《Tokyo Ghoul X reader OneShots》Promise | Arima Kishou
A/N: Okay so in :re Arima's like 30, so I'm just not gonna mention the reader's age but I'd like her to be like somewhere between 27-30 because listen 30 year old Arima and a fricken 21 year old Shirazu!reader's slightly weird...
There are a few SPOILERS for anyone who hasn't finsihed Tokyo Ghoul:Re, so watch out!
ALSO I'm too lazy to go read the chapters for the Christmas party Haise threw because that's where I'm writing it, so I'm just doing it all over again my way... sorry.
This was requested by: @Voiceless-trust! I hope you like it!!
And the music nerd is back at it, forcing old music into her oneshots, I'm sorry, it's just too beautiful.
I've been listening to lovey-dovey 20's, 30's and 40's music while writing this so I'm sorry if I unconsciously made Arima OOC.
"Shirazu!" Both you and your little brother flinched, Ginshi accidentally dropping a Christmas ornament on the ground. Thank god it was a plastic one...
"Which one?" You asked your mentor, who seemed quite irked. What had you, or your brother done..?
"Both of you! You're only placing ornaments on the upper parts of the tree! Look at the bottom!" Sasaki cried out, pointing a finger near the ground.
Gazing down, you snorted at the odd lack of ornaments on the lower branches of the tree. You side glanced your brother. "Well, lil bro, you should kneel to get those spaces." You teased.
"You're the smallest one, you kneel down!" He shot back, already getting worked up.
"Well, here, I'll fix the problem!" With that, you placed down the ornaments you were holding and walked away.
"What... what are you doing, Shirazu?" Haise asked you as you passed him.
"I'm leaving him alone, that's what I learned to do when he gets like this." You simply shrugged. "Besides, I'm not gonna participate to a Christmas dinner in sweats." Pointing down at your attire, you smiled. "Especially not when someone like Arima'll probably show up."
A crash rang out behind you, and you spun around to glance at your younger brother. "Arima's coming here?!" He yelled, ignoring the broken glass beneath his feet.
Before you could answer, Haise jumped into action and ordered Ginshi not to move while he attempted to get rid of the glass shards. You took the opportunity to run away from the scene and get ready for the night.
You had a feeling good feeling about tonight.
"Shit, you really put an effort into it." Ginshi said, impressed by how well dressed you were tonight. It was casual, yet it had a elegant ring to it. "Really different from your usual attires. I'm impressed you had something like this in your closet and put it together yourself."
"It's a thing that runs in the family, I think." You said nonchalantly. "Last time I remember, my brother had awful taste in clothing too."
"Oh, shut up." He groaned.
"You know you're not gonna get many girls dressing like you do and acting like you are, right?" You teased.
"Well you're not gonna get many romantic interests neither with your sassy attitude."
"Oh, my sweet little Ginshi..." You chuckled, ruffling his hair, much to his displeasure. "You'd be surprised."
"Stop ruining my hair- and whadya mean 'you'd be surprised'?! Please don't tell me you banged someone already!" He grimaced.
You simply laughed. If only he knew. But thank god he didn't. If he found out, the whole CCG would find out at some point, which wasn't something the two of you were planning on.
"Don't tell me you banged someone already!" You retorted. Although you really didn't want to hear the answer...
"What- Of course n- well, I mean... I get girls, if that's what you're wondering! I've had a girlfriend before!"
You laughed at the memory of her. "That was until you decided to tattoo the word 'fuck' on your middle finger. Can't blame her, really."
"Shut up! Not like you can do better! What, do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, pissed off. Ah, how great it was to work him all up and have him make a fool of himself in front of guests...
"Wouldn't you like to know." You teased, winking at him before joining Saiko who was on the couch playing video games. "Besides, even if I did, it's a pretty touchy thing considering the work we do. He'd have to be okay with the fact that I may die any day."
Which is why I date my own kind, CCG investigators. You thought. Not that you'd say that. You knew Ginshi would literally murder someone if he heard you were going out with an investigator.
Not that you thought he'd manage to hurt him, Kishou could easily take on Ginshi. And your brother's reaction to seeing just who you were in a relationship with would probably be priceless. It was almost worth going public over. Almost.
You heard him loudly sigh behind you, probably giving up on the conversation. Not even three seconds after, the doorbell rang and you saw Haise bolt for the front door as Mutsuki joined the three of you on the couch. It was almost like a quinx get together, minus Urie.
