《Missing - A Ninjago Lava Fanfiction - Sequel to Back to the Beginning [STOPPED]》~ IV ~
I woke to the lovely view of Nya's feet. For a second, I'd forgotten I was kicked out the night before, and Nya had accompanied me in my sleep. Somehow, I was laying on one end, and my sister was on the other, even if we slept side by side sitting up. I pushed her feet away and sat up as she mumbled and shifted, digging herself under the covers and sighing.
I really didn't want to talk to Cole again, especially after our argument. It was our worst one yet, and I never was good with talking about my emotions. I'd rather just keep it to myself and not say anything about it.
I exhaled. Maybe it's because I have a hard time accepting stuff or admitting my fault.
I dipped my head in between my legs, resting my elbows on the edge of my knees.
Why is this so hard for me?
"Hey Kai?"
Cole's silky voice took me away from my thoughts. Even if I was still a little mad at him for yelling at me, my heart jumped a little. I knew it was only a night, but I got used to his hugs and sweet scent. I hoped for it to never go away.
"What." I pretended to act a little grumpy not making eye contact, despite the fact I wanted to jump in his arms. I pushed that thought to the back of my head, and chided it to wait.
"Uh, wanna talk, for a little bit?"
I looked up at him, the thud of my heart getting louder. "Fine."
I followed him to our bedroom, closing the door lightly while he patted the space next to him on our bed. I walked over and bounced on the surface, not wanting to look at his face.
It was silent for a little bit. "Well?" he urged me to say something.
I frowned at him. "Well what?"
"Tell me you're sorry or something!"
"Why would I be sorry?"
"Because you yelled at me!"
"Well you yelled at me too!"
We stopped for an awkward moment. I peeked a glance at him. He was facing the other way, looking at the floor.
We are not good at making up.
I mustered all the courage I had and faced him. "Sorry, for yelling at you and not being," I sighed. "careful."
He stiffened a little, as if he was shocked I was capable of saying sorry. Cole turned around and smiled a little.
"That's progress, I guess."
I shoved him as he laughed. "You know how hard it is for me to say sorry!"
He giggled. The tips of my mouth turned into a goofy smile. I started to laugh too.
He looked so adorable and carefree when he laughed. It was as if he threw his worries behind and left them there in the dust, not minding the fact that they might come back. I wish I was able to laugh genuinely with the lighthearted feeling of true happiness, but deep down, I was always worried it would come with a cost.
But when I'm with Cole, life seemed simpler, like he was all I needed to survive. I felt like I could breath again.
We stopped and stared into each other's eyes, appreciating our company. I loved to look into his eyes. They were so bright and beautiful, dusted with stars and glitter.
"So I guess we're good?" I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment for thinking of him so hard. He smiled kindly.
If we ever were to get separated, I wouldn't know how to function. It would be so hard to accept, to know that he wasn't there by my side.
I shakily took his hands in mine, lacing my fingers in between his. I leaned in and kissed him. He seemed surprised at first, but soon kissed back. We both parted for air, our hot breaths mingled together and our foreheads pressed tight. I realized our legs were tangled, his on top of mine. I knew my cheeks heated up and showed a dark red, but I didn't mind. I'm sure his were like that too.
"I hope we never go our separate ways, choice or force. I couldn't imagine my life without you." Cole spoke, his voice putting a lifelong spell over me. I smiled and kissed his nose.
"Don't worry, I won't leave you." I promised, squeezing his hands tighter.
He smirked. "Why? Did my punishment scare you last night?"
I rolled my eyes. "Way to ruin the romance dude."
He laughed again. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but I managed to subdue that aching feeling.
"We should go and eat something, get ready for the day." Cole suggested, getting up and heading for the bathroom.
I nodded. "I love you."
Cole turned around and smiled. "Love you too."
Zane was the first awake, for his internal clock went off silently every morning at five. Cole and I sat down at the table, and soon everyone else came in to have breakfast. We talked like we always did and gossiped about whatever drama we'd find out about on social media.
Though our lives before never really revolved around screens, Borg's technology has improved greatly in the past years, and now, everyone around has the newest electronics and gadgets. Social media apps have boomed, and the creators earned millions and billions of dollars off of it. But it works. It had me drawn like a fish on the line of a fishing pole.
Zane, Pixal, and Nya went to the living room to watch the news. Obviously, because of all that's been going on, the kidnappings seemed to be the only thing playing.
Gale Gossip was shown on the digital screen, interviewing a man who was shaking violently.
"We should probably see this." I gestured to the others. They nodded and we circled around the TV.
"—physically abused my wife! Right in front of me! No one should ever touch her!"
The man stomped off with an angry face, out of the edge of frame. Gale Gossip turned around.
"Ohhkayyy. Well, based off today's events, the attacks have gotten worse. Many victims have gotten deep cuts on their arms and even lower abdomen. Five people have been taken to the hospital. One poor man had a burn mark in the shape of this star."
