《«One Mind» (Ninjago x Reader)》Never Trust A Snake


Jay offer his parents to stay in the bounty for a while so as (Y/n) and Lloyd.

(Y/n) can't sleep that night as she decide to go out wearing her hood and mask around her face.

“Isn't it lovely?”

“All alone?”

“Heart made of glass, my mind of stone..”

“Tear me to pieces, skin to bone..”

“Hello, welcome home..”

You sing alone and start to hum the rest part. You didn't realise someone is there hearing the whole part of your singing.


You look over to see someone shocked. You look around as you notice who is it. “That was really great..” Cole says as he come closer to you.

You hummed in response. “Thanks.”

“Why are hear alone?” Cole asked rubbing his eyes. “I can't sleep.” you reply calmly.

“Oh.. Well, I never really get your name.. What's your name?” Cole asked you.

“My name is (Y/n).”

“Oh, nice to meet you. Where do you came from?” Cole asked.

You look at him “Earth.” you reply honestly. Cole face palmed. “I meant.. Like, where do you come from.”

Cole look at you curiously.

“I don't know.” you reply looking down.

“I don't remember who am I. I don't remember where I came from or who's my family..” you reply honestly.

Cole sigh and patt your back in ressuring way. “I'm sorry..”

“Food always make me feel better. Wanna grab one?” Cole offered you.

You nod as you stand up walking to the kitchen together with Cole.


You sat on a table as you find a couple smiling to you. “Good morning.” they greet. You reply with a small wave and make your way to the cabin to take the cereal and the milk in the fridge.

“How was your sleep honey?” Edna ask you sweetly. “It's great.” you said.

After you eat your breakfast, you tried to find Lloyd.

“Lloyd.. Lloyd! LLOYD!” You start to shout his name as he went missing. You start to panic. “Where is that kid?” you ask to yourself.

Nya see you. “What's wrong?” Nya start to ask you. “I can't find Lloyd..” you tell her.

Nya sigh and bring you to her room to have a small conversation with you.



After the junkyard is clear, the ninjas bring Ed and Edna back to their place.

The ninjas have their morning train as they talk to each other about the dream that Zane had.

Wu look over to the ninjas as he come to Kai and pulled his hair.

“Ow ow..” Kai groaned.

“What's so important to ignore my teachings?” Wu asked.

“It was nothing sensei.”

“We didn't talk while you're teaching. ”

“Everyone's paying attention.”

They all lied to their sensei. “Since all of you appear to have a lack of focus, you all can share the same punishment.” Wu said strictly.


“You sure you can't remember anything?” Nya asked you. You nod your head.

“Yes.. All I know is that I wake up in a beach and a broken boat is infront of me.” you said squinting your eyes to remember that time.

“Hm.. What else do you know?” Nya asked you.

You shook your head. “That's the last thing I remember.”

“Hm, may I saw your bag please?” Nya asked. You nod as you take your bag and give her to see.

“Hm.. a novel, a shuriken, hm.. Oh? What's this?” Nya asked as she take out.

It's a amulet. A purple and a stone carved shape.

“How beautiful..” Nya compliment the amulet.

You hold the amulet as it start to shine. “Oh my god..” Nya exclaim.

I wa-want yo—u to br—ing me the gold—en wea–pons (Y/n)!

It shows a small hologram of Lord Garmadon.

“What the..” Nya muttered.

“You use to work for him?” Nya asked you. You raise your shoulder. “I-I don't know. Who is this guy..” you tell her the truth.

“He's Lord Garmadon. He's Lloyd's dad. The king of shadows. Well, he's evil person.” Nya said telling you.

You hold the other side of the carve as it show another hologram. It shows you lying on the beach, pale skin, tired face.

I—if y–o–u see this thi—ng my futu—re me.. I do-n't kn—know If I'll make it out alive..

If y-you see this, ple—ase live o-on your life. Mo-m a-and da-d ar.. Are..

