《Out-Flirt Me - Anakin x Reader》Chapter 19- The letter
Dear Y/n,
If you ever get to read this, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't quick enough to save you from them but if you are alive, I found you eventually. Now that you're back, you should know that I thought about you every day. Even though I lost my arm and wasn't able to search for you physically, I tried through the force. I searched for you every day and I couldn't find you. That pained me more than anything ever could.
I sent Padme and Obi-Wan to get information about you and they tried their best too. We all tried and I'm sorry it took so long. I'm sorry that you had to go through what you must have been going through. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. Everyone here is sorry, they all missed you. The light in their lives was missing.
Obi-Wan couldn't bring himself to continue a daily routine. His hair grew wild and his beard became untamed. Padme asked the council about you constantly. She drowned herself in work trying to find you.
Younglings wanted to find you as well. Some knew you had gone on a mission to Naboo but they knew you would be back by now. Obi-Wan tried to talk to them when they asked but he couldn't bring himself to say that he didn't know where you were. Master Yoda tried to calm their suspicions, but now that you're back you should check on them.
I became a master today and I didn't have to go through the trials. They said I went up against a sith and that proves that I should be a master. But I don't feel that way, I failed them and I failed you. I kept on looking beside me to find you but you weren't there and it was my fault. The council told me that I would get my very own battalion soon but it won't be the same without you.
What I'm trying to explain is that you mean everything to everyone. Everyone at the temple wanted to know where you were, they all knew something was wrong. You are worth more to us than you will ever know and I love you more than all the galaxies combined.
Love, Anakin
Tears filled your eyes as you scanned the letter. He must've written this soon before you were found. Your book was set on top next to the letter along with your light saber, which you pocketed. You placed the letter to the side and unpacked your clothing that was left untouched. After you finished unpacking your clothes you just sat there.
He was right, you should visit the younglings soon. But the thing that stuck out to you the most was how much you loved him back. He could be in danger. No, no, no. He wasn't in danger, this mission would be safe for him. It was only a negotiation, right?
You felt through the force to sense Anakin. He held tightly to his lightsaber that rested on his hip. No, no, no. Obi-Wan stood next to him, hands behind his back. In front of them was the sith. She was around the same height as Obi-Wan and was incredibly pale. Two black lines were running down her face on either side. Black hair was pulled tightly into a bun on the back of her head. She was wearing mostly black with highlights of purple and blue.
She was talking to them, walking closer. Laughing at them. It was a trap.
You placed the letter and book inside and slammed your suitcase. Jumping up, you ran out of the room. You knew you had to slow down and walk through the halls. You guided yourself through the walls that seemed to be closing in. Once you got to the hangar, you heard familiar beeping behind you.
The blue and white astotech stood behind you and beeped happily.
"I glad to see you too, buddy. They left you here?"
Apparently, Anakin and Obi-Wan couldn't bring him.
"You want to come with me? Do you even know where I'm going?"
He did.
"Okay, I guess you can join me."
You walked on a small grey ship, R2 following close behind. You fired up the engines and flipped a few switches. You flew out of the hangar and followed Anakin's force signature. Alderaan, it was beautiful. Blues and greens danced across the surface with white clouds covering small areas.
You landed in a small opening within a forest. You could remember the name of the senator of Alderaan, he was a friend of Padmes. Bail Organa. Hoping off the ship, you tried to find Anakin in the force.
R2 made a few beeping sounds from behind you.
"Yes, we're close," You pointed northeast, "This way."
You began to track towards Anakin as R2 followed behind. If you just put your barriers down for a second you could hear them. You dropped your mind barrier and the voices flooded in. Screams, echoes, desperate cries, but Anakin was there and he wasn't speaking yet. Obi-Wan said something, Darth Novu said something but everything was too loud.
Your foot hit a root and you fell to the ground. R2 beeped behind you and you opened your eyes. Your mind barriers went up and you would just have to find them without their voices.
"I'm fine, R2. I was just trying to find them."