"He's in his room." Mutsuki stated before you could ask the question. "I don't know if he'll show up at all or not."
You frowned. Yes, you were slightly hellbent on having quality time with them, but just because you thought of them as family.
The four of you watched as investigators started arriving at your beloved Chateau. Soon enough, most of them were there and chatting with each other.
"Aye, I dare you to go strike up a conversation with Arima." Ginshi said, smirking at you with those sharp teeth of his. You always wondered how you didn't get those, too...
"I don't think that's a good dare, Shirazu..." Mutsuki said, now looking at the intimidating superior who was leaning against a wall with a drink in his hand which you presumed was either wine or grape juice.
"You know I have trouble with just striking up random conversations, Ginshi..." You added, playing along. Sure, you wouldn't mind chatting it up with your boyfriend, but you didn't want to raise any suspicions.
"I say go for it! And then come back with amazing tales of Arima!" Saiko encouraged. "I heard a thing about him killing a ghoul with an umbrella and I have to know if its true or not!"
"I'm sure if Kuroiwa can kill a ghoul with his bare hands, Arima can kill one with an umbrella..." You said, averting your gaze to the calm white-haired man.
"Go, Shira-chan!" Saiko said, pushing you off the couch. Luckily, you caught yourself before colliding with the ground (although you did get a weird look from Kuramoto).
"Fine, fine, I'm going." You said, dusting yourself off before walking away with your head held high.
Once you approached the man, you gave him a small smile. "Arima." You greeted in a monotonous tone.
"Shirazu." He answered, giving you a slight nod. "Why the sudden appearance? You seemed to have fun with your friends over there."
You shrugged, your smile growing. "They 'dared' me to come speak to you. Besides, you're fun, too."
Kishou's smile grew a bit more too, and you were happy to see it. It was a pretty rare sight when he was in public. You were so tempted to look back at Ginshi to see his reaction to this, but you stopped yourself.
"Pretty brave of you to come talk to me." He answered. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Yeah," you nodded. "I am. And how about you? Having fun here all alone with your grape juice?" You asked back, pointing a finger at the wine glass in his hand. You knew it was wine, but it was hilarious to imagine Kishou sitting here sipping grape juice.
"Wine. And as of now, I'm having fun."
You nodded your head at his words, smirking . "Smooth, dear. Smooth."
You both shared a few chuckles before falling in a rather pleasant silence which lasted a good thirty seconds.
"Oh!" You exclaimed. "Try to stick around for the gift unwrapping, I got you something! Don't worry though, I'll give it to you in private."
Kishou nodded, fighting back the frown on his face. He knew keeping this thing between the two of you private was for the better, but he had so many secrets he needed to keep from so many people that it almost hurt. There were times where he just wanted to climb on the roof and yell them out for all to hear, just so he could lift that awful weight off his shoulders.
But he couldn't, because then you'd know everything he didn't want you to know about him, and the weight he bares wouldn't just disappear, it would be placed on someone else's shoulders. Probably yours. And that was the last thing he wanted.
With that, you brushed your hand against his, something the two of you would do when in public instead of any grand affectionate gestures. It just felt like saying 'I'm here for you', and you loved it. You turned around and headed back to where the Quinx were seated, Urie now with them.
"What the fuck?" Ginshi spoke once you settled down. "He smiled at you! It was scary."
"It must be love!" Saiko explained, causing your little brother to gag.
"Hell no." He growled. "If you ever go from Shirazu to Arima I will personally murder you." He threatened while you rolled your eyes.
Mutsuki looked impressed, while Urie... Well, he looked envious. You assumed he was envious about the fact that the Special Class investigator Arima Kishou spoke to you, and not the fact that you were in a relationship with him. Maybe if he knew, he wouldn't be glaring at you like you just insulted him.
Yeah, I worked hard to get someone like him, deal with it. You thought before being brought back to reality by Saiko who was joyfully cheering. Dinner must be ready.
"Ah, yes. Equality." You sarcastically spoke. "Urie gets headphones, Mutsuki gets an eyepatch and Ginshi gets a motorcycle."
"Shirazu!" Mutsuki scolded. "Just be grateful we all got something!" He whined.
"I am, I am." You said, waving off the green haired male. "I love the thought he put into the gifts, I do! I'm just saying that I didn't know the perks of being squad leader was a motorcycle. If I knew, I might have tried for the job."
