《Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 2!》Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 65!


Episode: Season 2 Episode 21

Part: 3


(M/n) = Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom



~Cold Oak South Dakota~

Jake and Sam were in a barn, trying to break some of the iron bars off one of the machines. Jake, however, grabs one and rips it off with no problem. Sam stared at him, stunned.

"I'm not Superman or anything. Its no big deal." Jake said.

"You were in Afghanistan when this started?"

"Yeah, I started getting headaches. And then there was this accident. This guy flipped his vehicle on a bad road. He got pinned underneath. I lifted it off him like it was nothing. Everybody said it was a fluke adrenaline thing."

"But then you did it again, right?"

"Bench-pressed 800 pound, stone-cold calm. I never told anyone, of course. It was just too crazy."

"Yeah. Crazy's relative." Sam said.

"I'm starting to get that." Jake replied..


"By the way, I appreciate what you're doing here."

"What am I doing?"

"Keeping calm. Keeping them calm. Especially considering how freaked to hell you are. I've been in some deep crap before myself. I know the look."

After a long pause, the young Winchester said something. "You wanna know the truh? I got this brother, right? And he's always telling me how he's gonna watch out for me, how everything's gonna be okay. You know, kind of like I've been telling them."


"I don't know if I believe it this time. I mean, the size of whats coming, it's bigger than anyone has ever seen. I can even sense (M/n) is stressed out about this."

Later, Sam and Ava are in one of the houses, lining the doors and windows with salt.

"My horoscope said I shouldn't have gotten out of bed." The girl scoffed. "How you doing? Holding up?"

"I'm okay. What about you?"

"Not so okay. Why us, Sam? What did we do to deserve this?"

"Just llucky, I guess." Sam joked.

"If it wasn't for bad luck, we'd have no luck at all. I just can't wait for this all to be over so I can just pretend it never happened. I jsut wanna curl up with Brady and watch bad TV." She noticed Sam shift uncomfortably. "What is it? Sam....do you know something that I don't?"

"Look, Ava...I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to tell you this."

"Tell me what?"

"When the demon broke into your house to take you...Your fiancée didn't make it. I sorry."

"No, that's.....No!" Sam held Ava while she sobbed.

That night, the entire group was sitting in one room, silent. Sam was struggling to stay awake, closing his eyes every so often. Suddenly, in the corner of the room, he saw the yellow eyed demon.

"Jake! Behind you!" He yelled, but the man heard nothing.

"Howdy, Sam."

"I'm dreaming."

"What do you say you and I take a little walk?"

The demon lead Sam outside.

"You're awfully quiet, Sam/ You're not mad at me, are you?"


"I'm gonna tear you to shreds, I swear to-" Suddenly, (M/n) was infront of him, his hand around his throat, eyes all black, and had a straight face. Yellow eyes chuckled.

"When you wake up, tiger, you give it your best shot. Let him down." The demon said, and the Knight let the Winchester down. Which Sam didn't notice he was off the ground. (D/n) might have been shorter, but he was a lot stronger.

"Where's my brother?"

"Quite worrying about Dean. I'd worry more about yourself."

"Why? You gonna kill me? Gonna make (M/n) kill me?"

"I'm trying to help you. That's why we're talking. You're the one I'm rooting for. Plus (D/n) is here to make sure none of you escape." Sam looked at the boy who was walking behind them. His eyes were normal, but he was still straight faced. He looked more like a soldier then anything.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Welcome to the Miss America pageant. Why do you think you're here? This is a competition. Only one of you crazy kids is gonna make it out of here alive."

"I thought we were supposed to be-" Sam started, but yellow eyes interrupted him.

"Soldiers in a coming war? That's true. You are. But here's the thing" I don't need soldiers. I need a soldier. I just need one."

"Why? Why not use (M/n)?"

"Well, I can't just use Lucifer's toy all willy nilly. I'm already walking on thin ice using him for this right now. But anyway. I had to let everyone think they had a fighting chance. But what I need...Is a leader."

"To lead who?"

"Oh, I've already got my army. Or, I will soon, anyway."

"You son of a bitch."

Honestly, I'm surprised you hadn't guessed. I mean, why do you think so many children flamed out already? Max Miller and Andy's brother, what's his name? They weren't strong enough. I'm looking for the best and brightest of your generation."

"My generation?"

"Well, there's been others, but let's just worry about yours. That's why I'm here, Sam. I wanna give you the inside track. You're tough. You're smart. You're well-trained, thanks to your daddy. Sam, Sammy, you're my favorite."

"You ruined my life. You killed everyone I love. I'm not doing what you want."

"The cost of doing business, I'm afraid. Sweet little Jessica needed to die. And if you don't." Yellow eyes looked at (M/n), who fell down on his back, eyes rolling to the back of his eyes and started choking, blood pouring out his mouth and he convulsed. He couldn't move, he tried so hard, but nothing happened. Sam rushed to his side. "I'll take him to hell and let the others deal with him."

"You son of a bitch. You leave him alone!"

"Oh, how you thought he was the one who killed your mother, the one behind it, or maybe he was working with me....Well, Sammy, you were wrong. And he will pay the price for your mistake. One way or another."

Sam gritted his teeth. He felt awful. He accused the demon of something he wasn't part of. "Fine," (M/n) stopped moving and yellow eyes grinned.


He snapped his fingers and Sam jolted awake.

"Sam, wake up! Ava's missing." Jake said, Sam looked to his side and say (M/n) there, he looked fine and the Winchester sighed in relief.

The three went outside.

"I'll take the barn and the hotel. You guys take the houses." Jake demanded.

