《My Amber Flower》~Final Battle~


My next battle was with a girl named, Saiya

"Alright..this next battle is with, Saiya Koji and Amber Valley. It's a six on six battle! Substitutions are aloud, the arena will change after a minute or so..now if you understand let's begin!"

The first field was Water "alright..Umbreon, lets go!"

"Moon, your up!"

*that Umbreon looks tough..*

"Umbreon, Dark pulse lets go!"

"Moon..dodge then use Shadow ball!" Moon jumped above the Dark pulse sending Shadow ball towards Umbreon

"Umbreon, Protect!"

"Moon..use Double team, then quick attack!" Once the protect vanished Umbreon was hit with many Quick attacks "swift lets go!"

"Dodge with Double team! Then finish this off with, Night Slash!"

Umbreon got rid of all the fakes, but fainted due to a Night slash

"Umbreon is unable to battle..Absol wins!"

"Thanks bud, have a nice rest..go, Mightyena!"

"Moon get some rest..go Jumpluff!"

"Mightyena, Shadow ball!"

"Jumpluff, Acrobatics to dodge..then Energy ball!"

Jumpluff used Acrobatics to dodge the shadow balls and hit Mightyena with Energy ball "fire fang let's go!"

"Dodge and use, Arial Ace!" Mightyena's attack was dodged and he was hit with Arial ace

"Now..Solar beam!"

"Hyper beam go!" They both fired making the moves collided "Sunny day now!"

Jumpluff used the last bit of its strength to power up the solar beam with sunny day.

"Mightyena is unable to battle..Jumpluff wins!"


It's was three against two..I was almost at the top eight "Shiftry, Leaf blade go!"

"Viper, Flamethrower!"

"Shiftry is unable to battle, Flygon wins!" And that's leaves only her final Pokémon..I wondered what it was

"Infernape, Cmon out!"


"What's that?" I asked pulling my Dex out

No data

"That's strange..hey where are you from?" I asked "from a place called Sinnoh" *Sinnoh..interesting..*

"Viper return..Sceptile lets go!"


"Infernape..Flare Blitz lets go!"

"Dodge and use Leaf blade!" Sceptile jumped over then hit Infernape with Leaf blade

"Not that good..she's a fire type"

"Well then..Sceptile, Focus Blast!"

"Mach punch lets go" the blast was sliced into nothing with Mach punch

"incredible! Could this be the end of, Amber and the league?"

"Sceptile..Solar beam!"


The overheat was faster..Sceptile fainted "thanks a lot girl..take a rest. Since you have a fire type..I'll go with, Coresola!"

"Alright then..Mach punch!"

"Water gun!" But the Mach punch cut through, hitting Coresola

"Let's end this..Solar beam!" "What?!"

"Incredible! Amber better think of something fast..or else it's over!"

"Coresola..Earth power go!" The attack hit..but it didn't matter, the Solar beam was blasted..

"Coresola is unable to battle..Saiya wins this match!"

"Amazing! Amber has lost to Saiya from the Sinnoh region, that Solar beam surprised me as well"

"No..it can't be over..it can't end like this.." I was shocked that a fire type had a grass type move "your pathetic! My brother Paul said..weak trainers will always have weak Pokémon! That means..that coresola is only weak because of you!"

I returned my Pokémon and left the stage "you really are pathetic.." *no I'm not..*


I was at home sitting on my bed "guess it's time to get back to training for the gym leader title" I said grabbing my grass type team "sweetie..I may have another journey for you"

I look up at my mom in question "what is it mom?" She handed me a paper from Brandon "no way.."

"He wants you to try..to become, Frontier Brain"

Until next journey

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