"You're just jealous!" Your brother said, slightly sticking his tongue out at you.
"Yeah, well you can't say your motorcycle's a bunch of vinyls from the 20's and 30's, can ya? These ones are super hard to find, too! They'd sell for way more than your motorcycle, bitch!" You countered, hugging the thick pile of musical goodness to your chest, proud. "Thanks by the way, Sassan!" You beamed at your mentor. "I'll go upstairs and put them in my room!"
With that, you gave Arima a glance before going upstairs.
"She's so weird, with her old music obsession..." Your younger brother sighed.
"It's good music, I must admit." Haise said, shrugging. "I'm happy she likes it, I was scared she already had the records."
Arima recalled your bright smile as the Quinx spoke. He loved seeing you that happy but he was slightly sad he couldn't have been the one who gifted you those vinyls and have that smile directed towards him. At least you gave him a look before going upstairs... What was that look all about?
I'll go upstairs and put them in my room!
Holy shit, he was an airhead.
Quickly excusing himself, Kishou exited the room under the pretext that he was going to freshen up before making a turn for the staircase instead and heading towards the third floor where you probably waited for him impatiently.
"There's mister Genius." You said, watching as the tall man entered your bedroom. "Took you a while to figure it out?"
"You need to be more specific." He said. What a pathetic excuse.
"More specific and it would sound more like 'I'll go upstairs with Kishou', which would obviously give them some red flags, no?" You said, smiling. "Anyways, I was expecting something like that for you, no worries."
Arima swallowed his shame and simply sat down in your desk chair while you got up from the bed. "What is it you wanted me for?" He simply asked, looking around your room.
"Oh thank god you're not out on a mission today!" You exclaimed, huffing in bewilderment. "I literally told you an hour and a half ago that I had to give you your Christmas gift in private!"
Arima couldn't stop the 'wow' that escaped his lips at how dumb he was today. You were right, thank god he wasn't on a mission today, he would have made a fool of himself.
"Anyways," You said, grabbing a new vinyl and sliding the disk out of its protection, settling onto the turntable you bought, placing the needle on a very specific part of the disk before it started spinning, a familiar melody pouring out of the speaker. "It's been what, two years since we started dating?" You questioned, crouching down under your bed to pull out a box, wrapped in white and blue paper.
"Around two years, yeah." He confirmed, watching you with curiosity in his eyes. What had you gotten him?
"I know it's not much, I didn't have a lot of time to go gift shopping alone, but..." You gave him the box, a bashful smile on your face. "Merry Christmas, Kishou. I love you."
His heart fluttered at the words. It wasn't the first time you said that to him, no, the two of you had exchanged the words a few times before, but there was something about the way you said it that was always so sincere and heartfelt, no matter when you said it. It was his weakness.
The Reaper's weakness was love. How predictable.
He took the box from your hands, tearing the paper slowly to avoid making a mess in your room while you nervously shifted. Would he like it? You hoped so. You spent a lot of money on it and you wanted to let him know how much he meant to you.
Once Arima opened the box, he was met with a significantly smaller box, set in the middle of foam you probably used to make sure the small box wouldn't get tossed around too much. He picked up the box and looked at how it fit in his hand.
"This isn't me proposing to you, don't worry." You spoke as Kishou opened the box to be met with a silver ring. He gently picked it up and set the box on your desk, observing the simple argent band, noticing words on the inside.
"'Serva me, servabo te'." You said as fluently as possible. "In latin, it means 'save me and I will save you'. I thought it fit pretty well with the kind of work we do. It's a promise I'm making to you. I'll always have your back, whether it be in battle or not. I will stand by your side even if you should be in the wrong, I'll love you even if you don't love me anymore, because everyone needs at least someone to love them." You spoke, taking the ring from his hands and placing it on his left thumb. "I'm putting it on your left thumb to represent the faith I have in you."
Arima was speechless. The weight on his shoulders seem to double in size as he watched you put the promise ring on his hand with care. You had this much trust in him and here he was keeping countless secrets from you.
"You don't need to actually keep it on your thumb, but please at least accept my promise to you." You said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "I know they're all gonna suspect something if they see you waltzing in the office with a ring on your hand."
Kishou shook his head. "I'm keeping it." He finally said. "Thank you. I'm sorry I don't have anything for you."
"Having you accept my promise is all I could wish for." You answered, smiling.
