《Out-Flirt Me - Anakin x Reader》Chapter 20- Master Kryze
You stood outside the door to the council room with your master. She was right over your shoulder as you reached to press the button. Anakin said he would be here when you were done but you had to go in with only your master. Once you pressed the button Master Kio almost pushed you in. She didn't get nervous like you, she always told you to just jump in.
"Welcome back." Master Windu greeted.
All of the members of the Jedi Council, including Obi-Wan and Plo-Koon, stood in front of their chairs. Although, Master Yoda was standing on his. They all had their lightsabers ignited and they illuminated the dark room with greens and blues with a hint of purple. You walked into the center of the room glancing around at everyone.
"As I told you earlier we have decided something for you." Master Windu looked at Yoda who you could've sworn smirked.
"Only 17, you are but ready you are also. Granted, mastership will be."
You turned towards Master Kio who had ignited her blue saber. She walked toward you but you turned to Yoda.
"If I may, why am I becoming a master?"
Your master's footsteps stopped behind you and Master Yoda tilted his head.
"Killed a Sith, you have. Ready for anything, you are."
You bowed your head even though you didn't agree. You shouldn't have killed that Sith and you didn't deserve to be a master because of it. Master Kio's footsteps resumed and you turned back toward her. She nodded her head and you got on one knee.
"By the tip of my blade, you seize being a Padawan." She cut your braid off swiftly, "You are now a master."
She deactivated her lightsaber and stepped back. You stood up and bowed your head in sync with her. You heard blades retract as the lights came on. You turned towards Obi-Wan who was smiling and he bowed his head to you. You bowed as well and Master Windu cleared his throat.
"Dismissed, Master (y/l/n)."
That's not my last name.
You knocked the thought from your head and bowed your head once more. You left and Master Kio stayed in the room, smiling as you left. She didn't smile often but maybe today was a good occasion. Anakin couldn't call you a Padawan anymore in fact, you became a master younger than he had.
Once you were out of the room, you saw him sitting on the bench by the door. He stood up and smiled, of course he knew what happened. You jogged to him and jumped in his arms. He hugged you tightly and spun around. Then he whispered in your ear,
"I'm so proud of you."
Your hold on him tightened as you grew more excited. He set you down and you were smiling.
"I became a master younger than you had."
"Only by a day! You turn 18 tomorrow!"
"I do?"
"Yeah, and I became a master like a whole month ago."
"Still." That's all you said when the masters started to walk out of the council room. It started with Obi-Wan and Kio then Plo-Koon and a couple of others. You smiled at them and they walked toward you.
"Congratulations, Y/n," Obi-Wan announced.
"Yes, we are truly proud of you Y/n," Plo-Koon added.
You smiled and nodded while Plo walked away. Obi-Wan and Kio began to walk with you as you walked back to the living quarters. A comfortable silence had filled the air, but you had gotten to the door of your room.
"Good night." You walked up to your door and stepped away from the group.
"Good night." A chorus of voices responded.
Obi-Wan continued to walk down the hall with Kio but Anakin stayed. You smiled at him and he grinned back.
"I am so proud of you, you know?"
"Yeah, you told me."
He looked down the hall and Obi-Wan and Kio had turned. He leaned down and pressed a quick kiss on your lips, holding your face in his hands. He pulled back after only a few seconds and caressed the side of your face with one hand.
"Good night, angel." With that, he walked down the hall to his room.
You stepped inside your room, closing the door behind you. While changing into your night clothes and getting ready for bed, you hummed a song you had stuck in your head. You laid down but you didn't want to sleep. Finally, you were happy. When you slept and had the inevitable nightmare, you wouldn't be anymore. You lay staring at the ceiling begging nit to sleep.
You failed. You slept and of course, you had a nightmare. Waking up in a cold sweat was bad enough but you almost gave yourself whiplash from sitting up to fast. Breathing was hard as if the air was getting lost. Shaking your head, you tried to remove the thoughts. Darth Maul torturing you day after day. Killing Darth Novu and watching her die in your arms.
