《«One Mind» (Ninjago x Reader)》Rise & The Day Of The Great Devourer


Yes, I mixed these two episodes become one.

Insta: multi_cheese_yin

Twitter: YinzyY

I'll be sharing some infos in both of the account.

Hope you enjoy!

You wake up and stretch your body. You don't know where Lloyd is and start to get worry. "Lloyd!" you called.

But no reply at all. You sigh and walk around the bounty. "Lloyd!" Youc alled once again but gain no answer. But you hear a familiar voice, a loud one.

Jay Walker.

You walked to the kitchen and found Jay inside, while eating a sandwich. "Where's Lloyd?" you asked. Jay shakes his head and keeps his focus on to the sandwich.

"I don't know, he's probably busy with trainning and such. You don't need to nurse him all the time."

You sigh and walk over to the table. "Sandwich?" Jay offered you. You nod your head and take a piece of sandwich. "What about Nya?" you asked.

"She's inside the bounty controler room." Jay answered and start to eat his sandwich. You stand up from your sit and walk around.

The weather is very bad. A lot of thunderstorms keep raging on. The bounty is kinda shaky and keep on tilting.

You see Cole, struggling with walking straight. You sigh and take a bucket near you then walk over to Cole. "Need some assist?" you offered.

Cole nods and takes the bucket and starts throwing up inside the bucket. "Thanks." Cole thanked and hand the bucket back to you.

You look at the bucket in disgust and shake your hands away. "How 'bout you keep the bucket incase you need it again." You offered instead.

Cole nods in agreement and throw away what's inside the bucket. "You should get some rest." You offered and see Cole is about to throw up again.

"Yep, maybe I'm just dizzy and to tired." Cole replied and continue to throw up again. You sigh and shake your head and start walking away.

You see Zane being busy with his bird (I forgot the scene. I'm so sorry) and decide to walk over to him. "What are you doing?" you asked.

"Oh, hello (Y/n). Did you get a nice sleep?" Zane asked politley. You nod and sit infront of him. "What are you doing?" you repeated.

"I'm just checking my friend right here." Zane answered and let the bird stand on his arm. You nod your head and decide to ask about Lloyd.

"Where's Lloyd?" you asked. The first priority is Lloyd's and the bounty's safety. "I'm not very sure." Zane replied and is still busy with his bird. You mutter a thanm you for Zane and leave.

You walk around the bounty. You see Kai is walking to the kitchen. "Have you seen-"

"Lloyd, he's inside the training room, probably." Kai finished your sentence. "Thank you." You replied and walk over to the controler room. "Masster."

You hear a voice, calling you. You know very well. "Willow." You muttered. "Where are you?" you asked. "Overss here."

You walk over to the vase and you see Willow's head peeking out. You reach out your hand to Willow. "What's wrong?" you asked.

"Sssomeone isss here." Willow wishpered. "Today, is it?" you asked her. Willow nods her head slowly. You nod your head and ask Willow to go back.

Willow disapeared from your sight and has gone to somewhere else. You feel someone's bump. You face behind but see no one. You're starting to worry about Lloyd.



You heard someone's screaming. A child voice. You know who's that. You run over to the trainning room and see Lloyd being tied up.

"Lloyd!" you called and run over to him. You take off the rope and pull the tape that was covering his mouth. "Are you okay?" you asked in worry. He nods his head and stands up. "The sepertine is here!" He informed.

"Yes, I know. Let's go informed the others."

You both run away from the room and start searching for Nya and the others. "Someone is here!" you announced. Kai looks over to you with a disbelieve face.

"Well, where is he, now?" Kai demaned. You walk over to Kai and pinch his spiky hair. "Shut up, Porcupine. And that's why, we're going to search for the sepertine." you said and pull Kai's hair.

Others start to follow where you're going. You opened the room where the fangblades were kept. But, there are no fangblades at all. You see a sepertine, stealing the fangblade.

