《solangelo smut》trauma talk (non smut. truma filled)


(TWTWTW!!!!!!!!! talk of s/a, p3do, abuse, and possibly more.)

"you know i never thought of how weird luke was." percy hummed softly, chilling on the floor and doing homework on a laptop. annabeth on bed, reading quietly. she gave a short hm? sound as if to ask why. "well, just think of it..he was 14 when he met you and you were 7.. you were a kid. and when you were just 12, he said you were a women, like, a hot grown up women..and he was 19..im 19! i wouldnt think a 12 year olds body is mature or 'womenly' and then when you were 16 he just, asks if you loved him? you were a kid." percy ranted a little. annabeth breathing out with a farting sound a bit. rolling onto her stomach.

"percy, luke has touched me before. i know fully well hes a weirdo..kinda why i didnt get that upset at his death." annabeth stated calmly. percy freezing up. "he..touched you? how?" he quietly asked, looking over at her. annabeth making a face, looking down and fixing her hair. "like..i..was 8. or 9..and he wanted to play a game while thaila slept. he..groped my crotch and kissed me that night. when i was 11 we..did ya know..in the forest. it was a few months before you arrived." annabeth slowly stated, percy shifting to kiss her head, nodding in understandin.

"smelly gabe touched me." percy whispered. "started when i was 4. he wanted to play games to.." he whispered in understanding. annabeth shifting to sit next to him. both sitting in comfortable silence in each others arms. "im sorry luke hurt you." annabeth whispered. "its not your fault..the war, the trauma..its not our fault." percy whispered.

"we were kids."

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