Suddenly, he realized that you two weren't alone in here and that you both had been gone for a long while. Oh, well.
Arima seemed to finally pick up on the song playing in the background. It was the same, so maybe you two weren't gone for too long.
"What's that song? It sounds familiar." He spoke, looking at the turntable on your bedside table with curiosity.
"It's Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller. It was playing when we had our first kiss. It seemed to fit the mood, so I thought it'd add emotion to the moment. My goal was to make you cry, but I guess I'll settle with speechless." You said with a soft smile on your face. You looked so enamoured right now. It was endearing to him.
Now that you told him, he seemed to remember the song. Didn't he have it saved in his phone somewhere? He'd have to check later.
"Would you be happier if we didn't hide?" He asked without thinking. Oh well, here goes nothing...
You furrowed your eyebrows at his question. "What do you mean, 'happier'? I'm happy as long as I get to be with you. And I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable situation, either. I won't mind whether we're making it public or not, as long as you're happy as well." You said.
"It would...Get some weight off my shoulders." He confessed. You simply nodded and didn't question him. He was grateful for that. He was grateful for having you.
"Well then, I guess it's settled, but let's not make a big announcement. I'm not into that stuff and I don't think you are either." You hesitated before adding: "...Are you?"
"No, I rather not." He answered.
"Then I'm glad to have helped you take some weight off your shoulders. God knows you have a lot on your plate." You stated before kissing him, which was short lived due to a yell of horror.
"What the fuck?!"
You quickly pulled away to see who had interrupted the two of you and smirked at your little brother's terrified expression.
"Saiko was right, in a way." You said, smiling at him. "What, I specifically made sure you knew I might not be single, no?"
Kishou merely watched you two talk with amusement in his eyes. He always wished he had a sibling to act this way with, and not countless half-siblings he wasn't even allowed to consider family.
"Well, yeah but I never thought it'd be him!" He said, pointing at Arima before lowering his arm. "No offense, Arima-san! I just- well, er... She's my sister!" He shouted, before covering his mouth and apologizing. Shirazu had the hardest time weighing his options. Yell at the superior for dating his older sister or let it go because he had to respect the investigator?
"Alright, your little crisis is really taking a toll on you." You spoke. "Listen, we'll go downstairs and you can sort out your inner turmoil here."
With that, you grabbed Kishou's hand and dragged him towards the staircase, leaving Ginshi behind, who gasped when he saw the ring on Arima's finger.
"Oh my god." He whimpered. "He's gonna be my brother in law..."
You sighed at your brother's stupidity. If you did propose, the ring wouldn't be on his left thumb. To aggravate him furthermore, you simply said nodded.
"Yep, you can murder me after the wedding."
With that, you descended the stairs with a now very confused but satisfied Kishou. Now he knew you probably wouldn't be opposed to him gifting you a very meaningful ring next Christmas...
A/N: Lol and then you're not the one who takes up the name Arima, it's Kishou who took the Shirazu name.
Shirazu Kishou. Omg.
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"I'm not a kitten, Y/n." Jungkook smirks while closing in on me, my back hitting the wall. His hands that are on either side of me block my escape as he whispers in my ear, a deep low purr radiating from his chest and his body feels hot. "I bite hard, baby. I leave marks." _________________________Kim Y/n and Jeon Jungkook are high school rivals, of course the whole school knows this since they constantly bicker in class and in the hallways. But what will she do when she finds out that her sworn enemy has... cat ears?!And now, two years after graduating high school, what will Y/n do when hybrids are exposed to the world?Most importantly, what will she do when she stumbles upon an illegal hybrid adoption center that has a now weak and abused hybrid in it who she recognizes as her enemy from high school? The answer is simple, she saves him.MOST IMPRESSIVE RANKINGS#1 - jeonjungkook ⭐️ #1 - jungkookxreader ⭐️ #1 - hybridjungkook #1 - btshybrid#1 - hybrid ⭐️ #1 - taehyung#1 - bangtan ⭐️ #3 - bts ⭐️ #3 - bangtansonyeondan#3 - btsfluff#4 - btsfanfic#4 - btssmut#23 - fanfiction Includes side ships, poly relationships, mature themes such as smut, very minor angst, too much humor and fluff. Is an enemies to lovers trope. Includes all members of BTS but is a Jeon Jungkook (and another surprise mate 👀) fanfic.
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