《Out-Flirt Me - Anakin x Reader》Chapter 16- Last names are confusing
"Have any good news?" I had asked the question every time Padme came into the room for over a week.
"Well, no. Not really any news at all." She looked sorry for me and I don't blame her. I had just lost most my arm and my world so I would feel sorry for me too. Although she didn't know Y/n was my entire universe, and I'm not sure Y/n knew she was either.
"I have been around and no one seems to know anything, as you already know. Obi-Wan says the Jedi are working on it but then he had to leave quickly. The chancellor says that they are tracking Count Dooku and that's where the only small bit of information comes from."
She paused.
"What is it?" She was freaking me out.
"They think that Dooku gave her to another separatist or even sith. But that just widens the search and no one has a clue who he gave her to."
Padme had sat down next to where I was sat up in bed. I was still in the same room that was entirely white. Now I could flex the fingers on my mechanical arm but it felt so different. The doctors said I would be in here for another couple days and then I would start rehab. They had to make sure my vitals wouldn't just randomly drop.
"I'm truly sorry, Anakin."
"It's alright, Padme. At least you got some information."
"Not just about that, I know how much Y/n means to you."
"What? We're just friends, good friends."
Padme got up and turned towards the door. She couldn't know, we weren't that obvious. When she clicked the button to open the door I could see someone just past her.
"Obi-Wan, what a pleasant surprise." She smiled and Obi-Wan did too.
"Hello Padme, the same to you." She stepped out so Obi-Wan could walk in.
As the door closed, he just looked at me with pity. It was worse than Padme's because if Obi-Wan knew something it would be horrible. As he got closer I saw noticed smaller things about him. His eyes were drowsy and sleepless. His hair was messy almost completely untamed which never happened. I hadn't though about his relationship with Y/n. Y/n was like a daughter to him and it completely slipped my mind.
He sat down and put his hands into his head. Something was even worse than just the situation at hand. It had taken Padme over a week to get the slightest sliver of information so I wondered what Obi-Wan knew. He sighed and brought his head back up.
"Anakin, we found something."
I stayed silent, afraid of what I would do if I wasn't.
"Dooku gave her to Darth Maul, he's alive. They gave her force suppressors on the ship so she wouldn't be able to reach out to anyone."
I took a deep breath inhaling the air and the new facts.
"They're trying to get information out of her about someone. We don't know who and we don't know if any of this is actually right. But it's our best guess right now."
He stood up and clenched his jaw as he walked out.
"Master?" He looked back at me with raised brows, "Get some sleep please."
He chuckled as he walked out of my hospital room.
~~Three Weeks Later~~
Now that Maul knew you could scream he found great pleasure in making you do it over and over. But you hated every time a noise left your lips because it remiendes you of how very weak you were. Yet you couldn't give up information no matter how long he tortured you or how long you screamed. It was impossible, almost as if you forgot everything when he asked for it.
Your daily routine has become consistent. Every morning or whatever time it really was, someone would come in. On some days they would give you a portion and a small cup of water and access to a crusty bathroom. Those days were nice because you could look at you wounds in detail and feel your hair on the back of your neck.
Once you tried to rub the blood of your face with water but you needed to drink the water more. You had found out the second time you were let down that it was in a knot on the back of your head and it was a complete mess.
But on other days they came in only to torture you and try over and over to get information. It switched from mainly the scary shamrock to occasionally Darth Maul. You now had multiple stab wounds in your right leg and cuts across your entire body. There were taser and whip marks on you ribs and now there were some on your back along.
One day the pokey pickle turned you around and had tased your back until it went numb. Your screaming was becoming less frequent as you got used to the insane pain. Plus your throat was incredibly sore and it hurt to make any noise.
The pear puncher didn't talk much but oh boy, Darth Maul did. Every time he saw you he made sure to tell you what an utter failure you were. He was right though, you had failed everyone you called a friend.
