《My Amber Flower》~Slateport, Grand Festival Pt:3~


"It's double battles..Solar and Jumpluff will be my choice for her..but it depends on who she's using"

"Now it's our fifth battle..on my left it's Jessica Myers, and on my right..it's Amber Valley. You all know the rules, so let's begin!"

"Dustox and Tropius, lights on!"

"Jumpluff and Solar, Showtime!"

Once Tropius came out, I quickly got my Dex out

Tropius, the Fruit Pokemon. It flies by flapping its broad leaves. The bunch of fruit that grows around its neck is deliciously sweet. In the spring, it scatters pollen from its neck.

"Tropius start with Whirlewind, and Dustox, Silver wind lets go!" Both moves combined making me lost points "dodge that quick!"

Both my Pokémon spun up dodging the attack "Solar use Vine whip! And Jumpluff, Acrobatics!"

Solar wrapped its vines around Tropius and Dustox, Jumpluff hit them with Acrobatics

"Time to win this now..Tropius, Attract lets go!"

"A..Attract!" The attract hit Solar making her fall in love "Solar! Snap out of it!" I shouted "Meg Meg.."


I didn't know what to do..Solar was in love with Tropius "Jumpluff, Energy ball now!"

"Dustox, Psybeam lets go!"

The energy ball was hit back to Solar and Jumpluff "oh no! Please get up!" I shouted "time to end this..Dustox and Tropius, Shadow ball and Magical Leaf!"

I was getting worried..I had to think of something quick, then it hit me "Solar Sunny day! And Jumpluff, charge a Solar beam!"

They both did as I said "that won't work..do you want to lose?" Jessica said smiling "I'm not going down easily! Now Jumpluff! And solar, Petal Blizzard!"

The solar beam was surrounded by Petal Blizzard, the sun was shinning off both moves "d..dodge it!" The move hit..making her Pokémon faint.


"And that's it! Miss Amber will be moving onto the Semifinals"


"You two were amazing!" I said hugging them "Meg" "Jump!"

"Take a nice rest" I said returning them "now onto the next one.."


Many battles later..my next opponent was Chris

"Ninetales, Vaporeon..let's dance!"

"Viper..Solar, showtime!"

"Vaporeon water pulse, and Ninetales, Fire spin lets go!"

"Viper, Dragon tail. And Solar, Petal Blizzard!"

The petals surrounded Viper's tail as she hit the Water fire spin Pulse back towards Chris's Pokémon

"Amazing! She sent back that move back with an amazing Dragon Tail!"

"Vaporeon, Aurora beam and Ninetales, Flame charge let's go!"

"Amazing! Ninetales is moving within the Aurora Beam!" I smile as my Pokémon were hit "Let's finish this up with a simple move..Viper, you know what to do..but Solar, Solar Beam!"

Viper flew up high using Giga Impact and Hyper beam, Solar Beam combined with Flygon "water gun and Flamethrower!"

But the moves were taken over, hitting Vaporeon and Ninetales

"Times up! Amber and her team will be moving onto the final round" I smile at Chris as I returned my Pokémon.

"Great job you two..you were both amazing" I said as I turned and walked out to the exit "well..seems like I'll see you in the final round.."

"You bet, Robert"


"Okay..now we have our final opponents. It's Robert and Amber going all for it, let's see who'll win this match!"

*this is a tight spot..but I have an idea*

"Twister, Milotic. Go!"

"Get ready!" I waited till Claydol came out and used Hyper beam "now! Solar beam and Petal Blizzard!"

Both moves collided, not one was giving up "Iron tail!" "Solar, Vine whip let's go!" Solar grabbed Milotic and threw her to Claydol "let's end this..Jumpluff, Energy ball..and Solar, Sunny Day and Petal Blizzard!"


Sunny day made the energy ball shine so bright with the Petals around it "dodge it quickly!"

"Use Vine whip to hold them!" Solar grabbed them both so they wouldn't dodge, the move hit..making him lose all his points.

"Times up! Our new top coordinator is, Amber Valley!" Tears fled my eyes as both my Pokémon ran over "we did it..we won!"

"Meg!" "Jump!"

"You both were amazing..thank you two"


It was late at night, I was at the beach with Viper "Viper..it's almost the end of our journey. Once I do the league, I'll become a gym leader" I said "Fly.."

"If you want..you can go home and, be with your family" "Fly..Flygon!"

"I know it's sudden..but I want you to be happy, so if you want to leave after the league. I can't stop you.."

"Amber..why are you out here?" I knew it was Drew "I'm just..enjoying the night with Viper. You know..your performance was amazing." I said turning to him "thanks..you and Viper were great at the first round"

His Flygon then came out and flew over to mine "guess your Flygon likes Viper" I said looking at them "yeah..Amber I..need to say something" I look at him confused "what is it-!"

He held out a rose..but it was pink "Drew.."

He smiled handing it to me "a Special Pink Rose, for..the love of my life" I blink twice then blushed after his words "D..Drew! Are you asking me out?!" He laughed then looked at me in the eyes "is that a yes?"

"Your an idiot, you know what I'm answer will be..it's a yes you dummy!" I said as I placed the Rose in my hair "Gon!"

"Drew..you'll watch me battle at the league right?" I asked "of course"

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