You got your revenge, that's why you killed her.
You didn't want revenge, you didn't blame Maul for hurting you. A monster, a psycho, a pathetic excuse for a life form, all sayings that belonged to you. Why did you have to kill her? The nightmares were already bad enough and you had to go make them worse.
A knock on your door made you jump again. You tried to calm your breathing as you stood up. Nothing bad can happen to you here. You're in the Jedi Temple. You'll be fine. You opened your unlocked door and saw a towering Anakin. Since your posture was horrible he seemed twice your height.
"I felt a disturbance, I needed to check on you." He rubbed his neck like he was embarrassed, his voice lower than usual.
You just placed your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around him. He was surprised and held his arms back but only for a second. He was just what you needed.
"Thanks." You muttered into his chest.
He didn't respond, he just hugged you tighter. It made you feel safe and you couldn't be more grateful for him. He pulled back and looked at your face, you hadn't cried yet so your eyes weren't red. He kissed your forehead and you leaned into him.
"Was it another nightmare?"
You nodded.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You shook your head.
"Okay, I understand, but you can talk to me if you need to."
"I just need you right here."
You could feel his smile through the force as he kissed your forehead again. This was all amazing, too good to be true. You knew he couldn't stay here, he would get caught eventually. Even though it would be depressing, he had to go back to his room now.
"Shh, I know. I'll leave in a second."
There was oain in his voice as well as yours. Neither of you wanted to leave the other especially when you just got each other back. Anakin pulled away and pushed your head up.
"Everything will be alright. Just trust me."
You nodded and he kissed your cheek.
"You missed."
He shook his head as you chuckled quietly. He kissed your lips for only a second before disappearing into the dark. Leaving you cold and alone.
Thankfully, you didn't sleep the rest of the night. You stared out the window from your bed watching the clouds and stars. Speeders started to fly by and lights started to come on. It was beautiful when the sun finally rose. Painting the clouds pink and orange. You got up from your bed when the sun had risen a finger above the lowest building.
When you walked over to the mirror and saw your reflection, it was easy to tell you hadn't slept. So to fix it, you placed makeup strategically around your face. Making it look as natural as possible was easy since you had done this for missions. You smiled into the mirror placing a facade over who you had just seen.
You changed into your robes and placed your com on your wrist. Clipping your lightsaber to your belt, you walked out the door. It was still quiet, the younglings had begun lessons but it was still early. Half the temple was catching up on the sleep they missed from the missions they had been assigned. You walked down the hall to where Anakin's room was. The door was closed and the symbol said he was asleep.
Deciding not to wake him, you walked down the hall to the kitchens. In the dining hall, there were people with the same faces chatting merrily. You walked over to the line and grabbed some food. Some bread, some yogurt, and a glass of blue milk. You sat down at one of the many tables with no one there and enjoyed your breakfast.
Halfway through your meal, a familiar someone appeared at the door. He saw you and smiled walking over with his hands behind his back.
"Good morning, Y/n. I wasn't expecting to see you up this early." Obi-Wan greeted and he was right you were normally up much later.
"Oh, I've had enough sleep for the past week."
He shook his head and walked through the line, grabbing a similar breakfast to what you had chosen. He sat down across from you and began to eat. One of the men with the same face as the others smiled and nodded at Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan smiled back and continued to eat. A few seconds later he explained,
"That was Cody, he's the commander of the 212th. It's the battalion that was assigned to me."
"Right, Anakin told me they were assigning battalions." This was a simpler explanation since you had forgotten to ask Anakin about the letter.
"I got mine just yesterday, he should be getting his today. You may even get yours today."
"Oh right, I am a master."
"Don't sound so surprised, Y/n. You deserve the title."
