《Out-Flirt Me - Anakin x Reader》Chapter 4- Dropped
~ words are your negative thoughts and italics are you normal ones. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yeah, your probably right, hehe. The voice in your head came back ever since you sort of forgave Anakin.Now you were walking around the apartment searching for anything suspicious. While Anakin and Obi-Wan were in the other room discussing security. I can't leave this is my mission, I'm not that cowardice. Bro, I'm a great jedi. Lightsaber go brrrrrrrr. I don't think so, they're talking about Padme. But go off.At this the voice disappeared for a bit.
You hated having this voice that no one else seemed to have, but the best you could do to stop it was laugh at it. The roof's really high up. Oh. They wouldn't leave me. I'm like un-leave-able cause they love me. That was a complete lie, they always left. Like some J name, it wouldn't have ended well. Don't bring Ashoka into this. She's just probably got tired of following.
"Y/n? Y/n are you alright?" A voice came from the door to your left. Your eyes shot to him. Anakin. You realized you were just staring at a wall, rubbing your hands over your face. Jedi could hear thoughts and feel other jedis feelings, he probably felt that you were uncomfortable and thought you were in danger.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, Anakin. Don't worry." You turned towards him and gave him a realistic smile. Anyone else would've believed it but Anakin used to be your best friend.
"No, you're not," he started walking towards you, "I know you, your not fine." He looked at your eyes, you avoided his gaze though, staring at his brown, leather boots. There was a notch in the left one. You didn't want to go down this path, you had a mission you can't ruin it by having panic attacks or Anakin being worried about you. He tilted your head up with his index finger and thumb, but you still looked away.
"Y/n, look at me, in the eyes." You glanced up your eyes wide open studying his face to see if he was mad. He didn't look mad, he looked upset by you not wanting to look him in the eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but we both heard footsteps and looked at the door to our right.
"What are you two doing?" Obi-Wan asked from the doorway. You realized now how suspicious this looked. Anakin was holding your head up and you were staring into each other's eyes. There were mere inches in between the two of you and you both stared at him with wide eyes. Apparently Anakin and you realized this at the same time and stepped apart, a few feet now in between the two of you, you both stated explaining. You stuttering something like, "Well, we were, he was, um, we were just..." and Anakin did almost the same.
Obi-Wan stared at the two of you with a disapproving look and crossed his arms. "Enough, come on, we need to be on high alert in case something happens." Anakin and you looked at each other, cheeks bright pink then started walking towards Obi-Wan who was already out the door. He stopped by Padmes door, a little down the hall, and stared at you both again. You both were walking almost two feet apart, not daring to look at each other. Your confidence had been drained, Anakin seemed to do that to you. So weird.
"So, Anakin you really think you can sense what's going on in there?" Obi-Wan asked ignoring what just happened.
"Of course!"
"What if you can't?" Obi-Wan questioned again, you were confused why they weren't just watching the cameras. You guessed this was just more efficient, being closer and all.
"Well, y/n?" Anakin turned toward you, you didn't like where this was going. You looked at him confused.
"Weren't you temporarily blind for like a month?" Shit-
The girl with green skin was just sitting there crying into her hands as a padawan and his friends mocked her.
"Look at her, all defenseless! No friends to protect her. Awwww." He said all this in a mock baby tone. Anakin was somewhere, not here. It was just you, the three guys, the green girl, and a balcony.
"Stop it!" You yelled as you walked over to them. You stood in between the two, your left hand back in front of the girl and your right open towards the guys.
"Well, well, well. Looks like we got some competition boys. Just another puny youngling girl though." The main boy with raven hair said to his group.
"Don't hurt her, you've done enough just go away!" You were pleading. You didn't want to fight you were only 7 there were 14 year olds. But she was only 5, she was helpless. You were her only hope.
"Oh so your begging now." He pushed you back and you fell next to the green girl.
"Run! And don't come back for a while. I'll be alright." You said in a calm tone towards the girl. She looked up at you with big eyes, red from rubbing. Than she ran as fast as she could out the door. The guys looked angrier than ever and were inching closer to you. You were scooting backwards but you knew you had stand up for yourself. You stood up after you moved about two feet back.
"I won't let you hurt her, she did nothing wrong. Your just a bully who picks on children."
"Oh your going to regret that!" He lunged towards you grabbing your robes around your head and lifting you off the ground. He was walking towards the edge of the balcony and you were probably higher than the railing now. His minions were following him and keeping a lookout for any masters.
"Stop! Let me go!" You were clawing at his hands. But now you were at the edge of the balcony. You looked over your shoulder at the long drop. There is no way you could survive that if he dropped you.
