《Out-Flirt Me - Anakin x Reader》Chapter 24- Found Family
"Kenobi here, Anakin have you reached Tatooine yet?"
The ship rocked, "Almost, but we ran into some old-"
"Anakin, did you get shot down again?"
Anakin didn't respond so you leaned over, "Yes."
"The ship is too slow. I haven't had time to modify it yet." Anakin was looking at you with a smirk for rating him pit to his Master.
"I'm still cleaning up your other mess, but I'll get there." Obi-Wan disappeared.
"So much for reinforcements," Anakin muttered and then paused, "Hang on! This landing could get a little rough!"
Fire burned the side of the ship and Auren said, "Crashes are rough, landings are not."
"Then it's a crash landing."
The ship rattled as it came closer to the sand Anakin loved so much. It hit the terrain with such force you were all flung forward a bit. The front window was covered in sand and borrowed underneath it. Standing up, everyone walked to the back. Ashoka had Stinky and Auren was right next to her.
Ashoka got to the back door first, "Welcome home, Stinky."
"Jabba's palace is on the far side of the Dune Sea," Anakin walked up next to Ashoka. He kneeled for her to put the Huttlet on his back, "We'd better hurry if we're going to make it by morning."
Anakin force jumped off the platform, landing on one knee. You did the same but much less aggressively, landing on both feet. Ashoka and Auren just jumped off without the force and landed crouched down.
R2 stuttered, not wanting to leave the ship.
"Oh Artooie, it's just endless tracts of gritty, abrasive sand," Auren comforted, "We'll clean your servos later. Come one."
R2 used his thrusters and jumped off. Walking to the left of Anakin, Ashoka and Auren were behind you walking with R2.
Ashoka started to get closer to Anakin, "Master Yoda has this saying 'Old sins cast long shadows.' Do you know what he means by that?"
"It means your past can ruin your future if you allow it. But you forget, it was Master Skywalker who said, 'I don't want to talk about my past."
"Okay, fine. There's so much more we can talk about here. Like the sand."
"The desert is merciless, it takes everything from you."
That was weirdly poetic.
"That's a happy thought," Auren mumbled.
Ashoka asked, "It won't take us Master, right Artooie?"
R2 beeped positive thoughts.
As you continued to walk, the two suns began to set. The larger one was almost halfway down and the sand glowed a burnt orange.
"We're not alone," Auren whispered as she stopped next to you.
"I can sense it, too."
Anakin squinted at the sand, "It's the dark side of the force."
The Huttlet made a weird, scared noise.
"Whatever it is, it's coming for the Hutt. Time to split up."
"We should face it together, Master!" Ashoka argued.
"I have a far more important mission for you and Auren."
"More important than keeping you alive?"
"Ahsoka, I need you to trust me on this one. Besides, I'll have Y/n."
Anakin explained their part of the plan to Ashoka and Auren. Then they went on their way with R2. Anakin and you were to walk toward the palace as well but on a different route. The sun was almost completely set and a speeder pulled dip in front of you two.
"Surrender the Huttlet or die."
Anakin had already ignited his lightsaber when Dooku sent lightning at him. You ignited your green one with shaky hands and Dooku got ready to fight. He ran toward Anakin first clashing their lightsabers a few times before spinning away. If you lost to him again, what would he do this time? He lunged at you, using his body weight to push you down. You used the force and pushed him back.
Dooku came back at you, top left, top right. Bottom left bottom right. Anakin came up next to you. Knowing his plan, you ducked and rolled out of the way as Dooku tried to slice you in half. Anakin came in right where you were and deflected Dooku's attack. Your head buzzed with thoughts of your torture and Darth Novu.
They fought using their lightsabers as bats. Using their entire body to propel their attack. You had stood up and we're next to Anakin ready for an attack. Dooku paused,
"Now I remember Skywalker. This was your home planet, wasn't it?" He paused but Anakin didn't respond, "I sense strong feelings. Feelings of pain, loss, and something else."
Anakin force pushed Dooku away, sand clouding around him. He continued to push sand at him, creating a mini sandstorm. You helped by pushing in sand from the side but Dooky pushed the sand back at Anakin. He was thrown back and rolled down the hill.
