything to him. I just pretended that it never happened. Then this one time in Astronomy, I accidentally knocked my telescope over and it managed to roll out over the Astronomy tower. Long story short, he sort of caught it then dropped it again and I ended up getting the telescope to the face and he almost fell over the Astronomy tower,"

Ginny looked at the older girl with shock. "He must have been really angry,"

"That's what I thought too," said Saffron. "But he wasn't, later that night he said he wanted us to be friends, or to try and be friends. Which was lucky, because I would have hated if I never could have tried with him. Even if it's just a friend or Valentine," Saffron grinned in Ginny's direction. "What I'm trying to say is that it never would have happened if I didn't let myself try, and you tried, Ginny, I think that that's better than doing nothing at all,"

"I-- I guess," Ginny looked unconvinced. The expression on the face of the girl told Saffron that there was something more than just boy drama.

"Are boys the only thing you're having problems with?" Saffron asked her carefully. Her statement of boys not noticing love seemed to correlate to people not noticing or addressing the issues that Ginny was clearly facing. "You can tell me if you want, Ginny, I can keep it between us,"

Ginny stared at Saffron. For a moment, Saffron thought that Ginny was going to tell her. But that moment ended when Ginny looked away determinedly. "I can't tell you,"

Saffron pouted, sad that Ginny couldn't bring herself to look at her or tell her what was wrong. "I know this year must be harder than you than most people, especially with Colin . . . and I'm guessing you might have known Emilia too. It sucks that this one had to be your first one, Rachel and Rowan have found it stressful too. But it's only a matter of time before this heir nonsense is over, they'll catch whoever it is in no time, I'm sure of it,"

Those words of measurement only seemed to make Ginny more upset. The girl looked back at Saffron, her lip trembling and what she did next surprised Saffron. For, Ginny hugged her. Saffron just let Ginny wrap her arms around her. Eventually, she returned the hug and just let Ginny have that emotional release for a few moments. Until, finally, she let go.

"I don't know what to do anymore," Ginny let out a cry, and the tears came rushing down her face again. "It so scary,"

"I know," Saffron rubbed her back. "I know,"

But to put it lightly, Saffron knew nothing.

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