"Oh you want me to let you go now!" He hoisted you over the railing and let go with his left hand. You were dangling from his right arm with both your arms holding on for dear life.
"Just bring me back over!"
"Deskri! Someone's coming!" One of his minions called.
"What!" He flung his head around which scared you even more, that he may just forget about you and let go.
"Master Yoda! Some good weather today, isn't it?" The other minion asked. We couldn't see him yet, but Deskri looked scared and let go of your robes.
You yelled and screamed but no one was saving you. You were face down falling and using the force to try and slow you down. But it wasn't working very well. The speeders were flying by, one touch and you were dead. You were young and fragile, especially your mind. Oh, how you would come to hate flying. You were half way down and running out of time when you stopped falling and it all went black.
~Flashback over~
"Yeah, but-"
"So, you saw through the force during that month didn't you?"
"Yes, but Anakin I-" You were biting your lip anytime you weren't talking. You hated talking about this so much. It scared you, more than you would like to admit.
"But your force connections is really strong since you were able to do that! So you can sense what's going on in the room." He turned towards Obi-Wan who just looked exhausted. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes at Anakin, probably knowing you didn't like talking about this. Then he looked at you sincerely. Damn, he really does pity you.
"You shouldn't rely only on the force when you have other tools." He explained calmly to Anakin.
"But that's not my fault, Padme doesn't like being watched so she turned of the cameras! I was just reasoning that we can still do our job!"
"Anakin-" Obi-Wan was annoyed with him now but you felt something in the force. You closed your eyes and you saw a droid with its master behind it. The person was blurred into the black surroundings but the droid was clear.
"The droid is en route." It's master said into their comms. You felt something unsettling in the force as the droid flew right through you. You took a sharp inhale of breath and opened your eyes. Anakin and Obi-Wan were whisper fighting as you walked between the two towards Padmes door. You put your ear up against it listening for any sign of commotion, that's when you felt it. You flung open the door and put two fingers in your mouth. You whistled to the boys who looked at you confused and then they looked shocked. You ran into Padmes room with Obi-Wan right behind you. She sat up startled at the sudden noises and then you saw the droid. It was peeking through the blinds so you force pulled it towards you. It shot bugs out which Anakin chopped up with his saber. That's when it started flying out of control so you grabbed it and landed on your back with the droid upside down. It was trying to go up, and pulling your arms with it so you flung you leg up and kicked it out the window. Then you heard glass break which made you flinch, even though you knew it was coming.
"Master!" Anakin yelled which made you hop up from the ground and look out the window. Yep he jumped. Onto the droid. Now he was flying through the air on top of it. Great. Anakin pulled your arm and started to run out the door.
"Sorry Padme!" You apologized as you left the room. Once you were out Anakin was pulling you down a flight of stairs. "Ouch! Anakin! Stop pulling so hard!" He kept on running for a while but once you got to the ship room he let go.
"Sorry!" He responded while he kept on running towards the speeders. He saw a yellow one and hopped in as you did the same.
"This one will do." He muttered, smirking at the speeder then at you. You smirked back. Anakin started to drive off as soon as you closed your door. You never really liked flying and Anakin was a reckless pilot. You screwed your eyes shut as he zoomed out of the large opening and headed towards where we last saw Obi-Wan. Eventually you opened my eyes again and saw him smirking at you.
"Eyes on the sky, mister!" You exclaimed as he faced the other speeders again. You tied you hair back a little higher then just your neck. You hopped to the side so you could search for Obi-Wan. You saw him hanging on the droid pretty far to the speeders right.
"There!" You shouted while pointing in his direction.
"Hold on, y/n!" He responded as he swerved around another speeder. You weren't really listening to him since you were observing, so you slid over to his side when he turned. Your back was now squished into his right side and you were slumped down a bit so your head was at his shoulder. You could practically feel his smirk through the force.
"Don't get to comfortable there."
"Oh I wouldn't dare." You responded quick and snappy as you looked up at him. You had now turned so you were side by side and your heads were closer to the same height. You made eye contact with each other and you gave him and small smirk. He looked at your lips then he looked away, face flushed. I win. You could here him think through the force. 'Oh the things she does to me'. Which made your face flush and you looked away. He kept on swerving around things which reminded you why you hated flying.
"God, Anakin." You mumbled while being rocked around in the speeder. He was pretty focused which you were grateful for but you never expected him to drive like this. Ok, maybe you did because he was just as reckless as you if not more.
