《Payback! This Is For My Aibou!》Yami Goes Rage Killing


Everything was supposed to be happy. why did they do this to us. my happiness, my family, all of it is gone.

Me, Yugi and our daughter, Ceasa, we were all happy and I didn't think anything was going to happen to us.

But the people who hated me and Yugi when we were in prison. Yugi was innocent and was framed for a crime he never deserved. But I killed a bunch of people and my parents for sending their only son to a damn military school. Talk about heartless.

We didn't expect anything. But why, why would they do this to my family. Yugi and Ceasa never did anything wrong, we were just starting a fresh new life together. When I found out that Yugi was blessed with the gift of being pregnant. I was shocked and amazed at the news, never in my life had this ever happened before.

I am going to be a dad for the first time in a very long time, I felt like the happiest person in the world and my life was looking bright for once. Our story was going to have a happy ending, for pur family and I thought it would be like that. My tears falling down my cheek after what I found out about the cruel murder of Yugi and Ceasa.

Their lifeless corpses lying helpless on the ground in a massive pool of blood. I had found out that angry mob of people who learned about our family. They had showed up; surrounded our house, shouting and banging, eventually breaking the door down and before I knew it. I heard the most nightmarish screaming I ever heard.

I saw Yugi being held down, stabbed multiple times, helplessly, I tried to get to him but I froze when I saw one of them pointed a rifle gun on Ceasa's head and shot her. My world fell apart as my happy family life ended in a tragic, violent way. They called Yugi and Ceasa a disgusting crime that should never have existed. I was on my knees, shaken up by the horrible crime against my family, they just stood there and watched. I may have been a criminal before, I served a life behind bars, but that was in my past, I've changed into a new person like I was ready to live a whole new life ahead of me.


But after the gruesome scene I saw, my heart sank; my mind snapped, I lost it.

My world, my once peaceful life, now an empty broken memory. I thought wouldn't feel hurt but this is even worse. More worst than my parents; I lost everything I ever had and a chance to start living a normal life.

In the streets of Domino City, people are screaming, running around, buildings destroyed, some on fires. The military are called to fight a threat, Yami was in a kill mode. He goes all out; he stopped caring about anything and himself, just started to kill people, destroying everything in his path. Bodies lying on the ground, people are panicking and scared, vehicles crashed into stuff. firefighters and polices are on the spot trying to help out putting the fire out. Yami sees the mess he made, too deep in his anger to think. His conscience gone as anger and grief filled his heart and his mind. After watching his fiance and child get slaughtered in front of his eyes, he went after the people who caused his loved ones to die and his suffering.

He watches as people run for safety, others screaming as they saw him, he silently looks on before he continues.

And the life on Domino city will never be the same again.

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