《Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 2!》Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 64!


Episode: Season 2 Episode 21

Part: 2


(M/n) = Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom



"Noww, that thing. I'm not sure, but I think it was an Acheri. A demon that disguises itself as a little girl." Sam said, looking at (M/n), who nodded. He didn't look happy to be stuck here. Which he got. "That still doesn't tell us where we are. Andy, are you with me or what?"

"Give me a minute. I'm still working through, 'Demons are real'." He said.

"You knew I was a demon."

"I got so high I forgot about that."

The group kept walking. In front of one of the building was a large, rusty bell hanging from a wooden structure.

"I've seen that bell before. I think I know where we are now: Cold Oak, South Dakota. ((When you realize there's a bunch of haunted places in SD while seeing if Cold Oak is real.....Well, I'm moving to South Dakota now....))A town so haunted, every single resident fled." Sam said.

"Swell. Good to know we're somewhere so historical." Ava commented.

"Why in the world would that demon or whatever put us here?" Lily asked.

"Easy. Its in the middle of nowhere. Desolate. No one will bother his plans." The demon said.

"Clearly, the only sane thing o do here is get the hell out of Dodge." Lily said.

"Wait, hold on. Lily, the only way out is through miles of woods."

"Beats hanging out with demons."

"Hey! I'm right here."

"Lily, look, we don't know whats going on yet. I mean, we don't even know how many of them are out there right now."


"Yeah, he's right. We should-" Jake started.

"Don't say we! I'm not part of we. I have nothing in common with any of you.""

"Okay, look, I know-"

"You don't know anything!" Lily paused. "I accidently touched my girlfriend."

The rest of them look around, stunned.

"I'm sorry."

"Whatever. I feel like I'm in a nightmare, and it just keeps getting worse and worse."

"I've lost people, too. I have a brother out there right now that could be dead, for all I know." (M/n) grabbed Sam's wrist, to tell hi to stop. "(M/n) probably has been through more then all of us. We're all in bad shape. But I'm telling you, the best way out of this is to stick together." Sam said.

"Fine." Sam nodded and the group continued to look around the town.

"We're looking for iron, silver, salt. Any kind of weapon." Sam informed them.

"Salt is a weapon?"

"It's a brave new world."

"Well, hopefully there's food in your world, because I'm frickin' starving." Andy said.

The enter a building, Lily looked like she was about to follow, but stayed behind. She wandered off on her own, away from the group. (M/n) look back at her as she walked away, eyes flickering black and smirked, before he disappeared.

~With Dean and Bobby~

The two turn the corner to the Roadhouse in the Impala. When they got there, the whole place was burnt to the ground.

"What the hell?"

They got out of the car and begin walking among the debris. Every single part of the Roadhouse had been destroyed.

"Oh, my god." Bobby mumbled.

"You see Ellen?"

"No. No Ash, either."

Dean bent down, seeing Ash's watch. He pulled on it and sees it still attached to him. "Oh, Ash, damn it!"


~Cold Oak~

Lily was walking in the woods, trying to find a way out. When suddenly a hand grabbed her. She looked behind to see (M/n), with his eyes all black.

"Where do you think your going?"

Meanwhile, Sam was searching one of the abandoned houses. He finds a knife and picks it up. He turned back to Ava, who was massaging her head.

"Hey, you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm just....A little dizzy."

"Are you sure it's not some kind of-"

"What? Some kind of freaky vision thing? No, more like I'd kill for a sandwich. I haven't eaten since....well, who know? No, don't worry. I'm fine. Except for every single thing that's happening."

"You guys! I found something!" Andy suddenly yelled. Sam and Ava join the two men, Andy was holding up two bags.


"That's great, Andy. Now, we all can....Where's Lily?" Sam suddenlt realized she was gone, and (M/n).

"Where's (M/n)?" Ava asked.

"Lily!" Sam yelled.

They suddenly hear a girl giggling nearby. The four of them walk outside. A the top of a water tower, Lily was hanging from a noose, dead.

"Oh my god! Okay that's officially-Sam, she's dead! She's dead! You said we were chosen for a reason. That is not chosen! That's killed! Okay, we have to get out of here." Ava started panicking.


"Yeah, I second that emotion." Andy said.

"Not sure that's an option." Jake said.


"Lily tried to leave. The demon's not gonna let us get away that easy. We've gotta gear up for the next attack."

"Oh, gear up?"


~With (M/n)~

The boy found himself in the field again.

"Very good job, (D/n). Maybe you do have that soldier in you." Yellow eyes said.

"You....You made me kill that kill...." He was looking down at the ground.

"She was gonna try to escape. And I don't need them going yet." Came up behind the boy, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You....bastard!" (M/n) swung a fist at the demon, but yellow eyes caught his hand and yanked him forward, kneeing him in the stomach. The Knight fell to the ground, holding his stomach.

"You will do as I say. And that's final, you're in my care now."


"This is...." Bobby trailed off.

"What the hell did Ash know? We've got no way of knowing where Ellen is. Or if she's even alive. We've got no clue what Ash was gonna tell us. Now, how the hell are we gonna find Sam and (M/n)?"

"We'll find them."

Suddenly, Dean clutches his head in pain.


Dean groaned and doubled over. He saw an image of the Cold Oak bell very quickly.

"What was that?"

"I don't know. A headache?"

"You get headaches like that a lot?" Bobby asked.

"No. Must be the stress." The Winchester chuckled. "I could have sworn I saw something."

"What do you mean? Like a vision? Like what Sam gets?"

"What? No!"

"I'm just saying."

Suddenly, the vision comes back. Dean fell against the car in pain. He saw another image, this time of Sam.

"Dean? Dean! Are you with me?"

"Yeah, I think so. I saw Sam. I saw him, Bobby."

"It was a vision."

"Yeah. I don't know how, but yeah. Whew. That was about as fun as getting kicked in the jewels."

"What else did you see?"

"Uh...there was a bell."

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