"Anakin!" You yelled and stepped toward him but you knew you had to stay and fight. It felt as though your heart left your body.
"Ah, that's what that feeling was. The one I talked about all those moons ago."
"You don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh, but I know much more than you. Qui-Gon broke that rule too. His padawan, Obi-Wan did the same," He paused and waited for you to say something but you didn't, "You have a secret too. Not just this one but another. One about your true family."
"Stop it."
"Fine, I won't reveal your secret. But they will know in due time."
You lunged at him and pushed your saber on his. He pushed you back a few feet and then came toward you. When he tried to slice at your feet, you jumped. When he attacked straight at you, you turned to let him stumble past you.
"You've grown."
"More than you could know," You muttered and he jumped at you.
He grunted out, "I heard you killed Darth Novu, an achievement if I do say so."
"You knew her, didn't you?"
"Of course, I helped train her."
Anakin came up next to you as you deflected multiple attacks in a row. He was pushing you backward, getting closer to a drop. So, you spun around and walked back to where Anakin was. Anakin fought him, spinning around while evading attacks. Dooku caught the backpack in one of Anakin's spins. Cutting through the whole thing.
"You have failed, Jedi. I have just killed Jabba's son."
Anakin smirked, "You've fallen for my little trick, Count. It's nothing but rocks." He threw the backpack to his feet, letting the rocks spill out. "The Huttlet is with our padawans, safely at Jabba's palace."
"I expected such treachery from a Jedi. I assure you my web is strong enough to catch your insignificant little padawans."
"They're more skillful than you think."
"You deceive yourself!"
Dooku ran toward Anakin again, so you jumped in front. You deflected attacks as Anakin stood up behind you.
"If only the Jedi council knew about what goes on behind their backs."
You fought harder and Dooku kept on looking to your right even though Anakin was on your left. Nodding at Anakin, he took your place and you looked to your right. A blue shimmer disappeared from the air. A force ghost was here, but who?
"Look, I have a message from your padawans."
Your dumbass Anakin was on the ground again. As Dooku pulled out a hologram, it had Ashoka fighting off droids. Then Auren stepped in front of her blocking a shot she didn't see coming. Anakin jumped up and attacked Dooku hitting him in the head with the hilt of his saber. Dooku rolled away as you picked up the hologram.
"After my droids kill Jabba's son. They will deliver your padawans to him as punishment for the Huttlets murder. I can't imagine he'll be merciful."
Anakin grabbed your hand for only a second. Pulling you toward Doo, us speeder while he hopped on. You just got on behind him as he took off toward the palace. Still, Dooku's laughter echo behind you.
Speeding up to the front of the palace, Anakin parked the speeder sideways. He jumped off and ran inside and you would've followed but something felt off. Droids greeted Anakin at the door.
"Where's my padawan?"
"This way," The droids started to lead him inside and he looked back to you.
I'll be right there.
Okay, be careful.
You nodded and ran over to the side of the sandhill Anakin had parked on. Below you could see faint glowing of green, blue, and purple. Ashoka and Auren we're down there.
Jumping off rocks, you parkoured your way down the hill. There were three droids and Auren was fighting one, she was actually a great fighter. While Ashoka and R2 were being corned with two. Deciding to be bold, you threw your lightsaber at the droid battling Auren. It pierced through its head and the droids fell to the ground. You force-pulled your lightsaber to you as you jumped right in front of Auren.
"Thanks," Her voice was soft as she breathed heavily.
"No problem, let's go help Ashoka."
Auren followed behind you as you ran toward Ashoka. One droid turned around and pushed its taser stick on you. It reminded you of what Darth Maul had used. Anyway, you fought until you killed that droid by sliding its head off. Auren and Ashoka had teamed up to fight the one that was left and Ashoka got a clean hit on him, right through the torso.
Ashoka fell to her knees out of breath as the Huttlet cried, "Being a padawan is harder than I thought."
Auren helped her up, "At least we're learning."
"I guess, let's get this guy home."
"Follow me!" You yelled jumping up to a rock a couple of feet above them.
They smiled and began to jump up on different rocks. Even though they were tired, they still jumped with a lot of energy. R2 used his thrusters and almost beat you. Still, you made it to the top first but only by a few seconds. Ashoka and Auren jumped up behind you and so you walked over to the entrance.