He beeped and continued trailing along after you. Once at the edge of the forest, you took cover behind a bush. You could see large buildings which could also provide cover. You snuck towards the buildings until you got closer and closer to the palace. Hiding behind a fence, you could see bodies lying at Darth Novu's feet. Innocent people laid there as Anakin and Obi-Wan pleaded with her.
She stood a couple of steps up the palace stairs, looking down at Anakin and Obi-Wan. Anakin was tense but Obi-Wan looked relaxed.
"So this is what you call peace?" Obi-Wan asked.
She brought her hands out to show what she had done, "I call it, what needs to be done. Peace is born from violence, that's what the Jedi don't understand."
"Peace can be born peacefully as well, it can be formed in many ways."
"Ahh, but what kind of peace do we need? We don't need the democracy that the Republic wants, we need an empire."
"I don't think you understand what people need," Anakin commented.
"I understand more than you ever will."
She highlighted her crimson blade and summoned another innocent person from behind her. They had been lying on the steps behind her and you thought they were dead.
"No!" Anakin yelled but he couldn't stop her.
Darth Novu pierced the man's stomach and then let him slide off her saber. He screamed and his eyes slid closed. The image made your stomach churn.
"More of them will die at your hands if you don't give me what I want."
"You haven't even told us what you want," Obi-Wan explained.
"You should know, she's here. You all fell into my trap. I summoned you here so that she would follow, she will soon know too much to stay alive."
"Who?" Obi-Wan questioned, but Anakin knew.
He glanced around searching for you, but he couldn't find you. His thoughts were loud,
Please not Y/n, she's been through too much, I can't lose her again.
"Why don't you ask him?"
"Y/n," he whispered continuing to search, "I don't see her."
"What does Y/n know that you must kill her because of?"
"If I told you it wouldn't be a secret."
She brought a child by their neck to her hand and smiled cruelly.
"Stop!" You yelled jumping the fence, "I'm right here!"
You ran in front of her, at the very bottom of the stairs. She was only a few feet away and so was her saber. The little girl grabbed at Darth Novu's hands, screaming.
"You decided to show up. Too late."
She killed the little girl, letting her join the man now on the ground.
"No!" You dropped next to the little girl, brushing hair out of her face.
Darth Novu grabbed your shoulder and you heard Anakin yell from behind you. You glared up at her and she smiled at you.
"Poor, little lady. Knowing too much for her own good."
She took her hand away and placed it on her saber which was above your head. You brought it from your pocket with the force and ignited it. You caught her side and it slit her clothing, but you just missed her. She brought down her weapon like a hammer but you used yours to defend it. She hit three times before spinning around and getting her next attack ready.
You stepped up beside her and clashed your sabers together. Top two, bottom two. You directed your head towards Anakin and nodded. He nodded back even though he looked terrified. Obi-Wan pulled him into the castle as you fought.
"Ahh, trying to save the others I see."
"Always," You grunted as you continued to attack.
She stepped up a step and tried to hammer at your head again. You blocked four times in a row but she came in quickly from the side. You just barely saved your torso and she looked impressed.
"You're braver than I'd expect."
"I'm just full of surprises."
You force-flipped over her and landed two steps up. She smiled and spun around sweeping her weapon at your legs. You jumped and dodged her saber then backhanded yours at her. She blocked it and you continued the pattern. Top two, bottom two. Right left, right left. On the next top right corner, she pushed her weapon harder into yours. You tried to push back but you only stayed up for a few seconds before falling back on the step.
"You're just a young girl, you may be brave but that doesn't mean you're strong."
"I would say the same to you, but you're not that young."
Darth Novu grunted as she jumped towards you. You force-pushed her legs so she was off balance. But she got it back and landed on her hands and knees. She smiled as she force-pulled you up. Your neck felt tight like how it did with Count Dooku. You reached for your neck as she threw you to the bottom of the stairs.
Tucking your arms in, you rolled a couple of feet before stopping yourself. You got on one knee and pulled your deactivated saber toward you. You flipped your braid back and stood up, walking towards her. She smiled and jumped at you. You just highlighted your lightsaber when her clashed against yours. She pushed harder and harder and you sunk backward.
