《My Amber Flower》~Hoenn League, Pt:3~


"Sceptile, Leaf blade! And Jumpluff, Acrobatics!"

"Snorunt! Bulbasaur!"

"Bulbasaur and Snorunt are unable to battle..Sceptile and Jumpluff win this match!"

"Incredible! A win streak of not even losing any of her Pokémon! She'll be moving onto the victory tournament!"


The next day was a relax day "I'm telling you it's true! I saw Ash and this other guy go at it!"

"Wow..wish I could've seen it"

"So..how did you think of my battles, Drewy?"

"They were good, but don't lose focus on what's ahead"

"Ya I know..but I've been thinking. I haven't used Viper yet, so I'll use her and Solar in my next battle!"

"I'll make sure to not miss a single thing then"

"I better get back to training, talk to you later Drew"


The next day has finally come! My battle was with a girl named, Mina. It was a six on six battle..and the field was grass

"Beautifly lets go!"

"Sceptile, your up!"

"Beautifly, Silver Wind!"

"Sceptile..Leaf blade lets go!"

The Leaf blade cut though Silver wind, hitting Beautifly "Beautifly, Air Cutter!"

"Dodge and use Leaf Storm!" Sceptile used the trees to dodge the attack, then used Leaf storm while it was in the air

"Beautifly is unable to battle! Sceptile wins!"

"Beautifly return! Persian let's go!"

"Sceptile return..Viper lets go!"

"Persian, Fury Swipes!"

"Viper counter with, Dragon Tail!" Viper dodged the attack and hit Persian with Dragon tail

"Persian, Screech lets go!"

"Viper..fly up and use Flamethrower!"

"Dodge that..then Night slash, full power"

"Dodge it!" But Viper was hit hard sending it to the wall

"Flygon is unable to battle..Persian wins!"

"Great job Viper, get some rest." I said returning him *shes powerful..let's see if my water Pokémon can do something..*


The battle field changed to water "Coresola, your up!"

"Persian, Fury Swipes lets go!"

"Harden now!"

Coresola used Harden to take Fury Swipes "now..Power Gem!"

~skipping to last Pokémon cause I'm lazy..~

"It's down to Breloom and Meganium, who'll win this match?"

"Solar, Vine whip let's go!"

"Dodge and use bullet seed!"

Breloom jumped high dodging the attack and using bullet seed "hit them with Vine whip again!" Solar hit the Bullet seeds to the ground "Breloom, Venoshock lets go!"

"Dodge and lets wrap things up..Sunny day and Solar beam!" The sun grew brighter as Solar charged up "attack now, Breloom!"

The Solar beam was fired and hit Breloom sending it to the wall

"Breloom is unable to battle, Meganium wins!"

"Amber and her team will be moving onto the next round! I hav to say..her and her Pokémon are showing us a show we would never imagined!"

"It's all thanks..to the hard work my Pokémon put in.."


"Moon..Shadow ball and Flamethrower!" Both moves combined hitting the target "that's perfect!"

"Hey Amber!" I turn seeing Ash "hey" "doing something midnight training?" He asked "ya..I'm think of using moon for the first little bit, then switching it up" I said "well be careful..cause you might battle me next!"

"Ash..I won't lose if that happens. I've been training ever since we met, so..make it see we can battle Ash! And if we do..no holding back!"

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