Pythor hissed and jumped down from the bounty. You quickly take out your arrow and aim it at him. It hits him, but it doesn't impact Pythor.

Pythor dissapears and you put down the bow. "Why didn't it impact him?!" complained Jay. You rolled your eyes and take out somekind of remote. You give it to Nya.

"Get this on."


You stay at the bounty to take care. You can't join them. You sigh as you sit down instead and decide to meditate.

"Try something else if you want some money to see your daughter!"

A woman sighs as she nods her head. "Yes, sir." The woman walks away with somemind of technology prject. You see it. It's clear. That woman looks a little bit like you. The woman gets out. She stares at a locket revaling a picture of you two.

"I'm sorry, but that's okay! I'll find you wherever you are." The woman smiles. A pity and painful smile. She regrets everything that ever happened. She wishes that she can go back time and fixes everything.

But unfortunatley, that won't fix something without any power. The woman walks away. You follow her, feeeling curious. The woman sits down on her chair once she arrives to her apartment.

A sparkling blue comes out from her hand. A snake creature crawls to her. "Willow...?" You asked dumbfoubded. "Willow!" You called. But of course, no one can hear you.

Well, except for Willow. Willow crawls to you. "She'ssss your mother..." Willow said through telepathy. Your eyes wide open and started to scream you run to your mother. Some memories start to crawl back.


You open your eyes. 'Mom...' you tought. You look around. Memories start to haunt you down.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

The woman smiles as she bows down. "I'm working for us." She said. You sigh and walk away. "If you don't like working like this, then just stop." You convinced. Of course, it won't work.

"We're just a slave." You pointed out. You knew everything about this. The truth that both of you are nothing but slaves. The woman stopped her actions as she turned to you. She cupped your cheeks. "No, no...what do you wanna be?" She asked.

You toughht for a while. "I wanna be a hero! A hero that saves Ninjago and you!" You exclaimed to your mother while opening your arms open wide. "And then, we'll get out and I'll beat the hell out from the one who enslaved us!" You added.


"So that's the memory..." you sighed as you look to your hand. "But who enslaved us..?" You wondered. One answer can lead to many questions. A few mimutes later, you've been called by the ninjas to bring the bounty to them.

You quickly run to the bounty room and did what as told. The ninjas went inside and quickly stayed inside the bounty as they hurried you to drive the bounty away.

"So you all failed to get back the fangblades?!" You exclaimed. Jay let out a nervous laugh. "We failed because of these smart and kind snakes that wanted kill all of us!!" Jay exclaimed while being sarcastic. "No need for the sarcas, Jay." Zane replied.

"Can't this go any faster?" Nya asked. "It's the full speed!" You answered as you tried to drive faster. The button was pressed but it doesn't bring you any faster.

"Hurry, hurry up!" Hurried Jay. "Shut up! I'm trying!!" You replied. It's annoying when you have to be in the same bounty with Jay. But you realise something. Something or someone is missing.

"Where's Sensei Wu?" You asked while keeping your eyes straight froward and focused. No one answered until Zane speaks up. "It doesn't matter now. We'll explain it to you later." Zane said.

You nod your head but you hear something from behind. "What is that?" You asked. "What's what?" Jay asked as he laughs nervously.

You don't know about the Great Devourer had been successfully summoned. The bounty alarms. "We need to get out of here."

After a while..

You all are hiding under a cave. "So you all failed to return the blades and now..." you're very mad and furious. What if something happens to Lloyd? They all sighs.

You walk away from your hiding spots. The Devourer sees you as it is ready to attack you. But you don't budge or run away, instead giving a stern look and raise a hand infront of the Devourer.

"What is she doing?!" Jay exclaimed. "She's buying us some times!" Kai informed. Zane shakes his head. "No, look!" Zane said as he points at you.

Shade of purples are surrounding you. Why are you chasing us? What did we do to you?

The Devourer roars.