"Do you not like flying?" He questioned with fake sincerity then he smirked at you. He knew you didn't, he even knew why. You turned towards him with pursed lips and smacked his shoulder, harder then you meant to. You always hated the speeders flying around you, it reminded you of-
"Ow! What was that for!?" He knew exactly what because he just kept smirking at you. You turned back to your spot and crossed your arms in a huff.
"Sorry." He apologized softly. You gave him a small smile.
"It's okay, dumbass." You replied facing back towards the front.
"What, moi?" He asked with fake offence.
"Yeah you!?"
"I am definitely not dumb! You're like the smartest girl on Coruscant, why would you hang out with me if I was dumb?!"
"I'm not that smart Anakin, not even close. But maybe I- He's coming in Anakin!" You yelled or you would've missed Obi-Wan, the person you were supposed to be saving. He steadied as soon as you said it.
"On it!" You kneeled on you seat facing back and used the force to guide Obi-Wan into the yellow speeder. He landed perfectly next to you as you started to turn around.
"What took you guys so long?" He asked as soon as he was situated.
"We couldn't find a speeder we both liked, Master." Anakin responded while following another speeder.
"Yeah, I wanted the blue one but Anakin wanted yellow." You joked along. Obi-Wan just sighed as if he should have known it was a stupid question. It was a tight fit in the speeder, you just realized. Kind of uncomfortable but it wasn't for long. Anakin was in pursuit of a green speeder with one person driving. They dove way down and you knew that only meant one thing. He dove with them. Your eyes shut again off reflex and Obi-Wan squinted. You would be diving for a while and you had grabbed a hold of Anakins robes.
"Pull up, Anakin!" Obi-Wan begged, "Pull up!" He repeated himself getting sterner each time. This freaked you out so you opened you eyes and realized you were getting closer to a ship. If it wasn't so dark outside this would've been almost deja vu. You were almost at the ground and you were holding in a breath plus a scream.
"Pull up!" You shouted at Anakin which seemed to take him out of the trans he was in and he pulled up. You were probably an inch away from the a ship and you were now trying to focus on your breathing so you didn't have a whole ass panic attack. Anakin kept on glancing over at you to make sure you were okay and every time you would push his head forward with you left hand. Eventually he stopped and went into a focus trans again. He started doing spins and flips which he wasn't doing earlier. Obi-Wan had also been glancing at the two of you, mainly he was confused why Anakin wasn't talking this whole time. But he stopped as well. He was shocked, but not, at Anakin's sudden change in flying style.
"Goodness." Obi-Wan was muttering as he braced himself from Anakin's flying.
"I forgot you didn't like flying, Master." Anakin teased already knowing Obi-Wan's response.
"Its not that I don't like flying but what your doing is suicide!" He responded a little mad at Anakin. Their relationship was cute as they bantered back and forth. Although it made you miss your own master, you kept on smiling at them.
"I don't know what your talking about, Master. Y/n seems fine." Anakin smirked at you and you smiled back.
"Yeah, this is how everyone flys now!" You turned towards Obi-Wan to say. He just rolled his eyes and sighed, that seemed to be his main defense against you two. You had been like this since you were both 7, so Obi-Wan had been through a lot of this. Anakin was chasing the green speeder through some factory building section of the city. There was chimneys on both sides of you and a purple glowing thing up ahead. Definitely not the smartest girl on Coruscant. The person in the ship shot it and it sent electricity flying into another one. Anakin flew right threw it which made everyone get electrocuted.
"Anakin! How many times have I told you to stay away from power couplings!" Obi-Wan scolded as Anakin groaned partly from pain and partly from annoyance. You just sat, shaking, as you clenched your jaw.
"That was good." Obi-Wan mocked which made you chuckle. Anakin just looked at you with an annoyed face before turning back. The ship went through some tunnel as Anakin went around it.
"Anakin, they went through there!" You shouted over the speeder noises around you. You and Obi-Wan were confused as you glanced at each other.
"If we keep this chase going any longer that creep is going to get deep fired. Personally I'd like to know who he is and who their working for." He was right, it was a smart decision. It was weird to see him so grown up. "This is a shortcut, I think." There it is. 'Rude.' You gave a short laugh which made Obi-Wan confused but you didn't dare explain. The other speeder was probably through the tunnel by now but you were parked in mid-air. Obi-Wan and Anakin exchanged some words, basically Obi-Wan scolding and Anakin apologizing. You were on your knees faced backward searching for him.
"If you'll excuse me." Anakin said as he flung himself over the edge and fell off the speeder.
"I hate it when he does that." Obi-Wan muttered from over your shoulder.
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