《My Amber Flower》~Hoenn League Pt:1~


"And there you go, your all signed up" Nurse Joy said "thanks a lot..alright, let's see what this new Pokémon is. Cmon out, buddy!"

"Core! Coresola"

Coresola, The coral Pokémon. CORSOLA live in warm southern seas. If the sea becomes polluted, the beautiful coral stalks become discolored and crumble away in tatters.

"So, your a Water Rock type Huh. Welcome to the team, little one" I said holding her in my arms "Core! Coresola!"

"I'm glad I made it for registrations..let's get some training in" "Core!"


"Sceptile, Leaf blade! And Coresola, Power Gem lets go!"

It was getting pretty late. I was get some last minute training in "Viper, Hyper beam! And Solar, Solar beam!"

*there all doing great..and I know they'll be great tomorrow.*

"Sceptile..let's show them we are number one"


"Sceptile, slice that shadow ball with, Leaf Blade!"

"Absol, Night Slash lets go!"

"Counter with Leaf blade!" Sceptile and Absol got into a battle, they sliced at each other "Absol, Razor Wind lets go!"

"Let's finish this bud! Jump and use Solar beam!"

Sceptile jumped high towards the sun "Absol use Shadow ball!" "Now!" Sceptile sliced the shadow ball and fired a solar beam "and that's it! Absol I'm unable to battle..Amber and Sceptile wins!"

I walk over to my opponent holding an oran berry "here..feed this to Absol" I said as she grabbed it "thanks.."


"Sceptile, you were great. But..it'll only get harder from her" "tile..Sceptile"

"Let's go all the way, to the top of the league..and become champion. Or..at least try to" "Sceptile!"

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