You all woken me. I'm starving after my thousand years of sleep.

We're not the on who woke you up. Just stay calm and we'll get through this, okay?

The Devourer roars more louder.

No!! I don't care who woke me up. But seeing all of you, I'm feeling hungry, so don't get into this. Or you'll be my next victim, daughter of Aisah.

You stopped for a while.

Aisah...? That's my mother's name? How did you...

I was the on who helped her in a lot of hard times. She was the one who protected me during the war. But I heard she was enslaved and has a kid.

You stop all sudden. The shades stop. You're back to the reality. You walk near to the Devourer. "Aisah...?" You mumbled under your breath.

The Devourer nods it's head and ready to eat you. You look to it's forehead as it shown a sparkly green. The Devourer opens it's mouth


Things go dark and black. It is slimy.

You're eaten by the Devourer. It's very cold. You're swallowed by the Devourer as now you slide to the stomach. You see Wu is sitting there with a tea. "Sensei..." you called.

Wu looks up as he put on the usual calm face. "Hello, Y/n. I see you got eaten by the Devourer as well." Sensei greeted. You nod your head as you sit beside Sensei.

"Want some tea? You have a lot in your minds." Wu offered. You nod your head. "Sensei."

Wu hums in response. "Is it true that my mother protected the Devourer during the war?" You asked. Wu sighs. He gives you the rea and puts his hand at your back in a aussring way.

"Unfortuantley, yes. Your mother, Aisah protected the Devourer. I see you regained some memories." Wu replied. You're queit. "But why?" You asked. Wu smiles as he looks at you.

"Be proud of the past.

Hold your present.

Look forward to the future."

(That's from Master Cheng Yen, the one who builds Tzu Chi Center)

You turn your head and nod his head. "Please tell me how my mother is." You asked.

Wu nods his head.

"There was a war between sepertine and humans of Ninjago. Your mother was the Master Of Creatures as she can controls the creatures, talk, and lend them their power. The sepertine wanted to summoned the Great Devourer, but your mother protected it. Because of greatfullness, the Devourer helped your mother from time to time. One day, your mother dissapeared with a baby. She didn't come to say goodbye to The Devourer. The Devourer turned anrgy and swore it won't protect the next genertion unless if your mother come to see it and talk to it. But she never did." Wu explained.

You sighed as you look to your hands. "Say, how many powers have you unlocked?" Wu asked.

"I can see what happened to other people while meditating if I think of them. I can talk to some creatures, that's all."

"Can you summone them?"

You look at Wu. "Just like few days ago, you summoned Willow and unlocked her true form." Wu said. You give a nod at Wu remembering the incident. "Now, we just need to wait for the ninjas." Wu said.

You nod your head and drink the tea. "Is there any wat to delete our past?" You asked on sudden. Wu looks at you. He smiles calmly. "The past can brings you to the history. But the present can brings you to the future." He said wisely.

"Garmadon, have I wver worked for him?"

"I may seemed like a wise man. But that doesn't mean I know everything in this world." Wu replied. You let out a small chuckle. "Sorry, but I feel like I ever heard that line from somewhere before..." you muttered.

A blur vision of a guy comes to your mind. You sigh since you don't know who that was.

A few hours of talking together with Wu, the Devourer is destroyed but Garmadon. "Sensei! Y/n!" The ninjas call out. They all run to hug both of you. "I'm so glad both of you are okay!"

"Y/n..." Lloyd muttered. You lower down to be the same level as Lloyd. Lloyd is about to cry as he sees you. "I'm not dead. See? I'm alright." You comforted him.

You won't say "don't cry" or "you're a boy, don't cry." Or "you're the green ninja, don't cry." Is because you know, everyone, not even gender, status, hero or not may cry. It doesn't have to the weak ones who cry, or the girls. Boys and heroes can cry.

You hug him and rub his back. "Congratulations for your father and all of the ninjas and Nya." You said.

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