《Carry On » Supernatural [1] | ✓》8



am is sitting against a hollow tree stump, holding John's journal and playing with a lanyard attached to it. "I don't...I mean, these types of things, they aren't supposed to be real." Haley says.

"I wish I could tell you different." Dean admits.

"How do we know it's not out there watching us?"

"We don't. But we're safe for now."

Haley looks at him. "How do you know about this stuff?" She asks Dean.

"Kind of runs in the family." Dean says truthfully.

Sam comes over. "Hey. So we've got half a chance in the daylight. And I for one want to kill this evil son of a bitch." He says.

"Well, hell, you know I'm in." Dean says.

Sam shows the wendigo page to the others. "Wendigo' is a Cree Indian word. It means 'evil that devours'." He reads.

"They're hundreds of years old. Each one was once a man. Sometimes an Indian, or other times a frontiersman or a miner or hunter." Dean says.

Elena furrows her brows. "How's a man turn into one of those things?" She asks.

"Well, it's always the same. During some harsh winter a guy finds himself starving, cut off from supplies or help. Becomes a cannibal to survive, eating other members of his tribe or camp." Dean says.

Ben speaks up for the first time. "Like the Donner Party." He says.

"Cultures all over the world believe that eating human flesh gives a person certain abilities." Sam explains. "Speed, strength, immortality."

"If you eat enough of it, over years, you become this less than human thing. You're always hungry." Dean says.

Haley contemplates this. "So if that's true, how can Tommy still be alive?" She asks.

"You're not gonna like it." Dean glances at Sam, then back to Haley.

"Tell me."

"More than anything, a wendigo knows how to last long winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time, but when it's awake it keeps its victims alive. It, uh, it stores them, so it can feed whenever it wants. If your brother's alive, it's keeping him somewhere dark, hidden, and safe. We gotta track it back there." Dean says.

"And then how do we stop it?"

"Well, guns are useless, so are knives. Basically-" Dean holds up the can of lighter fluid, the beer bottle, and the white cloth he'd picked up. "We gotta torch the sucker."

Dean leads the way through the woods, Molotov cocktail in hand. Each person follows Dean in a straight line. They pass trees with claw marks and blood. Sam is leading the group now. "Dean." He calls out. Dean catches up.


"What is it?" Sam and Dean look around at the trees. There are bloody claw marks and broken branches everywhere. "You know, I was thinking, those claw prints, so clear and distinct. They were almost too easy to follow."

Dean and Sam turn around as they hear rustling. Haley stands under a tree with Elena and Ben at her side. Blood drips on her shirt. She notices and looks up, then leaps out of the way.

Roy's corpse lands where she'd stood. Dean examines Roy as Sam goes over to the trio. "You okay? You got it?"

"His neck's broke." Sam helps Haley up. More growling is heard. "Okay, run, run, run, run, go, go, go!" Everybody takes off.

Ben falls and Sam hurries back to help him up, leaving Dean and Haley together and Sam, Ben and Elena. "Come on, I gotcha, I gotcha."

Dean and Haley stop as the Wendigo appear in front of them. Haley screams. "Haley?" Ben calls out.

Sam stops running and picks up Dean's Molotov cocktail, the bottle broken. "Dean!

en, Sam and Elena were currently walking, looking for any signs of Dean and Haley. "If it keeps its victims alive, why would it kill Roy?" Ben asks.

"Honestly? I think because Roy shot at it, pissed it off." Sam says.

Ben finds a trail of peanut M&Ms and picks one up. "They went this way." He says. Sam and Elena catch up to Ben, who hands over the M&M. Sam laughs.

"It's better than breadcrumbs." Sam tosses the M&M away.

They continue to follow the trail until they come to a mine entrance marked with a sign that says 'WARNING! DANGER! DO NOT ENTER EXTREMELY TOXIC MATERIAL'. Sam looks at Ben, shrugs, and goes inside.

Elena and Ben look at each other and finally decide to follow Sam. How bad could this be? Above the entrance is a larger sign that says 'KEEP OUT NO ADMITTANCE'.

Sam shines the flashlight ahead of them and hears growling; Sam shuts off the light. In a quick motion, Sam pushes Ben against the wall, bringing Elena along with him. The Wendigo comes towards them.

Sam covers Ben's mouth before he can scream. The Wendigo takes a different tunnel at the crossing. The floorboards creak and instantly, Ben, Sam, and Elena fall in a pile of bones. There is another pile nearby of skulls.