"All right. Meet back here in ten minutes, okay?"


Sam and (M/n) began to the houses.

"You....You ok (M/n)?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"I had a dream.....The demon...."

"Oh, that. I was there, but I'm fine now. I swear."

Soon they heard Ava scream, both ran into a house. They saw her crying and pointed at Andy's body.

"Sam! I just found him like this!" She yelled.

"What happened?"

"I don't know!"

"How'd that thing get in? Where were you?" Sam asked.

"I just went to get some water from the well. I was only gone maybe, like, two minutes."

"You shouldn't go outside-"

(M/n) glared at Ava, seeing the salt line broken. "Who did this?"

"I don't know, maybe Andy-"

"Andy wouldn't do that. Ava, that line wasn't broken when I left." Sam added.

"What? You don't think I-"

"I'll tell you what I think: five months. You're the only one with all that time you can't account for. And that headache you got? Right before (M/n) got Lily."

"What are you trying to say?"

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing!" Sam and (M/n) stared at her a little longer, she then dropped the act and laughed a little. "Had you going though, didn't I? And not alone, either. People just keep showing up. Children, like us. Batches of three or four at a time."

"You killed them? All of them?" Sam said.

"I'm the undefeated heavyweight champ."

"I can fix that." (M/n) stepped forward, but soon stopped in his tracks and couldn't move.

"I don't think so, pretty boy."

"How could you?"

"I had no choice. It's me or them. After a while, it was easy. It was even kind of fun. I just stopped fighting it."

"Fighting what?"

"Who we are, Sam. If you'd just quit your hand-wringing and open yourself up, you have no idea what switches that just flip in your brain." Ava laughed again. "I can't believe I started out having dreams. Do you know what I can do now?"

"Control demons." Sam said, glancing at the angry male next to him, who still couldn't move.

"Ah, you are quick on the draw." She put her hands on her head. "Yeah, I'm sorry, Sam. But, it's over."

A cloud of black smoke returned to the window. Just as it was about to enter, (M/n) broke free anf his hand ripped through her chest, grabbing her heart.

"Sorry, sweetheart, you might be able to control beta's, but I'm not like them." He then ripped her heart out of her chest. She collapsed on the ground, dead. The smoke quickly fled, and the boy dropped the organ on the floor. Sam looked at him shocked. "What?"

"You saved me."

"Yeah, your a friend and I'm not gonna let a low life hurt you, Sammy."

Jake entered.

~Outside near the edge of the woods~

Bobby and Dean pulled up in the Impala

"Well, it looks like the rest of the way's on foot."

They opened the trunk and grabbed guns.

"Lets go."

~Back at the building~

The three left the building. (M/n) happily licking the blood off his hand. Jake looked disgusted.

"I think we can make it out of here now." Sam said, not fazed.

"But the Acheri demon...."

"No, no, no. Ava was summoning them, controlling it. It shouldn't come back now that she's dead. Plus they're not going to come around with (M/n) around. We gotta go."

"Not 'we', Sam. Only one of us is getting out of here. I, I'm sorry."


"I had a vision. The Yellow-eyed Demon or whatever it was, he talked to me. He told e how it was."

"Oh, and you're going to listen to him?" (M/n) asked. Suddenly, he disappeared.

"No, Jake, listen. You can't listen to him."

"S-Sam, he's not letting us go. Only one. Now, if we don't play along, he'll kill us both. Now, I-I lik you, man. I do. But do the math here. What's good to do if we both die? Now, I can get out of here. I get close to the demon, I can kill the bastard." Jake explained.

"You come with me, we can kill him together."

"How do I know you wont turn on me?"

"I won't."

"I don't know that."

"Okay, look." Sam took out his knife, shows it to Jake, and places it on the ground. "Just come with me, Jake. Don't do this. Don't play into what it wants."

Jake placed his weapon on the ground as well, after a pause. Sam looked relieved. Suddenly, Jake punches him. Sam went flying across the field and crashed into the ground. Jake walked up to him, kicking down the fence and leaning over Sam. Winded, the two watch each other as Jake approached. The two started fighting to the death.

"Sam!" He heard his brother yell out.

"Dean!" Sam yelled, in relief and happiness.

Jake suddenly got up, grabbing the knife.

"Sam, look out!" Dean picked up his pace, running.

Jake stabbed the knife right into Sam's back. "Noooo!" Jake twists the knife, creating a massive wound, before running away. Sam gasped and fell to his knees. While Bobby chased after Jake, Dean slides to the ground in front of Sam. He grabbed at Sam's clothing, trying to keep him conscious.

"No, Sam!"

Sam fell forward onto Dean's shoulder.

"Who, whoa, whoa, Sam. Sam! Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Come here. Let me look at you."

~With Jake~


Jake didn't get far, till a very pissed off (M/n) was standing before him.

"Get out of my way." Jake demanded.

"No way in hell I'm gonna do that, Jake." The boy's eyes turned black.

"Get out of the way, or I'll kill you too."

"Try me, bitch." Jake charged at the demon, about to punch him, but (M/n) caught his hand like it was nothing.

"How-Aaahhh!!!!" Jake screamed out in pain as the demon snapped his arm with ease. (M/n) then kicked his leg, breaking it too. Jake fell to the ground, panting and whimpering.

"Think your so big and bad. Get up and fight me you whimp!" (D/n) screeched.

The boy on the ground tried to crawl away. But the demon stepped on his good hand.

"Oh no you don't." With one swift kick to the head, Jake died.

(M/n) flipped the male on his back.

Yellow-Eyes watched pleased. "You may feast, (D/n)."

And with that, (D/n) feasted on his prey.

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