You still hated him with all your wounded guts but he didn't seem to hate you. In fact, he always seemed pleased to talk to you. He was even more pleased when he received news of experimental drugs to test on you. It started with one that he injected into your arm with a needle. It was supposed to cause pain, so it caused muscle cramps and spasms. The next one made you frozen in place and was injected in the same place. He said he would be given more in about a week.
~~One month since you were taken~~
Darth Maul had given you this new drug a couple days or so ago and it was fun. It made you incredibly loopy and dazed. The affects were still strong but they were starting to wear off. The door opened again but you couldn't see who it was. They seemed to have armor on, as it was reflecting the light. They stalked quietly towards you and you leaned back into the wall. They reached to their side and grabbed a sharp knife of some sort. You accepted your punishment while closing your eyes.
Chink! Chink!
The chains holding your feet broke and your arms came off the wall. So naturally, you fell towards the person with the knife. But they had put the weapon away and caught you.
"I got you... I got you." They whispered, which confused you even more.
They wrapped your arm around their shoulders and another person in armor had come to to help carry you. They set you on the ground against the wall. Another person in armor turned on some sort of lantern and you could see everything in detail.
The armor was mandalorian with blue and white patterns. The first person seemed smaller than the rest. And the small one was inspecting your arms. They grabbed your left and then your right, then began to look at your legs. The cuffs were still on your wrist and they had sank in so it would hurt to take them off.
They muttered something to mandalorian number two and then stared at your face. Everything hurt, including your head which was beating aggressively. You couldn't see the mandalorian's eyes but your pretty sure they were staring into yours.
"Hi! Do I know you?" The drug made your voice unstable along with your body which already was.
"You did, at one point in your life." Their voice was muffled by their helmet.
"What's your name?"
"You'll find out soon, don't worry."
They took the cuffs of your wrists and the drug wore off. Then you screamed as you placed your hands on your ears. The voices were back, they were back, coming back to haunt you. You started to beat the side of your head trying to knock them out like water from your ear. Your wrists felt like they would snap.
"Y/n! Y/n!" Someone yelled but you could barely hear the over your screaming.
The one voice you needed came into play and you stopped screaming. Your heavy breathing shook your entire body as you tried to get into his mind. He was with Obi-Wan, some kind of mission.
Anakin. Anakin!
You could see him clearly in your mind but he looked different. You didn't care about that right now though. He turned around to face Obi-Wan and his eyes were wide with shock.
"I can feel her"
"Y/n! Y/n! Are you alright!" You opened your eyes to a panicked mandalorian. How did she know my name? She grabbed your wrists and inspected them, thin red lines surrounded by a large lighter border forming from where they took them off.
"Why did you start screaming? Did it hurt?"
"There's voices, that's why I had those things on. They block the voices." Now they would for sure think you were crazy. Mandalorian number one just stared you down and then told number two to grab your arm.
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Your shoulders hurt like hell but you hadn't realized with the drug. When your shoulders were put back about your head they felt better but you were still in pain. Focusing on your injuries, you closed you eyes and let these people take you wherever. It probably wasn't the smartest decision but who said you were smart.
They took you outside because you could feel wind on your face and something else. Sand, there was sand pelting your face and you could hear the tinks from the mandalorian armor. You kept on glancing up at the sky, hoping to see the blue and white you called home. But it was dark and the sand scratched your eyes. So you were forced to close your eyes and look down again. You really were starting to dislike sand just as Anakin did.
The placed you in the back of some kind of vehicle and you curled up in a ball. It hurt because of your shoulders but at least your face wasn't getting pelted by sand. Although the injuries on you back were still getting hit. Your clothing was cut so much that the sand got stuck inside and then blown out. The vehicle began to drive away from the torture building but you couldn't bring yourself to look at it.