Elena spots them and leaps backward. "Hey, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay." They all look up and see Dean and Haley are hanging by their wrists from the ceiling. Sam and Ben run to their family while Elena stands in the corner.


"Dean!" Sam yells.

Ben is also calling his sister. "Haley, wake up!" He yells.

Sam grabs Dean and shakes him. "Dean!" Dean opens his eyes. "Hey, you okay?"

Dean winces. "Yeah." He says.

"Haley, Haley, wake up, wake up!" Ben yells to his sister. Meanwhile, Sam cuts Dean down and Elena helps him. They help them over to an empty patch of floor and get them sat down.

Dean makes pained noises. "You sure you're all right?" He asks.

"Yeah. Yep. Where is he?"

"He's gone for now." Sam says. Haley removes the rope from her body and stands up. Looking over, she sees Tommy hanging also.

She begins crying. "Tommy..." She touches his cheek. Tom's head jerks up. "Cut him down!" She yells and Sam obeys. "We're gonna get you home."

Elena notices the stolen supplies that are piled in the corner. Dean picks up flare guns. "Check it out." He says.

"Flare guns. Those'll work." Sam says and grins. Dean laughs and twirls the guns.

They head down a tunnel, Dean and Sam in the lead with the flare guns. Elena follows close behind and Haley and Ben support Tom, who is limping.

They hear more growling. "I am really getting tired of that." Elena confesses.

"Looks like someone's home for supper." Dean says.

Haley looks around and Dean looks back at the others. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" He asks.

"Yeah, I think so." Sam answers.

"All right, listen to me. Stay with Sam. He's gonna get you out of here."

Haley looks at the eldest Winchester. "What are you gonna do?" Dean winks and starts walking and yelling.

"Chow time, you freaky bastard! Yeah, that's right, bring it on, baby, I'm feeling good." The rest of Dean's words are distant.

Sam waits until Dean is a safe distance away. "All right, come on! Hurry!" They all follow Sam down the tunnel.

"Hey! Hey, you want some white meat, bitch! I'm right here!" Dean yells.

Sam, Haley Ben, Tom, and Elena hurry down a tunnel. Sam hears a growl and points the gun at it. "Get him outta here." He says.

"Sam, no." Haley pleads.

"Go! Go! Go!" He urges anyway.

Haley looks at her brother. "Come on, Haley!" She and Ben helps Tom along the mine tunnel. Sam holds the flare gun ready to shoot, looking down the tunnel.

"Come on. Come on." The growling is heard again and when Sam turns around, the Wendigo is right in his face. Elena screams. Sam shoots and misses, then runs after the Collins'.

"Sam!" Haley says just as Sam catches up.

"Come on, hurry, hurry, hurry." They run to the end of the tunnel, the beast right behind them.

"Get behind me." Sam urges. He is large enough to hide all four of them.

The Wendigo approaches, taking its time. Dean appears behind it. "Hey!" The Wendigo turns. Dean shoots it in the stomach. The flare goes off and the creature goes up in flames. "Not bad, huh?" Dean says, clearly proud of himself. Sam grins.

ater, the Paramedics put Tom in the back of the ambulance truck. Two Police Officers talk to the family. "And the bear came back again after you yelled at it?" He asks.

"That's when it circled the campsite. I mean, this grizzly must have weighed eight hundred, nine hundred pounds." Ben says and Sam nods. "All right, we'll go after it first thing."

Haley stands next to Dean. "So I don't know how to thank you." Dean smirks lasciviously. "Must you cheapen the moment?"

"Yeah." He replies.

A Paramedic walks up to her. "You riding with your brother?" He asks.

"Yeah." Haley says. The Paramedic heads back to the ambulance. Haley turns to Ben. "Let's go". Sam and Ben exchange nods.

Haley quickly kisses Dean on the cheek. "I hope you find your father." She says. Also very quickly, she gives Elena a hug. "Thanks, Sam." Haley and Ben get in the ambulance beside Tom.

Sam sits on the Impala's hood while Dean and Elena stand next to them. "Close her up." Another Paramedic says and a third closes the ambulance doors.

"Man, I hate camping." Dean admits.

"Me too."

The ambulance drives away with the sirens on. "Sam, you know we're gonna find Dad, right?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, I know. But in the meantime? I'm driving." Dean tosses Sam the keys. "Fly By Night" by Rush begins to play. Sam and Dean get in the car, slamming the doors almost in sync.

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