Sticking out one hand, you pushed her head back with the force. She was pulled back as you regripped your saber. You were now both on the floor in front of the steps. Even ground. Top two, bottom two. Top two, she pushed her saber directly at your stomach. You did a last-second back handspring, throwing your saber in the air. You land a step back and caught the ignited blade in your right hand.
"Impressive, but not good enough."
She ran towards you and you threw your lightsaber up in front of your face. You defected her attacks over and over again. When out of the corner of your eye you saw someone run past the window. You glanced over and Anakin was running with Bail Organa. Darth Novu took the chance and slashed your bicep.
You screamed and clenched your jaw. Your eyes fastened shut and you stepped backward, creating room between the two of you. Then you felt danger and you opened your eyes to see her flying at you. You put your saber above your head and she hammered it three times. She spun around and aimed for your side but you blocked it. Holding your left arm behind your back, you fought only with your right.
Top right, top left, bottom right, bottom left. You spun and aimed for her shoulder, she barely blocked it. You swept at her legs, she jumped, you swept at her side, she blocked. You pushed her saber up and around her head. The adrenaline was making you stronger as she almost lost grip of her weapon. You stabbed her right through the stomach.
You've killed her, you are as evil as her. You're a monster.
She sank to her knees and so did you. You deactivated your saber and she fell over. Catching her in your arms, you saw her eyes threatening to close.
"I'm sorry," You whispered, "I'm so, so sorry."
"Soon, you will know," She took a deep breath, "why they come for you."
Tears fell from your eyes as you took life from a living person. Her eyes closed and a dark cloud of dust appeared around her. She disappeared from your arms and they fell to your sides. A hand rested on your shoulder, but it felt calming. You didn't look back but you could hear their voice.
"You did what you had to do. You were not the villain here."
Your eyes closed softly and you tried to stop your tears. The Jedi were encouraged to be compassionate, yet they always killed.
~Anakin's POV~
Her emerald lightsaber pierced Darth Novu's abdomen. They fell to their knees in sync. I had never seen Y/n kill anyone before and I don't think she ever had. Her lightsaber contracted and she caught the sith in her arms. Even from far away, through a window, I could see her tears. I was only at this window because I heard her scream. Bail was behind me and Obi-Wan was taking care of the Queen. She was whispering something to the sith.
A dark cloud made Darth Novu disappear but something blue appeared behind her. A blue force-ghost placed its hand on her shoulder. The tall figure was Qui-Gon and he was talking to her. I glanced back at Obi-Wan, he had never mentioned seeing Qui-Gon as a ghost. Obi-Wan looked up at me with confused eyes. I signaled to the window and he walked over. He gasped at the sight.
It was odd to see a Jedi crying over the death of a villain and a ghost behind them, comforting them. Most Jedi her age had killed someone before, even if it was just a small mission. But Y/n always tried to save them and this was the first time she hadn't. She was sweeter than she called to realize.
Obi-Wan looked at me and I knew what he meant. We needed to get out of her before something happened. He walked back to the king and queen and explained to them where we were going. I began to run out of the castle, wanting to comfort Y/n. She was still kneeling on the ground when I got to the stairs. Qui-Gon was behind her but when he saw me he disappeared.
"Y/n?" I kneeled in front of her and tilted her head up at me.
Her eyes were red and puffy, and pieces of her hair had fallen from her braid.
"You did what you had to do. Anyone else would've done the same."
"I shouldn't have, I shouldn't have done that. I killed her, Ani. She's dead because of me." Her voice was quiet and uneven.
"Let's get you home." I couldn't change her mind right now, and I knew that.
I helped her stand up as Obi-Wan walked out of the palace doors. Bail and Breha Organa we're holding hands while walking behind him. I stood beside Y/n as she stared at the ground where Darth Novu had been.
"What ship did you come in?"
"I don't know, R2 picked it out. We parked in the forest."