You just smiled and took the last bite of your bread. There weren't any windows in the cafeteria but it was getting later by the way the tables filled up. You went back to the tray return and dropped off your tray. Shaak Ti smiled at you, she always was sweet, and you smiled back. You walked back to Obi-Wan but didn't sit down.
"I should probably get going, I bet they have something for me to do."
"Oh yes, they must."
You smiled and left the cafeteria. Walking down the twisty halls, nostalgia filled your brain. Master Yoda was down the hall from you and once he saw you he sped toward you. You walked to him, shortening the time it would take for his short legs to get to you.
"Master Y/n, a battalion you must be assigned. A mission, you will have."
"Oh, okay. What do I need to do?"
"Follow me, you must."
He sped off in front of you and you had to catch up surprisingly. He walked to a mission report room and turned on the blue holo-table. A manikin with the armor for the clones popped up. You remembered Obi-Wan talking about it on Geonosis. The colors on the suit were changing rapidly.
"Pick colors, you must."
"Uhh, green." You had panicked, but you liked green.
"Good, good."
The armor stops changing and now had light green details across it. It was beautiful, but that wasn't the point of it.
"777, your battalion is. A mission, you will be assigned at noon. Go with you, others will."
"Okay, thanks."
You bowed your head and walked out. Nerves filled your stomach as you realized what this meant. You would be going to war. That's when you saw Anakin, he smiled at first but then his eyebrows furrowed. You looked lost in thought but he brought you out and you smiled at him.
When you got to him, he hugged you. Spinning you around before setting you down, he said,
"Happy birthday!"
"Thanks, did you get your battalion yet?"
"Yep, the 501st and we're a deep blue."
"Cool, I got the 777th battalion and we're light green."
"Did you meet your captain?" He asked as you began walking down the hall.
"No, did you?"
"No, Master Windu said I would meet him when I went on my next mission. Which should be tonight."
"Yeah, I should be getting assigned at noon."
"Me too, maybe we're going on the same mission."
You beamed up at Anakin and he just smirked at you. Leaving him and going on a different mission would be terrifying. Especially since you didn't know anyone in your battalion yet.
You hung out with Anakin for the rest of the morning. Right before noon, you made your way toward the council room. Obi-Wan was sitting on the bench on a holo-pad and he saw you two walking together. He stood up and smiled, jerking his head towards the door. He pressed the button and walked inside ahead of you without saying a word.
"Welcome, a mission, you all have."
You stood in the center of the room between Anakin and Obi-Wan.
"Go to Christophsis, you will. Supply backup and aid, your mission is. On the Jedi cruiser, you will fly."
You all nodded and walked out with Master Yoda close behind. Once out, you let him step in front and guide you into the hangar. Instead, he went to a large courtyard that almost everyone forgot about. The door opened the door and large white ships with red highlights lay across the humongous space.
Starting in shock, Master Yoda guided you to the closest one. "Your captains, these are. Captain of the 501st Rex, this is." His hand pointed to a blond clone trooper who stood tall in blue armor, "Captain of the 777th Jyp, this is."
He pointed to the other clone trooper with darker hair who stood next to Rex. They were both holding their helmets in their left arms. Jyp had light green highlights on his armor and you could see a 'J' tattoed on the side of his neck. The door to the ship opened and you all walked in. Obi-Wan went to another ship and met with Cody.
"So, your name's Jyp?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"I'm Y/n (y/l/n)," That's not even your last name, "and I guess I'm going to be working with you for a while."
"Nice to meet you, ma'am."
He nodded to you as you stopped in a large open area with blue lights illuminating everything. Jyp walked off with Rex and Anakin came to stand next to you.
"They seem nice." You smiled.
"Yeah, they do."
He was still starting to where they had gone but you turned towards the front. The pilots down below the walkway started up the ship. They took off and rose into space. As soon as they left Coruscant they were in hyperspace.
