《My Amber Flower》~Brody takedown!~


Heading towards Slateport city, I lent my Pokémon..but Solar to nurse joy to take care off "once we get there..let's do our very best, Solar!" "Bay bay!"

"Did you hear? I heard Brody the phantom thief is on this ship"

"What! The Brody!"

I froze after hearing Brodie's name "just great..I thought he was gone for good" "Bay?" "You remember him right? He got away with the information about Groundon and Kyoger" I said "Bay! Bay bay"

I sigh as I walked over to the bench nearest to me "you know..after the Grand Festival and the League..I'm going to become a gym leader, a grass type gym leader! And maybe..you'd want to help me, Solar" "bay? Bay bay!"

"A golden Pokeball? We were never told this.." "ya I heard it from some kids. It's probably not even in the contest, maybe just for display"

*i got you now..Brody the Phantom Theif*


"Funny how your eyes can play..tricks on you!"

"You won't get away with this!"

"Golbat, lets go!"

"Haze attack go!"

I saw Brody run out the room "oh no you don't! Let's go Solar!"


Brody kept doing his trick of turning into other people, I waited up on deck to where me might be heading. When I looked..two Jenny's were seen *my plan won't work..if I don't know who's who*

Brock stepped up and found out who the real Jenny was. The fake Jenny took of his outfit, showing Brody himself "Brody! It's time to give it in!"

"Amber!" "Amber..my sweet! I didn't know you-"

"Be quiet! Your nothing but a thief! Give the cup back" I said glaring at him "fine..it has no use to me anymore" Jenny was about to grab it..but it was stolen once again "who did that?!"



"Team Rocket!"

"Give back that ribbon cup!" May shouted *First Brody now this..this isn't what I planned on doing while I was here..*

Brody got away with his jet "Growleth let's go!"

"Seviper, Cmon out!"

"Solar, help up out!"

"Growleth, use Flamethrower!"

"Solar, use magical Leaf!"

"Dodge and use, Poison Tail!" Seviper dodged both attacks and hit Growleth and Bayleef "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

"Solar..Solar Beam now!" Both attacks hit Seviper "Cacnea, your up!"

"Jumpluff, lets go!"

"Seviper, Poison tail one more time!"

"Go Cacnea, Needle arm right now!"


"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

"Jumpluff, Bullet seed and Solar..Solar beam!"

All four moves hit Cacnea and Serviper "Solar and Jumpluff..finish with a double, Solar beam!"

Once they were gone..Solar started glowing "Meg!" "A Meganium!"

Meganium, the Herb Pokemon. And the final evolution of Chikorita. The fragrance of a MEGANIUM's flower soothes and calms emotions. In battle, it gives off more of its becalming scent to blunt the foe's fighting spirit.

"I'm so glad.." "Meg!"


"There it is! Slateport city! Solar, lets do this and..win that Cup!"

"Meg! Meganium!"

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