《Payback! This Is For My Aibou!》My Heart Is Filled With Vengeance


I vowed, I will kill them all, them, they are the reason why my Light is in a fatal coma, he's been hospitalized for many weeks, heck, months goes by and he still isn't recovered, they say he had a terrible injures, his ribcage was in horrible state, it was almost crack to the point where, it'll stabbed the lungs or worse he'll bleed to death from his internal bleeding, his bones were not so well, it looked so broken, he couldn't move his own body because most of his bones would too broken that it was too painful.

He should be at home, with me, he should have been having a good time not struggling for his life, they don't know what they'll done, I'll find who done this to my Light, I get every one of them, they won't see another light of day after I find them.

Yugi had nothing to do but they, they hurt him, his pain was mocked, they just watched him covered in his own blood, they made him scream without caring for my Light's life, he was too weak from the beatings, he was traumatized from the incident.

I found out when I got a called from the hospital, they told me that how badly Yugi was deeply hurt, it was so severe, my heart breaks when I saw him, it was so devastating, my eyes filled with tears as I looked at his unconscious body lying on the bed with many machine to help him fight to support, it was overwhelming.

After many weeks, months, I watched him just lying, not moving at all like he was dead, I couldn't bear to see him like this, it tore part of me, why would someone do this to Yugi, I couldn't believe how horrible it became, I had to find them, I have to get some answers, how dare they cause Yugi to be in a coma like that! They will die for their careless actions, they have no right to just go and put someone in a coma like Yugi.


It was an outrage, I was now angy to a point that I didn't care who they were but all I now want to do is tear them all apart, just stabbed them multiple times and pound them so damn hard till they are unrecognizable, they're monsters and they are now going to get what they deserve it, brutally and without any mercy, I am now, my heart is blazing hot with chaos, my eyes turns deadly dark, bloody red, I'm no going to destroy them.

They are never going to bother anyone ever again, they will rot in my Hell for all eternity, they will scream so much that they're blood will gush out endlessly torturing them, burning them, squeezing them, impaling them many times. I watch them, they all doomed to suffer my rage, my vengeance will never end, their pain will continue on.

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