"R2's here?"
"Yeah, he joined me last second." She chuckled looking up at me. I smiled trying to lift the mood, but her eyes were still pained. "Where did you guys put your ship?"
"On the landing pad."
"Makes sense." Obi-Wan came next to me, still shocked, "I'll see you back on Coruscant."
She gave a little salute and walked away. R2 came from out of nowhere and trailed behind her. Obi-Wan turned back to the king and queen and we walked to our ship.
~Y/n's POV~
The flight back wouldn't have been bad if you weren't so absorbed in guilt. I shouldn't have killed her, I should've found a way around it like I always do. What will the council say, will they remove me from the order? You shook your head trying to get rid of your thoughts.
R2 beeped, asking if you were alright.
"Yeah, I'm fine buddy. Don't worry about me."
He beeped and went back to his charging station. The voice you had heard behind you was wrong, it was your fault. You didn't even know how it was, you couldn't bear to look away from the spot she had laid. You rose from your spot and walked over to a medical kit. You grabbed a bandage and wrapped your arm. It reminded you of Darth Maul but you had to finish wrapping it.
You sat back down and continued piloting until you landed in the Jedi Temple hangar. People were staring at you and it freaked you out. They will kick you out, they know everything. You just continued to walk through the halls when a small youngling came up to you.
"The council would like to see you." He announced.
"Okay, thank you."
He nodded and walked away, you redirected yourself to the council room. When you got to the door Anakin and Obi-Wan stood there. Anakin looked at you and smiled, stepping towards you, but he stopped when he remembered Obi-Wan was watching. You nodded and Obi-Wan opened the door.
"Hrm, Welcome." Master Yoda greeted as everyone bowed their heads. "Heard of your mission, we have." His gaze was on Obi-Wan and Anakin but he turned to you, "You recovered, glad we are."
"Even though it wasn't what you should've done, we are glad you followed them." Master Windu began, "You were not cleared for a mission, nonetheless for killing a Sith lord. Although, you seem to be fine except for your shoulder. The council has made a decision that will be good news for you."
Maybe they wouldn't kick you out.
"You are to come back here at sunset with your master. Now, you are dismissed."
You bowed your head and walked out the door. Sitting down on the bench, you placed your head in your hands. Your head had begun to hurt from your thoughts being so loud. You decided to wait there until Obi-Wan and Anakin were done.
They walked out a few minutes later, looking proud of themselves. They had completed their mission after all, saving the senator and the queen. You looked up and Anakin smiled at you, you smiled back not wanting to bring him down.
"I'll see you this evening, Anakin."
"Okay." Anakin walked over to you and you stood up. "Are you alright?"
He had stopped smiling, but you wanted him to smile.
"Yeah, I'm fine Anakin." You smiled hoping to get his back. You didn't.
"I know that's not true," You had started to walk together, "I know you didn't want to kill Darth Novu."
Your head fell but you kept on walking.
"She would still be alive if it wasn't for me. I shouldn't have down that."
"Y/n, you didn't have a choice!" He stopped and turned to you. He put his finger under your chin and brought your face up. "Look me in the eyes Y/n, I don't think any less of you. No one does got it?"
"Got it."
"Good," He smiled and walked on.
You weren't paying attention to where he was going but you were following him. He ended up at the garden where you used to hang out as younglings. Anakin sat down on the ledge by the fountain and you followed. You looked up at the sky and smiled. It was beautiful, light blue faded to off-white as clouds danced across.
Anakin chuckled and you looked at him. "What?" You asked.
"No really, what?"
You reached your hand in the water and splashed him.
"What was that for?"
He splashed you back and you gasped. You continued to splash each other until you fell off the edge and into the fountain.
"Y/n!" Anakin was still laughing as you grabbed his shirt and pulled him in. He landed right on top of you and you instantly regretted your decision. Once you sat up, you liked your decision again as you saw him drenched like a dog in the rain. His hair stuck to his face as he stared you dead in the eye. You laughed.
"You think this is funny?"
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