《My Amber Flower》~Slateport, Grand Festival! Pt:1~


"Here we are! The main arena for the Grand Festival!" "Meg!" I was super excited for this..I could win it all here! "Solar, why don't you take a rest. I'll have Moon with me" "Meg!"

I returned her as Moon came out "alright, let's go and register"


"Hi there, I'd like to register into the Grand Festival" I said "of course. Just hand me your card, and show me the ribbons you won" I did as so, I handed her my card and showed her my ribbons "your all set. Now here's a guide book to help you out"

"Thanks so much!"

After I got all registered in, I walked out smelling the air "Sis!" "Adam, Mom..and Wallace!" Adam jumped up and hugged me "we came to see you perform" my mom said "they right! We are proud of you Amber"

"Thanks mom, so Wallace..what's been going on?" I asked "nothing really..I see you have an Absol. He's just the Pokémon for you, will you be using him?" He asked "no, I'll be using Solar and Viper. Well..that is if I continue the battling rounds"

"I know you'll do great, now you better head to your dorm and relax. The contest doesn't start for awhile" my mom said "right! I'll see you guys later!"


"Solar..Petal Blizzard lets go, then Sunny day!" The sunny day made the blizzard beautiful to see "that was just perfect! Now then..Viper lets go!"

"Fly!" "Alright..do you wanna keep practicing that last bit or.." "Gon!" She flew up high as I sighed "alright..but if we still can't do it then..we won't use it k!" I shouted as she nodded "now..use Giga impact and spin while using Hyper beam!"


Two powerful moves put in one..it was a risky move to even do! She flew down trying her best to do it right..but failed and ending up hurting herself "Viper!"


"It's okay dear..we can do that move again another time. For now get some rest" I said returning her back into her ball "Meg?" I saw Solar looking at something, when I turn..I saw a huge jerk "oh that little..Harley!"

He tended up hearing my voice "well I better go..see ya you two!" He said running away from Drew and May "get back here!" I shouted running after him "Sceptile, Cmon out and stop him!"

Sceptile came out as Harley stopped "okay! I have something to say..Why didn't you tell me you for five ribbons?!" I shouted "sorry! I was in such a hurry. Please forgive me!" He said bowing and putting his hands up (I don't know how to describe it..)

"Alright..just next time, tell me what your doing..I don't want to worry about you" I said "don't worry Amber! I'll make sure to do so. So bye now!" I smile as he ran off "thanks Sceptile. Take a rest"

"Solar..let's have a walk into town, shall we?"



"Hello~!" I turn seeing a booth "yes..what is it?" I asked "that's a lovely Meganium you have! But it could be even more lovely, with Norman here training it!" The girl said "do you want to Solar?"

"Meg Meg!" "Alright, I'll be back later for her k. Take good care of Solar!" "We will!"

I started walking back to the arena *it was very nice of them to do that*


"Beautifly, Silver wind!" I turn back to see Team Rocket and the others "what's going on?!" "Meg!" I saw Solar in a cage with other Pokémon "Solar!" They started to get away with all our Pokémon

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt them!" He did as so making there get away a bust

May's Beautifly saved them all from hitting the ground, I ran to Solar freeing it from the cage "oh Solar! I'm so sorry!" I said hugging her "hey Amber" I turn to my left seeing Drew "ya what's up?" I asked

"It's about Harley..I believe he's up to something" he said "oh Drew..he would never do anything. Why would you think that?" I asked him "he wants May to only use one move..I don't trust him one bit"

"Drew just give him a chance." I said smiling "alright fine.."


It was contest time..I was excited for this, I had a strange outfit on..it was because of the special performance with my Viper

"And next up..it's Amber Valley from here in Slateport city!"

I walk out as I looked at everyone "everyone! This performance will be my best one yet! Viper, Showtime!"

Viper came out flying around the audience and landing in front of me, I got on her back as she flew up "what's she doing?" "Alright..let's begin!" I jump off pulling something on my outfit

"Flygon..Dragon Tail!" I said throwing a disc towards her, she hit it back with Dragon tail. We continued doing this for a little bit more "amazing! She's showing us how Flygon uses it's Dragon tail in an elegant way!"

"Now Viper..use Fire spin!" She flew towards me using Fire spin, I landed on her as she spun downwards "now up!" I jumped off at the right time as she flew up high "Fly!"

The tone of her voice..made me think she wanted to use the final act. I took a deep breath as I smiled "now the final act! Viper, spin and use Giga impact plus Hyper beam!"

"If she doesn't this right..it could mean big score!" Viper flew up high, she smiled and flew down spinning using Giga impact and Hyper beam at the same time

I was scared..but to my eyes, she pulled it off! She flew upwards towards the sun "what beauty! Both her and Viper must've trained hard to get that perfected!"

I looked at the screen seeing my score


"98 points! Her and viper has shown our judges an amazing performance!"


"Sis! That was great!" I saw my brother Adam run up to me "thanks bro..but I just need to see if I made it"

The results were in..I was nervous and scared, the faces were shown and.."14th place! I did it!"

"Way a go, sweetie" I saw my mom and Wallace walk up to me "I wish it was better tho..I wanna best that Robert guy" I said "I know you will..but it's time to do more practice"

"Right! May, Drew..Harley, it's my turn to shine!"

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