A few minutes later, the vehicle stopped and someone came to the where you were. You sat you and they grabbed your arms which hurt so much more. They pulled you out and set something on your head so you finally opened your eyes safely. There was a helmet set on your head to keep the sand out of your eyes. It had an opening for your sight with blue lines and data running across the bottom. As you were dragged along you saw some small tents and a stack of firewood but also the black and purple sky.
"It's not always this bad, but it's the middle of a sandstorm."
"How long have you been here?" Just because the drug wore off doesn't mean you weren't a curious person.
"A few days, we got what we needed."
"What was that?"
"What? Why..." You were placed in a tent and it hurt to hit the ground.
But there was a blanket and a pillow of some sort. And food and water. But you didn't deserve it, you deserved to go back. After all you got someone killed, your glad it wasn't Anakin but it could've been one of these people or you master. You curled up in a hall in the corner even though it hurt. You deserved the pain, you deserved not to see the sky.
"Hey, you know this stuff's for you right?"
The voice had come in the door to the tent and it was the smaller mandalorian. You looked around at the object placed around you and frowned.
"Why are you helping me?"
"Well," They walked into the tent and sat across from you, "I have two reasons for you. One, no one deserves to be tortured and two, I have a little secret."
"What is it?" You completely ignored the first part of her sentence.
She took off her helmet which came as a shocker since most mandalorian's don't. Secondly, red shoulder-length hair fell from her helmet and a silver headband holding it back. She had features similar to you, or what you used to look like. You had no clue what you looked like right now, but you must look different.
"Do you remember me?"
As soon as she said it a familiarity came to mind, as if you used to know her.
"I think so... but who are you?"
She looked a little disappointed and then chuckled.
"I'm your sister."
"What? I think you have the wrong person, I don't have a family."
"Surely you can't believe that. Everyone had a family at one point and you just happen to be part of mine. See your my little sister, Y/n Kryze..."
"Wait, they told me my name was Y/n Y/l/n?"
She laughed this time.
"That's a street in town square, probably where they found you. Anyway, I'm Bo-Katan Kryze and we have an older sister named Satine Kryze."
"Wait, Satine Kryze, like the Duchess of Mandalore?"
"Yeah, that she is. She's sweet, you'll like her when you meet her."
"Did Satine have a jedi protecter like a while ago?"
"I believe so, a jedi padawan and master. Why?"
"I know them, or knew them."
"Are they both dead?"
"Oh no, just the elder of the two. The younger one is still alive, I think." You really hoped he was alive or your visualization of Anakin was all wrong. Plus he was like a father to you and you really did have an attachment to him.
"Good, we'll I mean not for the older one. But for the padawan, I think he had something going on with Satine."
"Oh, definitely."
"Hold on, who did take-"
Someone opened the tent flap and looked at Bo-Katan.
"Oh, I guess the loth-cat's out of the bag."
Bo looked at you and then back at the other person and just nodded.
"Oh right. We're making a fire in case you would like to join us?"
Bo-Katan looked at you and you decided, why not? You nodded and she smirked.
"We would love to. Oh and grab your helmet."
You grabbed the helmet that she called yours. Then together you walked out of the tent with your new-found sister. You didn't look very similar but if you told someone you were sisters they just might believe you. Your voices weren't the same but maybe your hearts were. She sat down on a horizontal log by the fire and looked back at you. You had put the helmet on and you were glad the sand wasn't in your eyes.
You sat down next to her and the shock from the breaking news wore off. Your arms and shoulders hurt plus you neck was stiff. Your back ached and your legs burned. But you had to suck it up and move on.
During the night, you had asked Bo-Katan a few of your questions and she answered the best she could. You tried to ignore the fact that you were feeling nauseous. After that you were sent back to your tent and you ate the food left on the tray. It was way better than those portions Darth Maul gave you and you were grateful. But it hurt you stomach so you stopped eating.
You slept on the squishy surface that was to be used as a bed but it was to soft. The warmth made your head spins so you ended up rolling off of it. So really, you slept on the think fabric between you and the sand. Thoughts bounced around in your head like, why were these people helping you? Would Anakin come for you or leave you forever? You always took the latter.
