《Treacherous | Hermione Granger Book II》|39| Chapter Thirty-Nine



t what happened to Olly and Emilia, Amanda hurried Saffron and Luna and brought them directly back to the hospital wing. All Saffron could remember from the few minutes that followed was her gripping Luna's hand tightly and having Amanda give them constant reassurances until they made their way to the hospital wing.

Once there, both she and Luna were given some sort of serum for their shock and sat on two chairs that Professor McGonagall had conjured out of thin air for them. It was only then that Saffron could think clearly again.

She saw it coming. She did. As soon as she found out that Olly and Emilia weren't in the hospital wing, she felt confident that something had happened to them. But that didn't make it even slightly easier, as seeing the lifeless bodies containing a ghost of a scream Emilia had evidently gone to let out and the confused look on Olly's face etched on it, unmoving, gave her shivers down her body. It was sickening.

What made her feel even sicker was the arrivals of Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout, who, alongside Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Madam Pomfrey and Amanda looked for an explanation from their point of view as to what happened in their final moments as they left the Duelling Club. All the while, the adults studied the bodies with intent, trying to discover anything they could about how they had gotten petrified.

Snape seemed particularly convinced that Saffron and Luna were leaving details out of their story.

"It's like I said," said Saffron, exhaustedly, not taking her eyes off of the bodies, her hand still gripped tightly in Lunas. "Emilia wasn't feeling great, and Olly didn't feel too good either, so he said that wanted to go to the hospital wing to get something for his head and would take Emilia with him,"


"And yet you decided not to go with them," said Snape in an inquisitive manner. Saffron point blank refused to look at him. Why would she exclude details from the story? "Why?"

"Because he said he'd be okay---" Saffron's voice broke and with it so did the block that was keeping her emotions inside of her. She finally let go of Luna's hands and buried her face in her arms.

"Now, now, Severus," squeaked Professor Flitwick eyeing Saffron and Luna with pity. "Miss Mitchell and Miss Lovegood are giving us no reason to doubt their story," He paused and looked down at the Olly and Emilia, who were covered in blankets up to their faces, which still had their last emotions written across their faces. He frowned and Saffron peaked through her arms to see that he was genuinely upset. "I believe it's prudent that I inform Mr. Jowett and Miss Kallantars' parents,"

"Are you sure that's for the best?" Professor Sprout asked hesitantly. "They might wish for them to be returned home like the Creevey boys parents,"

"They must know what's happened to their children, Pomona," said Professor McGonagall, shaking her head. She turned to Professor Flitwick. "Ensure you make it clear why they must remain in the school, Filius," Her head turned towards the bed with curtains around it, that obviously belonged to Colin. "If my experience is anything to go off, they prefer when you are frank with them,"

"Thank you, Minerva," said Professor Flitwick. He then addressed Luna. "I will escort you back to your dormitory, Miss Lovegood," He then spoke to the adults again. "Whoever it suits the most should do likewise with Miss Mitchell, after this, every precaution must be put in place,"


"I will," offered Professor Sprout. "I suspect Albus would like to consult in you two, Minerva, Severus,"

Professor McGonagall smiled at her appreciably while Snape merely nodded.

Luna stood up from her chair first and stood still until Saffron did the same. To Saffron's surprise, she waited because she wanted to take her into a hug. When she did so, Saffron couldn't help but let another tear out of her eye. The night had taken such a toll on her emotionally. With seeing Harry talk to a snake, believing he could be the Heir of Slytherin, to seeing Olly and Emilia get petrified and dealing with the sadness that brought onto her. She felt like she had been through the wringer. But Luna had been with her every step of the way and Saffron appreciated that immeasurably.

When Luna let go of her, Saffron laughed tearily as Luna held onto her shoulders. The younger girl wiped the tear off of her cheek and told her calmly:

"You have a lovely smile, Olly thinks so and I think so too," Saffron loved that Luna didn't care that all of the adults were watching them. It was a part of her charm and what Saffron wished she had. But for those few moments, she felt like she did have it. "And I don't think he'd want you to cry about this, he'd want you to smile,"

Saffron didn't actually have to force a smile. It was raw and a product of the comfort Luna was providing her with.

They were interrupted by a cough.

Professor Sprout had cleared her throat. "If you're ready, Miss Mitchell,"

Saffron blinked and nodded. She looked over her shoulder to see Amanda, who merely offered her a nod. But the nod had meaning and that was all Saffron needed.

After that, she spared one last glance in Olly's direction. Who would have thought that after almost running into him in the owlery on Halloween of last year that he would now mean so much to her that she would be reduced to tears and be consoled by a girl she had met only that day? Certainly not her. Seeing him like that fuelled her more than ever, with the aim of interrogating Malfoy and finding out who was behind the mystery that was the Chamber of Secrets. She owed it to not only Olly but to Emilia, Colin and why not throw Mrs. Norris in there too, to put her everything into ending the monster within the Chamber of Secrets.

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