《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》A Difficult Choice


"Jay, can I talk to you about something?" you ask.

Jay gets up from whatever invention he's working on right now. "Sure, y/n. What is it?"

"Well..." you hesitate, trying to decide how to phrase what you're about to say. "I...I'm going to drop out of college and come back here."

"You mean you're going to be a ninja after all?" Jay asks excitedly. "Y/n, that's great! We can clean out a room for you and you can stay here in the monastery—"

You cut him off by holding up your hands. "No, I didn't say that. I meant what I said about the ninja life not being for me. But there are so many incredible things I could do with my powers and the things you've taught me...I can't waste all that by going to college and studying astronomy. Besides, meeting Slithraa and all...it was kind of fun. I liked making friends with him. That's what I want to do. I want to make friends and be able to explore and travel. And I'll have awesome powers on my side, so no one can mess with me."

Jay's face falls a bit when you tell him that you still aren't planning on becoming a ninja. But it lights up again when he sees how passionate you are about what you're saying.

"That's great, y/n!" he cheers. "Oh, but you'll come back and visit a lot, right? And maybe you can still join us on missions every once in a while, just for fun. But wait, hang on. Why do you look nervous?"

You twist your hands together nervously. "What do I tell my brothers? They worked really hard so I could go to college, and now I'm going to just throw that all away."


Jay frowns thoughtfully, then leans forward and looks you right in the eye. "Do you want to keep going to college?"

"No. I just told you that."

Your boyfriend spreads his arms. "Then tell them that. Tell them it's just not right for you. They might get mad at first, but when they calm down they'll understand. You should have seen Kai when Nya and I first started going out...um, sorry," he adds glancing sheepishly at you. "Touchy subject."

"It's fine," you smile at him. "Nya and I are past that now. Just remember that you're dating me and we'll be fine."

Jay almost falls out of his chair. "Wait, wait, when did you become friends with Nya?"

You pause. "Wait, did I not tell you about that yet?" Jay shakes his head. "Okay, then you'd better sit down. Boy, do I have a story to tell you..."

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