《Missing - A Ninjago Lava Fanfiction - Sequel to Back to the Beginning [STOPPED]》~ V ~
My conscious started to come back. A distant beep repetitively went off far away and muffled, sounding like my alarm clock for Sunrise Exercise. Slowly I opened my eyes. It took a while to realize where I was, and all I could remember was pain.
Multiple wires were connected to my body, checking my heart rate, breathing, and other things. I guess the girls and guys took me back to the monastery infirmary. A white line of glittering moonlight filtered through the window. Dust particles sparkled like glitter underneath the light. It added a peaceful feeling to the room, and the small window seemed to be enough to illuminate the small hospital room.
I touched my temple, remembering the head injury I'd gotten. It was bandaged and cleaned. My gi was taken off, and I was only in my boxers. My exposed chest was covered in bruises and small cuts. I looked at my shoulder, remembering the gunshot injury. It was healing quickly, a thick scab covering the raw skin.
Cole's soft snoring took me down to my feet where he laid with his hands and head on the hospital bed. Half of his other body was on the floor. It didn't look comfortable. Is hair sparkled in the moonlight, his breathing steady and slow. Though it was winter, his tanned skin still contrasted against the white hospital sheets, deep and smooth. He was wearing his favorite Linkin Park sweatshirt and some red, plaid pajama pants, probably mine.
I sat up, but instantly regretted it. My head still throbbed with pain, and it spun making me dizzy.
"Jeezus." I muttered. Reaching my hand over to Cole, I stroked his hair and softly shook him awake. "Cole."
He grumbled and opened his eyes halfway. "No this is my cake..."
I rolled my eyes and shook him harder. "Cole!"
Suddenly, be woke with a jump and made my heart rate raise. "Whoever touches Kai will get cake smashed in their face!" he flailed his arms in all directions, eyes closed.
I chuckled. "Cole that was me."
He opened his eyes and looked behind. A smile tugged at his lips.
"Oh good, you're awake. How's your head?"
"Uhh it's good, I guess." I touched it again. "How long was I out for?"
He sighed. "Couple hours. Got home at about 11:30 and now," he looked at the clock, it's second hand ticking away in the silent room. "it's 1:27. Zane said you had a moderate concussion."
From a glass jar full of cotton? He must've thrown it harder than I felt.
"Oh." I said sadly. "I feel bad for not catching him."
Cole got up and walked over to me, kneeling down and stroking his soft hands over my dry cheeks. "Don't worry about it babe. This is a team effort. One man can't do it alone."
I nodded slowly. "I guess. And sorry if I've been worrying you a lot lately... getting injured or whatever."
"Yeah you have been." he retorted sassily. I lightly punched him. "But as long as you're okay." Cole placed his hands on top of mine. I smiled, and stared into his bright, loving eyes.
I looked down. "Uhm... so did Jay get the medicine to the patient?"
Cole's eyes suddenly turned from soft to anger. "Oh, about that. Turns out the medicine was a fake and the doctor didn't need it. At least the real doctor."
I blinked. "Wait hold up. Then who was the doctor who asked to get the medicine?"
Cole shrugged. "I dunno. I wasn't there and this is all from Jay. I'm assuming there was another intruder that was supposed to be the 'doctor'," he used sarcastic air quotes. "who was supposed to feed an overdose of the medicine to the patients, and another person who was supposed to keep you and Jay occupied before y'all found out."
I pushed my lips in a line. "So you're saying this dude who asked me and Jay to get the medicine was a fake?"
"I guess. An overdose of numbing medicine can be really bad for a patient," Cole stood up and sat on the edge of the hospital bed. "Just glad you're okay."
I smiled. "Yeah me too. Concussions are definitely my least favorite thing now."
Cole chuckled. It made me happy.
"You want anything?" he asked, putting his hand over my forehead to see if I was heating up.
Cole blushed, his mouth slightly open in surprise. I laughed. He covered his mouth and put his hand on my face.
"Shut up!"
I swatted his hand away. "C'mon. Get in bed."
Cole looked at the door. "Am I even allowed to?"
I pulled him in. "Why not?"
He muttered. "Zane might yell at me to not mess with the wiring attached to you."
I tugged at him again. "Babe please?"
He tore his gaze away from the door and obliged, loosening his resistance on my pull. "Fine."
I smiled happily as he wrapped me into a hug. He kissed my forehead, making the butterflies flutter around in my stomach.
I dug my face in his chest. "Night."
Red, grey light came in streaks through the window. I opened my eyes and sat up, peering around at my surroundings. Cole was snuggled up at my side, and the hospital bedsheets laid wrinkled against my lap. I touched my head, feeling the rough bandage against my fingers. No wires were attached to me, and I figured Zane must've took them off.
I lightly stepped on the floor, padding to the window in silent steps. The light coming from the window sparked my curiosity, drawing me in to where I wanted to see the unnatural colors. As the image came into view, my eyes were blinded by the sudden steak of lightning. Red lightning.