You look at the amulet curiously as it keep on breaking. Suddenly it went off.

“Mom and dad? What?” you asked curiously to yourself. You sighed as you keep the amulet to your bag. “I wonder what has happen..” Nya said.


“Y-yeah..” you said.

It's really close to know who's your parents, who are you, where do you came from.

You look down as Nya tap your back. “It's oke, we'll find your memory soon.”

The both of you step outside only to find them disscusing about something.

“What's the best way to defeat an enemy?” Jay mutter as Wu stand infront of them waiting for their answer.

Wu sigh as he go away. “Oh, I know.” you said out loud on purpose. “What is it?” Jay asked you begging for answer.

“I ain't telling you.” you reply coldly.


You and the ninjas arrive at the Darkley School for Bad Kids. “What the heck is this school about?” you ask to yourself.

But the scene look so calm and peaceful not until..


You sigh as you heard Jay's plan. “I'm going.” you said.

“No.. This is a official ninja bussnise.” Kai said holding you back.

“Well, I don't really.. Whoops.." you said as you stand by the anchor.

“Hit it Nya!” Jay said as they all get down.

“AAAHHH!!” the ninjas shout.

“ you shout.

They all arrived. “Let's not do that again!” One of them swear.

Cole take of the rope that tied the kids. “Stay out of the school kids.” Cole said as they all run away.

Kai look at two samukai. “Well, well, well.. Krunchal and Nuckal. A subsitute teacher eh? If I cut you down, I better not catching you hanging out in Ninjago again!” Cole said threatening them. They both nod in fear.

Cole smiled and untie them. “Good.”

Jay walked inside the elevator as he relaxed himself.

You sigh as you use a stair. You can't really know how to use a elevator so instead, you use the stair.

You run up as fast as you could. You finally found Lloyd and Pythor.

“Watch out booby traps! He got the sepertine with him!” Cole warned them.

“And a big one..” Jay muttered.

You run up to catch Lloyd but then you just got tied by a rope from your foot as you hanged up.

“Come on! Now? Are you testing my patience Lloyd?” you ask to Lloyd who look at you feeling guilty.

Jay start to fight with Pythor as Pythor snatch a map behind Lloyd.

“” Pythor say.

He ran of become invisible. You sigh as you take on arrow from your back and you the pointy part and start to cut down slowly.

“Get us of here Lloyd and Jay!” Kai demand.

They all release them as they went back to the bounty.

You walked into your shared bedroom with Lloyd. “(Y/n)..” Lloyd called out your name.


“Are you mad at me?” Lloyd asked. You stay silence and sigh. “A little.. Running of like that. ” you said letting it all out.

Lloyd look at you in guilty. “I'm sorry..” he say. Just as Wu came in holding a bed time storybook.

“Would you mind if I read the book for him?” Wu asked you politley.

You step out finding the ninjas were watching at Lloyd and Wu. “It's impolite to watch someone.” you say as you walk past through them.


“And that's why Jake the rabit never trust a snake.” Wu said finishing off closing his book.

“If father first read me that book, I would never do that kind of mistake. I'm sorry uncle.” Llpyd said as he fell asleep.

Wu smiled as he went outside. “What?! He get to read that bedtime story while we have to trained?!” Cole protest.

“I almost forgot. Why are you not training? Pherhaps you already found the answer to my riddle.” Wu said.

“No sensei.. We don't know the answer to your riddle.” Kai said looking down.

“The best way to defeat your enemy is to make them your friend.” Wu said as he left.

The ninjas look at each other.


You get inside the room once there is no one else in the room except for Lloyd. You smile and sleep on the floor next to him.

'Who am I?'


Ahh.. So good to be back..

I think I'll update every Saturday till Sunday.

New story at Saturday and Sunday. (Doesn't mean I'll upload every Sunday and Saturday)

Do you like it? I know I skip some scene cause I happen to frogot them.

Thx for reading!🤗


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