《solangelo smut》nicos b-day (nonsmut)


(this is a bit late bc my other account is deleted and this is a restart. ill be posting Connors b-day and a valentine chap tonight to. i apologize.)

(TW:!!!!! laughing nico, tiger, all happy no worry. )

12:00 am. nico was still awake as he had not gone to bed. the newly 25 year old hummed softly, cleaning up as will was asleep.

5:00am. nico stretched, heading upstairs and laying in bed next to will for some cuddles before will headed to work. will smiled, snuggling nico close and holding him so he could fall asleep peacefully. nico shyly blushing, still sensitive as will rubbed his back with feather light touches.

9:47. nico jolted awake to a nightmare, screaming out and searching for will, letting out a sob when he realized will was at work. "fuck fuck fuck!" nico cried, trying desperately to take deep breaths and not cry. took abit but he settled. by then it was nearly 10:30. nico wiped his face, getting up slowly, sniffling and going to shower.

"fuck you." he growled at the hot water, making it as quick as he could. afterwards nico got dressed in his usual clothes. band t-shirt. skull t-shirt. ripped skinny black jeans. hair still messy, to his shoulders and a fizzy mess of italian curls. the man stood in front of the mirror doing his typical makeup. eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow. all black or grey of course. typical emo teen look from early 2000s. by then it was nearly noon so nico headed to get a quick snack and do his birthday list.

"will would kill me if i didnt eat something.." nico grumbled, grabbing some berries, making wills favorite dish. yogert with berries and gronola. after eating he headed out to camp half blood, shadow traveling as always. outside was really where people saw change. instead of nico being 14 and shying from the sun, hiding in shadows and so pale and skinny he was a skeleton. he was 25. an amazing olive tan, scarred, dark bags still under his eyes and the best thing was he had muscles and fat on him. small pouch on his belly, nice biceps. he looked healthy and large. still smaller then say jason or percy, even will was a bit bigger. but he fit right in with them with his warrior body.


1:57. nico took a breatha nd snatched an apple out of his bag, sitting next to the small grave. well, small bolder with biancas name on the outskirts of camp. bianca di angelo..1922-2009. nico missed his sister so much. "h-hey bianca..sis..been about ayear again. said id come talk. miss ya as always i mean, you were my biggest support and only true family back then..um..frank..frank said he was going to beat me in mythology, ya know? i know if you were here youd make him eat his words." nico laughed in enjoyment. "man, cant believe you choose rebirth..youd be what? 10..maybe 12 by now? entering puberty. i..i hope you have support. annabeth explained girls to me. what they go through. shes, pregnant. percys excited for his first child. cant believe it though. they want..to name it after you..but i dont know. kinda wanna be selfish ya know? when or if i even have a kid, want to name her after you or mom. miss you both..even if i cant remember mom much." nico smiled sadly, eating the apple slowly to regain energy lost. atching the clouds move. after a bit longer nico said goodbye, burying the apple core nearby as always. the satrys enjoyed him for this as the apples he usually ate gave nymths. so far around bianca there were 15 apple trees and 9 had nymphs. all who tended the area and kept biancas grave safe.

3:09. nico stumbled out of the shadows onto hazels house. it was in camp jupiter and a nice little apartment. percy and annabeth lived close by. piper and leo were ussally around but didnt live there. nico akwardly waved to dakota sitting outside on his porch, he lived next to hazel and frank with his husband clay. he guessed they were a cute couple. then nico headed inside as hazel wanted.


3:12. nico jumped lightly as the crowd of 10 or 12 jumped up yelling happy birthday. his eyes wide. hazel, frank, percy, annabeth, will, leo, piper, malyssa(pipers soon to be wife), reyna, Thalia, apollo, meg, hades and Persephone were there. nico blinking as will chuckled and came up. apologizing for being loud and startling and comforting him as the crew settled.

3:45. nico sat with frank and hazel to play mythology. leo watching curiously.

5:00. nico helped percy cook. "hey..wheres jason?" he softly asked, mixing the salad as percy didnt want him with sharp objects. percy hummed softly. "he said something about gathering your gift." he smiled gently. "might be big." he teased, nico rolling his eyes. "i still dont like you guys getting me stuff. if i need it ill get it." he half complained, percy nudging him to shush, cutting the veggies for the salad. "we will get you what we please. pull the veggie pattys from the fridge. ill cook that before the meat." he hummed. then made an o noise. "and also grover and juniper are coming with the kids. they have a few colective giftd from the woodlen folk for you." he stated. nico huffing but accepting it.

5:57. jason showed up, hugging nico tightly and grinning. shortly after at 6:23 grover shwed up with his wife and kids. smiling and waving, still uncomfortable hugging nico. nico respectfully nodding at him. going to hug and love on the kids.

6:50. everyone settled for dinner and relaxed. eating, chatting and loudly talking. nico quiet and chatting a bit. mostly when someone talked to him. he really just ate.

nearly 7:50 everyone was done. helping to clean up as kids played and nico chilled.

at 8:30 nico settled to open presents. happy with a lot. it was useful stuff like a hairbrush that he had broken a few weeks ago. new weapons and armor. a cat. nico got over excited about the cat, unable to hide it as he laughed and smiled, holding the little kitten and letting it crawl all around. although will looked worried as that 'kitten' was a fucking tiger. but regradless.

it was nearly 10 when nico departed, taking the car back with will. sleepy, holding his kitten in his lap and petting it. will driving. smiling happily that nico was doing better and enjoyed it. they didnt get home until 3 in the morning where they unpacked, ordered kitty needs such as litter box, on hermes express. set up water and litter. then both undressed, crawling into bed and passing out in each others arms. naked.

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