Shake, shake.
You were awoken abruptly by two shakes from Bo-Katan. You jumped a little bit but settled down once you realized who it was. Trusting her was easy, but it was leaving her that would be hard. You couldn't live the rest of your life with this family, you had the jedi to serve.
"Morning, we have to get on the move today."
You rolled over and sat up. Rubbing your eyes, you woke up a little bit and began to stand up. But you fell back down on your ass and your head pounded.
"Yeah, you're not walking it. You'll be riding in the landspeeder. Once we get there you can get some medical attention."
You looked up to her and smiled, trying to show your gratitude. She just smirked back and walked out. You saw an outfit set on the little table your tray is on. There was still a few pieces of food and you took bites as you changed out of your old clothes. You were glad to be rid of those clothes and you were swimming in these new clothes. They didn't have clothes that weren't armor that would fit you apparently.
You tried to take out your hair, which you had been avoiding. Once you got it down you tried to split it into three parts and maybe you could braid it. It hurt your fingers and scalp but eventually you got it and braided it down to the end. You used the hair tie that your hair had been tied up with at the bottom of your new braid. You finally felt a little more like yourself again.
You walked out of the tent, grabbing the helmet from the night before, and recognized Bo-Katan in her helmet. You walked over and stood behind her while she finished talking. The sand had died down so you hadn't put the helmet on. But you sort of liked how it made the world look. It tinted the sky purple and made the sand look almost blue.
Bo turned back towards you and you could guess she was smirking. She tilted her head towards the landspeeder and you walked towards it. You had the slightest limp because the pain was almost equal on both sides. You hopped in the back and put your helmet on, mainly so you didn't have to hold it.
"Where exactly is 'there'?"
"You'll find out."
Bo-Katan smacked the back twice and the speeder began to move. Everyone else had hopped on smaller speeders and followed behind. You were in the back with supplies they had taken from the camp which was literally everything. You hadn't realized but they packed up the tents and supplies while you got in the back. Some mandalorian's had backpacks but most had jet packs.
You closed your eyes and tried to dream of your life before this happened. But the one thought that kept on coming up was, how were you going to get back to Coruscant? Surely no one would come for you, but you had to get back to the temple to continue being a jedi. You weren't even a master yet, if you were going to quit you at least had to do your best.
You awoke to Bo squatting in front of you again. She just nodded and stepped out of the back. Your head felt like it was spinning as you put a hand on it. I'll be fine. You began to follow as people were taking things out of the back, but not everything.
"Is this 'there'?"
"No, it's just a small bump in the road. Everything will be fine soon."
Mandalorian's were lined up with large guns in front of the speeders. Some were on their knees and others were standing behind things. You stepped forward, trying to get a better view but Bo grabbed your arm. From what you could see, it looked like there was a small ship that landed in front of the speeders. The dust and sand surrounded it so that you couldn't see the details.
Someone began to walk out of the cloud with their hands in the air. You could hear the guns click and make loud noises as the man stopped. You couldn't distinguish his features yet but he felt familiar. Was it another person from your lost family?
As the dust settled you knew exactly who this was. You stepped forward and looked them in the eyes. Could it really be?
"Ready, aim..." Bo-Kayan whispered from the back of the group.
"Hold your fire!" You yelled, which hurt, and everyone glared at you.
You ran forward the the person with their hands up as they looked at you on shock. Somehow he knew it was you under the helmet and as you took it off, you stopped. Only a few feet from him, he stepped forward.
"Y/n? Is it really you?"
"Yeah, Anakin. It's me."
You dropped your helmet and jumped forward to land in his arms. His arms wrapped around your waist and back while yours rested on his neck. You took in his smell as you felt fireworks go off inside your stomach. You buried your face in his neck and planted a small kiss that no one could see. He really came for you, he really came.
I would never leave you here, angel.
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