You stood there as Anakin began to walk toward the back of the ship where blue lights flashed around. Then he stopped and you could hear his wrist buzz. He tilted his head towards the holo-table. You nodded but decided to get Rex and Jyp first.
Walking through the hallways of the new ship you passed Admiral Yularen and nodded. Then you almost ran into Rex. "Hello, Captain. We're receiving a communication from another ship. I thought you may want to come and listen."
"Yes, ma'am. I'll grab Jyp."
"Good, I'll see you there."
You didn't like how they called you ma'am, it sounded too formal. You weren't a formal person but from what you could guess about them, they probably wouldn't call you anything else. Walking into the holo-table, you could see Anakin standing with his arms crossed. Obi-Wan was on the holo-table in front of him talking about something.
"Hello again Y/n," You walked into view, "I was explaining the plan to Anakin just now."
Jyp and Rex walked in.
"Basically, we're going to watch the planet from one side while Obi-Wan makes his way to another. He'll land and we will keep the lookout until the Separatists show up. Then we'll decide the plan from there."
"I think you're leaving out one important part."
"Oh, yeah we're not supposed to open fire under any circumstances."
Admiral Yularen walked over, "We're arriving, we will be in place soon."
"Good," Obi-Wan responded before disappearing.
"Do we have an idea for a plan after the separatists arrive, General Skywalker?"
"General Obi-Wan has one and he said he would tell us later."
You nodded and walked to the front of the ship. Jyp and Rex followed you and watched out the front window. The stars stopped blending and became solid as you got out of hyperspace. Jyp and Rex walked toward the back of the ship, talking to each other. You're almost certain that the rest of the troops you were bringing were sat in the back.
Looking at the front of the ship, you could see the planet you would be protecting. It was a beautiful blue with darker cracks on its surface. You smiled at it as the ship began to turn away. The ship now had its back to the beautiful planet and everyone was on the lookout.
When you turned towards Anakin, he smirked at you. This was his environment, battling and fighting. It wasn't yours and it never would be. You would rather talk than fight, keeping the peace was more important to you.
A flash of white came into sight in the front window. Then another, then another. Three separatist ships appeared and were firing red energy-bullets at you. Anakin walked up to the elevated command platform with Admiral Yularen.
"We should open fire."
"Anakin," You whispered walking up behind him.
"What? It's the only way."
He nodded to the Admiral and he gave the command. The ship opened fire on the three separatist ships but it wasn't enough. Even as the ships next to you did the same, it wasn't doing enough damage to them only to the republic ships. A light flashed on the holo-table in front of you and Anakin pressed it. Obi-Wan popped up looking disappointed.
"You need to retreat to the backside of the planet."
"We can't give up our post," Anakin responded quickly.
"You have to!"
Obi-Wan disappeared and you nodded to the Admiral as Anakin stared forward. He knew this was what he needed to do but he hated retreating. The ship turned back towards the planet and flew around it. Your ship and the others that hadn't been blown up, met Obi-Wan by the moon. He came up again on the holo-table and you turned back toward it.
"I talked to the council and they want us to deploy on the planet now. We will take only our troops and then we will send the ships back for supplies."
"Will do." You responded as he disappeared once more.
"I will ready the ships."
The Admiral walked to the back of the ship and you followed. Anakin was a couple of steps behind you but he was catching up since he had longer legs. When you made it to the ship's hangar you were shocked again. It was huge and there were smaller ships everywhere. The admiral saw you and nodded, leaving the room. You walked to one ship that had men from the 777th. Anakin gave you a little salute before going to one with the 501st.
The main the ship had lowered to the planet so the little ones could leave without issues. The ship you were on began to move and you grabbed ahold of the handlebars. The wind blew through the ship as you landed on the destroyed landscape. All the clones hopped out and you followed suit.
Obi-Wan was with Cody across the battlefield. You turned to your right where Jyp stood, his helmet now on. Tying up your hair, you nodded and ran toward Obi-Wan, Jyp close behind you.
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