It zig zagged across the sky, sending flashes of red, uneven lines through the clouds. I looked at the unusual weather patterns in awe, wondering what could've done this.
As I turned around, I glanced at the clock.
12:02 am.
A creak at the door sounded from behind me. I turned and jumped a little, to see a shadow at the doorframe.
I tried to speak, but nothing came out. I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion.
The shadow stepped into the red light, showing everything but their face.
Their clothes were smoking, ripped and burned. His body posture, build, walk, everything looked alarmingly like me. I retreated, backing up against the wall as they came closer.
I tried to move, but my body felt still and unable to function. It was as if I wasn't in control anymore.
He tugged his hood off, and revealed another me. Instead, he looked tired and out of energy. Other me had dark bags underneath my eyes, and multiple cuts across his face and body.
I raised a hand, but the other Kai caught it, singeing my flesh underneath his touch. I tried to scream in agony, but my voice was mute. My eyes met mine, and I looked into my fiery irises, feeling the gaze itself burning through me. When he opened his mouth, it sounded dark and grainy, as if it was trying to hide the pain.
"Don't bother. I'll burn your skin anyways," he only seemed to grip it tighter. "let me ask you a question: if you had the choice between going alone, or going as a team, which would you choose?"
His presence clouded me with anger, and his hard smirk didn't make it better. Before I was able to answer, another me surfaced through the shadows. I was more confused than I was worried for myself.
This time, I had chains around my wrists, and looked like I had been beaten multiple times a day. Blue and black bruises covered my body, along with scars and slashes. I didn't want to know what happened.
"Don't listen to him," the new me said. His voice was lighter and fearful this time, but seemed to have a sliver of hope at the same time. When he appeared, I felt proud all of the sudden, like I sacrificed myself so that the ones I loved would be safe despite the fact I would be in danger.
"If you were given a choice, would you keep going and fight for what's right, or would you surrender and let chaos take control?"
Burned Kai released his grip. I gasped and looked at the injury, panting. He had melted the skin so that my arm was a bloody mess, and all was left was the bone.
I looked up at the two me's, trying to think of an answer. Before I could, I felt a cold presence whisk past me. It sent my hairs to stand on the end.
I dared to look up, and saw a third Kai, except he was translucent. I felt an overwhelming sadness and grieving take over, along with a sense of loyalty. A green aurora surrounded him, lighting everything in a soft, ghostly tone.
I knew he was going to ask me another question so I continued to listen.
"If you were given a choice, would you stick by someone, or would you sacrifice yourself for the better, and leave them to grieve?"
They all closed in. Grief, loyalty, anger, pride, and fear made my head hurt. I screamed and held my head, wanting them to vanish and leave me. They didn't. They only seemed to come closer as I closed my eyes tight.
"Answer me." they all said simultaneously. Their voices echoed through my head, making my ears pop.
"I-I can't! Leave me alone!"
"Oh but we can't. We will always haunt you. You need to make the right choice, or you will fall, and everyone else around you." the three said again.
"What the heck is that supposed to mean?" I yelled, still not able to look them in the eyes.
"Find the balance..."
And I woke with a start. Instantly my head hurt again, but I was still in the hospital room. My body was drenched in cold sweat, and my heart raced five million miles per hour. My chest expanded and collapsed, gasping for air as if I broke the surface of water before drowning. Wires were attached to me again, and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
It was only a dream.
I glanced at the clock.
5:58. Barely any sleep.
Thick snowflakes drizzled their way down the air, being carried slightly sideways by the wind. It was too dark to see anything outside but the nearby snow, but I was guessing it was going to be another cloudy day.
I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.
When will I stop injuring myself? There are people in danger!
Cole still slept peacefully next to me, his face buried in the thin sheets. He looked kind of cold, so I scooted closer, sharing my heat with him. He relaxed a little.
Being the master of fire and all, I never really worried about my body heat, except for during the summer. But Cole never liked the cold.
Poor baby.
I wrapped my arm around his neck and tried to close my eyes. It wasn't working. I was about to get up and try to take off the wires by myself to walk around a bit, but Zane came in and dimmed the lights.
"Oh! You are awake. How was your sleep?" Zane greeted me, not noticing Cole yet.
I pulled the blanket over him a little more, but I knew he was going to find out. "Uhhh, it was, okay. Not the most comfortable." I said scratching my neck.
"Oh. Let me get those wires off."
Just then, Cole moved and yawned, stretching his arms. Zane gave me a skeptical look. I smiled sheepishly.
"Why is Cole here? I addressed to everyone that no one should bother you tonight.
"Well he wasn't bothering me," I said. "he just was... cold." it was partly true.
Zane gave me the most annoyed look a nindroid could ever give. I laughed nervously. Cole opened his eyes.
"Morning babe. How'd you sleep?" Cole said happily as he sat up. When he looked over at Zane, he yelped.
Zane put his hands on his hips. "I specifically told you to stay out of the room."