"I have a bad feeling about this," You whispered walking through the doors that had no guards.
Once you were a couple of steps in, the noise of a lightsaber made you glance back at the girls. They both had wide eyes as you nodded and ran in.
"You came here to die," A droid explained as you got to the doorway.
Everyone looked at you, including Anakin who had his lightsaber to Jabba's neck. Ashoka came up behind you and you nodded to her. She walked in with Stinky in her arms and Jabba gasped. Auren walked next to you as you walked over to Anakin. Ashoka gave the Huttlet to Jabba who held him in his stubby arms.
Jabba pointed at you and spoke Huttese which the droid translated, "You are to be executed immediately."
"What?" The four of you exclaimed at the same time.
Droids put up their guns and you went back to back with Anakin. Ashoka and Auren stood on either side of you.
"Does this always happen to you two?" Ashoka asked.
"Everywhere we go," Anakin responded.
A light flashed on a little orb and a droid walked to it. "Your uncle Ziro is contacting us."
The droid pressed the button and Padme of all people appeared. You smirked as she began,
"Greetings, honorable Jabba. I am Senator Amidala of the Galactic Congress. I have discovered a plot against you by one of your own. Your uncle will admit he conspired with Count Dooku to kidnap your son and frame the Jedi for the crime."
Jabba gasped as another Hutt appeared on the hologram. They spoke Huttese to each other which you couldn't understand.
"You getting anything?" You chuckled to Anakin.
"Not much," He shook his head.
"It was Count Dooku!" The Hutt yelled, then Padme was back.
"Ziro will be dealt with by the Hutt family most severely," The droid translated again.
"Perhaps now you will allow the Republic to use your trade routes and hostilities can come to an end." Padme worded it like a Senator.
Jabba chuckled and Anakin tensed up.
"Jabba agrees. A treaty is in order."
"You will not regret this Jabba."
Anakin and you turned off your saber and stood facing Jabba. The girls followed suit standing on either side of the two of you.
"The clone armies may move through Jabba's territories."
"Senator, you have put undying gratitude," Anakin thanked to which Padme turned around.
"No, I think the Republic owes you thanks, Master Skywalker and Master (y/l/n)." With that, she disappeared.
"All mighty Jabba would be grateful if you bring Dooku to justice for his crimes against the Hutts."
"You can count on it, Jabba," Anakin remarked.
The droids escorted you out of the building and it was only a few seconds before a ship flew in. You were fixing your hair from the ponytail it had been in for a day. Thinking of that, when was the last time you slept? Before this mission and that was a while ago. When was the last time you ate? Before Christophsis. That means the girls haven't eaten or slept in a while, they're just kids. No wonder they're tired.
Obi-Wan walked off the ship with Master Yoda. They were right in front of you and you hadn't realized when you were lost in thought.
"Are you all ready to go?" Obi-Wan asked while looking around.
"Yep, we're all done here," Anakin looked at you and you nodded confirming his statement.
"Alright then."
You all turned to face Jabba and bowed your heads. He was a crime lord after all. He nodded and you all went to the ship. Hoping on and grabbing the handles above, the pilot took off and went to the cruiser. On the cruiser, you walked off with Anakin and the girls were behind you.
"Can we get something to eat, I'm starving."
"Yeah, I am too. You hungry girls?" Anakin turned around and they nodded vigorously. "Lead the way, Y/n."
Walking toward the mess hall, the girls talked behind you the whole way. When you finally got there you almost sprinted to the line. All they had were portions, which was disappointing, but you were too hungry to care too much. You sat down at a table and Anakin sat next to you. The girls sat down on the other side.
"So, you," Ashoka pointed to Anakin, "grew up on Tatooine and came to the temple late. And you," She pointed to you, "came to the temple only a year or so late."
You and Anakin looked at each other in shock and then nodded to Ashoka.
"Where did you live before you came to the temple, Master?" Auren asked you.
"I don't remember it but, umm, Mandalore."
Anakin looked at you surprised before looking back at his food.
"Like with Obi-Wan's girlfriend?"
You and Anakin broke out in laughter, "I don't think I ever hung out with her, Auren."
That was a lie, you must've. She was your sister.