The screen shifted to the b-roll camera, where police examined a sketch of the teardrop-star symbol. My stomach dropped to my feet.
"Horrible! We need to do something!" Nya interrupted Jay. "We should visit the commissioner and those in the hospital."
"Good idea," Zane agreed getting up. "I shall go to check on those who are in pain."
"I'll go too," I said.
"Me too. I feel bad for the people that got hurt." Nya put a hand on my shoulder.
Cole stood up with the rest of us. "Then it's settled. Me, Pix , Jay, and Lloyd will go to the commissioner, gather information and report back. You guys'll go to the hospital and check on the people."
We all nodded in agreement. I clapped Cole on the shoulder. "Be safe, k'"
He smiled and pecked me on the cheek. "I will."
For the rest of the day, we visited the victims and helped the doctors when they needed it. To be honest, it was kinda boring. I wanted to get to the bottom of this already.
Cole and the others came by to report back. They didn't say anything new, aside from the news on T.V., but we still don't know what their motive is, and what they're gonna do next. It rung alarms in my head, sending me into a fearful state of mind. Not knowing what a secret force of potential murders was doing in the shadows scared me, but I didn't want to think about the possibilities. They could be holding people hostage right underneath us, and we wouldn't even know.
"Kai!" Jay waved his hand in my face, drawing me away from my thoughts. I slapped it away as if it were a gnat.
"What do you want?" I said harder than I intended.
Jay seemed taken back, but he carried on anyways. "The docs want us to get some medicine in room 512. Wanna come?"
I softened my tone. "Sure."
The halls were eerie silent. Some doctors came in and out of rooms, hurrying with food or new bedsheets or water. Our footsteps echoed in the empty hallways, amplified like the ghostly drip drops in a cave. Barely any light lit the way, maybe a few amber wall lamps every twenty yards.
Jay and I walked in silence for most of the way. He had his hands in a puffy, blue winter jacket draped over his gi. That guy always seemed cold.
"Where are the others?" I suddenly asked, breaking the tight silence.
He didn't look up, and kept his gaze to the tiled floor. "Outside scouting the city. They hoped it might give them more information."
I nodded. "Who went?"
"Nya, Cole, Zane, and Lloyd. Pix's in another room helping some other patients."
It was silent for a while.
"I hope this goes away soon. It gives me anxiety." said Jay in a quiet voice. I looked over at him and patted his shoulder.
"We'll get to the bottom of this. You're not wrong when you said it gave you anxiety."
We rounded the corner to a dead end, where a single door stood off to our right. It seemed isolated, which gave me the creeps.
"Uhh, you can open it."
I guess Jay had the same thought in mind, but I didn't mention it.
My gloved hand grazed over the metal knob, and I twisted it. The door opened with a creak, sending the dim light from the lamps into the dark room.
I felt around for any light switches, but nothing bumped my fingers.
"Is there a light?" Jay asked, peeking from over my shoulder.
"I don't think so. Ah screw it, I'm using fire."
"Don't set the building on fire." he muttered.
A single flame danced across my fingertips until a golden and yellow warmth erupted from my palm. I scanned the walls for a switch, and when I found one, it was just further down from arms-length.
The switch made a click sound and blinding white lights turned on one by one, leading deeper into the room. The lights flashed on human models with open body parts and bulging eyes, scaring the living life out of me. I yelped and grabbed the nearest thing next to me, until I realized it was Jay. He had jumped in my arms, and I hadn't even noticed. We both looked awkwardly at each other and laughed as I set him down.
"So what are we looking for?" I asked as we trekked deeper into the room.
"Some medicine that's used for numbing?" he dug out his phone and showed me a picture. "I had no idea what he was talking about so I just took a picture of the empty box they needed more of."
I became skeptical. I do remember looking up from my phone every once and a while and seeing the doctor draw that specific medicine more than I thought was necessary, but I guess the doctor knows what he's talking about.
I shrugged. "Ok. Let's find it."
"I'll take the right, you take left."
We split. I rummaged through drawers and cabinets but couldn't find anything. Jay and I didn't talk at all and focused on the task at hand. Suddenly his voice drew me away from the ringing silence.
"Found it!"
I looked over, seeing him victoriously holding a blue and white box. I smiled.
"Nice. Let's take it ba—"
Both our heads turned towards the back of the room. It sounded like a pot was dropped. I saw nothing in sight. Jay slipped the box in his jacket and drew his nunchucks. I drew my sword.
No movement.
My heart felt in my throat. The sudden sound put my senses on high alert.
We sat there for a couple of seconds, then lowered our weapons a little when we realized it was nothing.
"Something must've fallen." I smirked, acting as if nothing scared me.
Jay smiled back. "I guess. Let's just get this back."
We turned and headed for the door. Just as we were going to walk out, it shut with a thud. I looked at it confused, wondering what could've shut it like that.
