《solangelo smut》travis and the million kids (nonsmut)


everyone knows of travis and connor stroll. the two 'twins' that always got into no good.

travis was now 31, and looking down the throat of a new beast called. forced fatherhood.

you see travis went to collage, but it started before that. 16 to 31. 15 years, of fucking random women.

and now in 2022, he was sitting in a room of about 17 girls, all who had his babys. in total. about 50 kids.


not counting the kids from when he denoted sprem.

travis gulped back worriedly. "no, dont be scared travis. you love kids remember!" one girl teased. her 4 year old playing with half brothers as her newborn sat on her boob.

"yeah travis! were all your baby mamas, got so many kids." another teased. all 17 girls smirking in enjoyment to travis freaking. some were demigods, some were mortals. and shockingly a goddess sat between them with a baby in her arms.

"ok ok! jeez..one kid isnt bad." travis muttered, taking the goddesses kid. "ooooh! one?!" the grou jumped down his throat. screaming he better take them all in, support them. travis starting to freak a bit.

"ILL GET LEO TO BUILD A HOME OK!?" travis screamed, trying to calm them down. "ok..ill get leo to..to build onto the school i bought. its old, well tear it up and build a large home. grow food..be..be like our own camp ok?" travis took a few breaths as the group calmed and agreed.

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