"What are you two dying about?"
Obi-Wan sat down next to Anakin with a tray. Anakin and you looked at each other with big eyes and then laughed some more. Obi-Wan just sighed and began to eat his portions as the girls laughed with you and Anakin. The laughter died down and conversation came up, mostly amongst the girls.
"Why do you hold your fork so weird, Sokka?"
"It's not weird," She brought her hand up to her eyes. She holds her fork like her lightsaber.
"Yeah, it is, most people hold it like this."
She lifted her hand to Ashoka, "I don't see your point, Tiny."
"I'm not even that much shorter than you!"
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and you all watched with amusement as the girls stood up and went back to back. They both tried to push their heads up but it was obvious that Ahsoka was taller.
"Who's taller?" They both asked.
"I think it's Ashoka," You giggled at their competition.
"Really?" Auren sunk into her seat.
"Don't worry, Aure (pronounced or), you'll grow."
"I hope so, Master."
In a few minutes, you were done with your portion and walked up to the tray return. Anakin appeared behind you and reached over your shoulder to place his tray down.
"Hey Angel," He whispered in your ear.
"Ani, they're right there."
"That's what makes it fun," He walked away and you yawned.
Anakin had sat back down and you sat next to him. Even though you were exhausted, you wanted to be with your family. The girls were asking Obi-Wan questions about his padawan days. They were trying to get closer to questions about Satine and you wanted them to.
"So, you spent a while on Mandalore?"
"Yes, I did," Obi-Wan looked like he knew where this was going.
They leaned closer, "And you had some friends there?"
"You could say that."
"Did you see Y/n?"
He chuckled, "No, why?"
"That's where she grew up!" Auren looked at you, "I think she hung out with the Duchess."
"Unless she's the lost princess, I don't think she would be hanging out with the Duchess."
"The lost princess?" The girls both asked.
"I think that's a story for another time."
"No!" The girls yelled again and again. As much as you wanted to hear the story, you rested your head on Anakin's shoulder and closed your eyes. Since you weren't asleep yet, you could hear his light chuckles that you loved.
"Okay, okay. I'll give you the short version because you two need to get to sleep. The Duchess has two little sisters, the middle one is a couple of years younger than the Duchess. The middle sister went off to live her own life when she was around 22 but the youngest was taken." The girls oooh and aahed. "She was only three when a bomb went off in Sundari, the capital. That's where someone took her. That's all of the story I know girls."
The girls complained about not getting the full story while you opened your eyes. Sitting up, Anakin looked over at you. You were glad the girls weren't staring at you for leaning on Anakin. When you gave Anakin a tired half-smile, he laughed and smiled bigger than he had in a while.
"You guys need to go to bed," Anakin claimed looking around the table.
The girl's eyelids seemed to be getting lower even though they were still trying to be energetic. Obi-Wan looked tired too after he put his tray back it looked like he may never get up again.
"I think we all need to sleep," You mumbled.
"Okay, off we go, come on," Anakin got everyone up from the table and somehow got everyone to the back of the cruiser. Where there were bedrooms for clones and Jedis.
Anakin got the girls two rooms by each other and you said good night to them. Then Obi-Wan got a room by the two rooms for you and Anakin. He said good night and closed the door. You somehow got a door open and made it to a bed. You landed face-first and Anakin chuckled.
You didn't respond but you rolled over so your head was up on the pillow.
"Good night," He almost walked out the door.
"Wait, where are you going?" Your words were hard to understand but he could make them out.
"Hmm? Do you want me to stay?"
"We need to go help people, that's our job.," You tried to get up out of the covers which you were now tangled in.
"Shhh, shhh," Anakin kneeled next to you and stopped your squirming, "We did help people today, we did our job. Now you need to go to sleep."
"No, no, no need to go help people. I killed that girl, I need to help people," Even if your words didn't really make sense, Anakin understood what your delusional self was saying.
"Y/n, it wasn't your fault. You need to sleep now."
"I can't sleep, the dreams. They'll come back!"
You squirmed again, struggling to get out of the sheets, and this mental prison. Anakin held you down again, trying to sooth you.
"Y/n, listen to me," You looked at him, "They will never lay a hand on you, ever again. Those dreams will go away eventually but you'll always have me."
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