《«One Mind» (Ninjago x Reader)》SPECIAL


"So this is where he was?"

Her e/c wander around the view. Though, some houses are burned, some stay still.

Ready or not, to find the truth, she has come. Come to find her father. Y/n walks along the road while enjoying the scenery of the people, harvesting a lot of tomatoes, chilis, and the list goes on.

Everyone seems peaceful in this place. Not even one cry is heard. As she finally arrives in front of a small house, she gathers all of her courage and knocks on the door.

She knocks twice until someone opens the door. "Oh, you've grown so big! Y/n, come on in!" A man exclaims. She nods her head and walks in.

As she's served by the man, she sits on the small couch. It seems so lively in the house.

As the man pours the tea on her cup, he carefully lands the tea in front of her. "Enjoy."


"Ajax." He continues for her. Y/n nods her head. "Uhm, Ajax. My goal to meet you is to—"

"Ask about your father."

She nods her head again. She's not surprised if he knows. "Your father is a great person. Everything became peaceful when he stepped in along with his wife. They were supposed to enjoy a new life together. Thanks to his power, he defeated some nusicanse and saved the village."

His gaze turns into worries as she stops a little bit. "But suddenly, an unknown creature threatens to kill you when you're just a baby to make them machines and stuff."

"One day, a fire started to spread around the village. We assumed it must be that skeleton creature. I told him to run, but he..."

"Insisted on staying and saved the village."


"Did he succeed?" Y/n asks curiously. The man shakes his head. "We don't know where the ice came from, but it froze the village. He didn't have time to rescued himself and soon, a building fell on top of him."

A silence.

No voices from two of them.

Just a small sadness and shock. "H-he died?"

Ajax nods his head. He lets out a bitter laugh. "But that's all in the past!"

She knows he's sad as well. "Oh, and. He left something for you."

Ajax takes out the paper and.. a teddy bear? He hands it to Y/n.

Dear, my little princess, Y/n,

I'm sorry I can't escape and watch you run to school with a happy face. I'm sorry I can't help you with homework. I'm sorry I can't read you a bedtime. Sorry I can't do anything at all. I love you and I can't tell you how much I love you. If I ever got the chance to return, I'll do anything for it. I'm sorry, Y/n. I love you, I really do. I know how much you love your teddy so I managed to get one for you.

If you read this, I hope you'll grow into a good, beautiful, and smart girl. Be a good girl for your mom and me, okay? Listen to your mom what she says and make sure to eat your dinner thrice a day. Do your homework if you have one. Don't do anything bad and have a lot of friends, okay? Take shower twice a day, read a book, and I'm sure you'll become a lovely girl. I'm sorry, Y/n. I really love you. I love you so much I had to do wierd things just to keep you safe. Not even a word can explain. Just remember this..


Nothing stays and nothing stand still. They'll soon be all gone and left you with nothing. The past is the past. Your problem will be gone soon enough.



Y/n inhales the air. Her hands are shaking. She tighten her grip to the teddy bear. What a wierd feeling.

Overwhelming feeling swarms her. Why? She barely remembers everything about her father. Just why?

And with that, she leaves the village and says goodbye to the man.


Y/n lets out a sigh after she strerches hed body. "A letter from Lloyd!"

She takes the letter and reads it.

Dear Y/n,

How you doing? We're a teacher now. Turns out, just like you said, it isn't easy to be one. The kids keep on messing with Zane. But how are you doing? Are you doing fine? Cause, we are! But not totally. The kids can be quite a pain. But it'll be fun if you keep being with them. Oh, I'll write a letter to you again later, see you!


Nya, Ninjas, and Sensei Wu


/n chuckles a little bit. Turns out Nya is still the odd ones out.

She runs to the desk and takes out a paper. Her hand scribbles down the paper as she starts to play with the words.

Dear the ninjas, Nya, and Wu,

-The End

I wanna say thank you for everyone who has been supporting me through out the story. I'm sorry if I delayed too much and I made you guys worried about the book. But here's the ending. I'm also sorry I didn't make you guys stay with the ninjas.

And I've skipped a lot. Damn- I'm sorry. I feel like crying in happiness because of how much support you all gave me. I'm looking forward to write again with all of you!

Thank you so much!! (And if one of you guys tried to guess about my nationality in The Blacksmith chapter, I'm not Singaporean nor Malaysian. I was educated at Singaporean school so that's how I talk-)

I learnt so much about writing and I'm trying to find a time to edit some of my grammar mistakes. Thank you very much! I can't say thanks to each of you, (there's hundreds of you)

I can't say thank you enough!! I hope you enjoyed my little early chirtmas gift!

I can't believe that this is my last chapter. I wanna say special thanks to my friends for cheering me on and giving me inspirations.

I also wanna say special thanks to all of you readers who supported, follow, vote, and so on! It was indeed quite a stressful but fun year! (Minus the covid) I went through so much troubles but those troubles remind me that, there are some of the readers out there who will still support me! So i'm greatful for that!

Stay safe!! And goodbye!! See you in the next project!!

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