Jay and I looked at each other and turned around. I jumped a little, surprised to see a figure in a dark cloak. We both raised our weapons and slid our masks over. Jay dropped his jacket to the floor, holding the medicine in his left.
"Who are you?" Jay demanded, getting into a fighting stance. My grip tightened and my eyes narrowed.
The masked person didn't respond. They raised their hand, and instantly the room turned upside down. I yelled and grabbed Jay's hand as he reached for mine. We both flew and landed somewhat on our feet. The room was completely flipped, our feet on the ceiling. Papers and medicine and human models floated around the room, making it very hard to fight. The air felt light and difficult to stand in.
I turned on Jay. "Get the medicine to the docs!"
His eyebrows knitted with worry. "What about the guy? I can't leave you alone with him!"
I pushed him to the door. "I'll be fine. Just get outta here while I hold him off!"
I protectively covered my teammate as he practically swam through the air and headed for the door. The shadow figure lunged and threw a glass vial at me. I blocked it with my sword and met my blade with his. I didn't realize he even had one.
I pushed him backwards with a pushing kick, stunning him for a second. I heard the door open and close, meaning Jay had gotten out safely, I hoped. I meant to counter attack, but he was quicker and Jay getting out safely kinda distracted me. He sidestepped as I attempted a jab at his midsection, side kicking me across the room. I quickly recovered but he was right on me. If it weren't for my quick reflexes, I would've been cut in half.
His face was covered in another mask, showing no skin except for his murky, green eyes. I wanted to believe it was just the shadows making his eyes darker, and it was just Cole playing a prank. I snapped out of my wishful thinking.
Swinging my sword in a circle, I switched our places so that my blade was onto of his. Before he could react, I swept his feet from underneath and he fell. He was in a very vulnerable position.
Smirking with my blade at his chest, he laid still for a second. I didn't expect him to move, unless he wanted to get skewered.
He grunted when I stepped on him, preventing an easy way out.
"Who are you? And what do you want?"
He stayed silent, his eyes fixed on mine. I applied more pressure this time and drew the tip of my katana to his throat.
"Answer me!"
He didn't even flinch. The most he did was raise his fingers two inches from the floor. But by the time I realized what he did, it was too late. A glass jar full of cotton hit my temple, momentarily stunning me. He wiggled from my grasp and ran away, turning the room back so I fell from the ceiling to the floor.
My breathing had become shallow and ragged. I touched my temple with the tips of my fingers, seeing dark blood stain the skin and underneath my fingernails. My head hurt and throbbed, but I got to my feet and staggered to the door. Pushing my pain away, I ran, chasing the small black figure down the hallway.
I have to make it. I have to make it.
But my head hurts. It complained.
Shut up. I chided it.
He rounded another corner, probably the stairs. If he wanted to go to the rooftop, it'd be another two floors. That didn't sound so pleasing to me.
The door to the staircase closed just as I came around. I could feel the blood trickling down the side of my face and soak into my mask.
That's gonna need a cleaning.
I skipped two stairs at a time, gasping for air. I could hear his footsteps pounding from a few flights ahead. I willed myself to keep going, no matter the pain.
Finally I burst through the doors, my chest heaving with exhaustion. The tip of the figure's cloak disappeared over the edge, flowing away in the breeze. I ran over to the drop, hearing my footsteps against the snow covered floors sloppier than ever. He seemed to disappear completely, as if he was never there.
I shouted in frustration.
"Dangit!" I screamed, throwing my sword to the floor. Sighing hard, I sat on the ground and relaxed. Pain pounded in my head and it hurt more than ever. I wanted so badly to lay down and sleep, cuddled close to Cole's warmth.
Jay's voice sounded from my earpiece. "Yo Kai. How's it going?"
I weakly lifted my arm up to the speaker. "Got knocked in the head and he got away."
"WHAT!" Cole's voice overwhelmed my ears. "WHERE ARE YOU?"
I laid down on the floor, melting the ice around me with my rising body heat. "Calm down babe. I'm on the rooftop."
My arm fell weakly to my side. Dark circles danced in my vision, like the temporary blind spots the sun would give you when you looked at the sun for too long. The snow felt nice against the back of my head. It cured my nauseating headache and made my muscles feel fresh and cool.
I slowly lifted my head without much strength, turning it to the roof access door. My breathing became more shallow, and I knew I was going to pass out soon. My vision was almost completely gone, fading slowly to black. The distant sound of cars honking and tires skidding below seemed to melt into one, echoing through my skull. It felt like I could only hear my heartbeat, and my ragged breathing.
By the time Cole and the others burst through the doors, I could barely hear him call my name. I felt his strong arms wrap around my back as he lifted me, and his sweet scent seemed to be the only thing that overwhelmed my nose. But my vision blurred, looking like giant drops of glitter until finally, I drifted off into blackness.
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