《Sunkissed Solangelo》☠Nico☠


whenthe squirrels didn't scurry away. Normally, when he walked on camp ground, all living things would run away in fear, for he was a descendant of the Underworld. Birds would fly away, and even the leaves of trees would turn brown. If he was in a bad enough mood, the leaves would fall, crumple, and disappear into the ground.

Maybe that's why the animals didn't seem to be bothered by him anymore. Nico was actually happier than he had ever been.... since Bianca's death. He pushed that thought aside.

As he walked back to the annoying Solace guy, and from there they headed toward the infirmary. Nico noticed that Will seemed to glow a bit in the sunlight. Or maybe that's why animals weren't frightened. Will Solace's warmth balanced Nico's darkness, he thought.

"Now swear on the River Styx," Will said, jarring him from his thinking. "Swear that you will obey doctor's orders, until I say you have fully recovered."

Nico groaned. "I already told you, I'm fine. I'm already willing to go to the infirmary to rest. If I promise to follow your instructions, who knows how long you'll force me to do what you want."

"Don't you trust me?"


"Hey, at me."

Nico obliged. They stopped walking. He looked into Solace's eyes, a nice shade of pale blue. And though he would never admit it, it was hard not to admire them.

"I'm to do anything to help you," Will said in a serious tone. "You've been through a lot, you definitely need more time than you think to heal."

Nico wondered if Will actually cared about him the way he was beginning to care about Will.

But he smirked. "So, you're very ing to help me get back to normal," Nico said, emphasizing the "Will."


"Haha, very punny Death Boy," Solace replied, but Nico could swear his cheeks were reddening a little.

"For the last time, DONT CALL ME THAT!"

"Gods, okay I'll stop," the son of Apollo raised his hands in surrender. "How about Ghost Guy or Shadow Pe-

"ENOUGH!" But Nico couldn't help smiling a bit. "If you really feel the need to give me a nickname then stick with Death Boy," he grumbled a bit. Nico felt happy though, that someone was actually concerned with him. Even if it meant for that someone being too protective of him.

Will Solace seemed to notice his cheerfulness. He grinned, his white teeth almost blinding his eyes. Nico remembered when he had met Apollo, Will's father. So that's why they looked familiar- blue eyes, rugged blonde hair, and a charming smile. Nico snapped out of it just when they arrived at the infirmary.

"We're here!" Will exclaimed, obviously excited, unlike Nico. Just when Nico was about to complain, Will grabbed his hand, and literally dragged him into the building.

That shut him up.

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