"Please don't kill me." Cole muttered and I stifled a laugh. Zane sighed.
"Out. I need to assist Kai in his injuries."
Cole groaned. "Fine," he kissed my cheek quickly. "I'm gonna go find some food."
I smiled. "Of course you are."
He got out of bed and left the room. Zane turned back to me.
"Anyways. According to the monitors, you are okay. Nothing concerning." he pulled the wires off one by one. "You should be okay to walk around. Do not involve yourself in any harsh physical activity and please be careful."
I nodded. "Sure. How long till' I can join missions and stuff?"
Zane scanned me. "According to how your body is functioning now, you should be okay in a week. But I would wait a little longer, just to take precautions."
I groaned. "So annoying."
"It is frustrating, but your physical well being is very important," Zane turned off the computers. "I will be making breakfast soon. Why don't you join Cole while I prepare food."
I nodded.
The halls were already bustling with sound. Everyone was awake, except for Sensei Wu, and I could tell Jay and Cole were in the middle of an argument.
I ran into Nya and Lloyd down the hall. She clapped me on the shoulder.
"Morning bro. How's your head?"
I sighed. "It's... okay, not the best."
Nya patted me on the back. "You'll heal fast," she smiled. "let's go eat."
I nodded. I followed them out to the living room area. Nya and Lloyd walked into the kitchen and sat down with Pixal, who was already there. I veered towards the boys, where they were fighting over who won a match of Fist to Face 2.
"C'mon boys. Y'all already know I'm the best so I dunno why you're fighting." I strutted confidently into the living room. They turned their heads to me and Jay scoffed.
"Fine then Hothead, let's see if you can beat us." Jay challenged and threw a game controller at me. I expertly caught it with one hand and plopped on the couch as the match started.
The clicking of buttons and yells filled the room. I relaxed and laid my head on the couch pillow, watching Jay and Cole struggle to land a clean blow on me. Soon, the game ended with the scoreboard, along with defeated groans. I smirked at Cole and Jay who were moaning in sadness. I absolutely demolished them. I mean, It'd be depressing if I didn't.
Zane shouted for breakfast and we all dropped our remotes, eager to see what delicious food he made this time.
Bacon and eggs were laid out nicely on the table. I practically inhaled mine.
Sensei Wu came out later and sat down, only drinking his tea. He addressed we should dedicate the day to patrolling the city, and look out for any suspicious activity that could point towards the mysterious people.
As the team started to shift and run off to their rooms, I helplessly remembered I couldn't do much.
"There must be something I could do." I said to Sensei Wu, standing up among the chaos.
He just shook his head. "Nothing else should be on your mind except for getting better."
"But I-"
He held up his hand for silence. "It is what it is. Healing faster will get you into action faster."
I looked down in disappointment. Cole put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry babe. Your health is what matters most right now," he smiled. "I'll kick extra butt for you."
I gave him a crooked grin. "Thanks. Go get ready then."
When they left, there wasn't much for me to do. Minuets turned into hours. Sensei Wu's idea carried on for another week, and I still haven't healed enough to go on missions. I wandered the monastery and occasionally took naps during the day, and watched movies and waited for their arrival at night. Sometimes they'd drop by just to take a twenty minute break, then run off again to do their ninja duties. Sometimes Cole would come by to give me a slice of my favorite cake from the city, or just keep me company on his breaks.
Eventually, I was able to do minor workouts, so I started getting into shape again and did my daily stretching and strengthening exercises. Once I got tired or bored, I stuck my nose around in the underground workshop, where the vehicles were kept and fixed. I poked around at the microelectronic blueprints Jay, Zane, and Nya worked on together, and marveled in awe of how organized and confusing the numbers and scales were. I had no idea what they meant, and kind of wished I was able to draft minuscule projects in the way they could.
Reading the titles, they apparently were working on a smaller communication device, and... sunglass cameras?
I knew a little about engineering, but not to this level. I decided there wasn't much to do anyways and pulled the desk chair out. Examining the blueprints, I tried to decipher them myself, and see if I could put something together. I took extra parts and laid them out on the desk, getting to work.
The ring of silence hummed like a mosquito in my ears as I worked silently in the basement. I kinda liked doing this. It wasn't until I looked up at the clock and noticed I'd been there for three hours. I thought that was enough for today, and climbed the stairs to my bedroom.
I repeated the project for days, waiting the time I could go on missions again. In the morning I'd work out, take a shower, then go down to the basement to practice. I managed to make a small watch with the brain capability equal to a Borg Phone, and a small camera that had a sticky back to stick to clothes. In the past four days, I had to admit I was getting the hang of things.
I looked at my creations. Suddenly I felt bored, like there wasn't much to do. I puffed my lips out and looked around for inspiration.
"What to do nowww..." I mumbled to myself.
An idea hit me square in the face, and I quickly got a pencil and paper to write it down. Soon I was sketching models on a blueprint, and when I was happy, my fingers got to work.
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