《My Amber Flower》~Mystic Island, Fifth Ribbon!~


Mystic Island, the island of my final ribbon. And my entree into the Grand Festival!

"Alright, Moon..Viper, this could be our only chance on getting into the Grand Festival" I said "Sol" "Fly!"

"Alright..it's Grand Festival rules, so..I need to use two different Pokémon. So Moon and Viper, you'll be my Pokémon for this!"

"A Absol and a Flygon..you must be desperate" I freeze up as I heard a familiar female voice "Jessica.." Jessica..she has brown black hair, she's my rival for any Pokémon Contest.

"You see..me and my Pokémon, will win this and get that ribbon!" I growl as I turned to my Pokémon "as always..you know, your just some freak..let's go Ponyta" "Neigh.."

Both my Pokémon saw tears flee my eyes "Moon..Viper..let's win this!"


"Hello and welcome to the Mystic Pokémon contest! I'm your host, Vivian. And here are the three judges.."

I took a deep breath as I looked at Moon's ball. *this is it..it's showtime*

"Now let's introduce our first, performance..It's Amber!" I ran out has I looked at the audience "everyone..I hope you all enjoy! Moon, Showtime!"

As I threw the ball..dark most came out revealing him "amazing!"

"Now..let's start with this! Night Slash, lets go!" I threw up some pokeblock, he sliced them up into small pieces "now..Quick Attack, and combined Charge Beam!"

Absol moves fast getting the Pokeblock in its mouth "incredible! It's speed double because of Charge beam!" "Let's finish this..use Night slash!" I threw a ball up in the air, he jumped slicing it. Getting tons of sparkles everywhere

"What an amazing performance..now what do the judges think?"


10 10 10


"Wow! A perfect score! We have our first placer, now..we have Jessica!"

I walk past her as she smirked "time to show you..a real performance. Eevee, lets go!"


"Use Swift!" Her Eevee jumped high as she threw a water stone up, the swift surrounded Eevee as she evolved into Vaporion

"A Vaporion Huh.."

Vaporeon, the bubble jet Pokémon. And the evolved form of, Eevee. VAPOREON underwent a spontaneous mutation and grew fins and gills that allow them to live underwater. They have the ability to freely control water.

"Alright..Icy wind!" Vaporeon jumped up again while using icy wind "now..Water gun then Ice beam!" Vaporeon, fired at the ground then freezing the water. She landed on top of the frozen water

"Now.. swift let's go!" Vaporeon jumped using swift to break the water frozen water gun, making her falling down beautiful

"Wonderful! But how much did that give her?"


"Amazing! She got second place..now let's continue on!"

~final battle~

"Alright..now it's time for our final battle. It's Jessica verses, Amber. Both trainers must use different Pokémon from the first round. So..five minutes on the clock, and begin!"

"Ivysaur, lets go!" "Ivy!"

"An Ivysaur.."

Ivysaur, the seed Pokémon. And the evolved form of, Bulbasaur. To support its bulb, IVYSAUR's legs grow sturdy. If it spends more time lying in the sunlight, the bud will soon bloom into a large flower.

"Since that's the case then..Viper, Showtime!"

"Ivysaur, Petal dance lets go!"

"Why don't we make those petals..even more pretty. Viper, use your wings to send it back..then fly towards, Ivysaur and use..Flamethrower!"

Viper used it wings to send the move back, she flew with the move using Flamethrower "light screen!"


"Break through.." the light screen was smashed as Ivysaur was hurt badly "how dare you! Solar beam now!" Ivysaur, tried to charge up..but it couldn't"

"Guess this is over..Vivian, I don't wanna hurt Ivysaur anymore so.." "right.."

"No! My Pokémon will beat your, Flygon. Seed Bomb!"

I sighed as I snapped my finger "Jessica..you should care for your Pokémon after this..Flygon, Hyper beam"


"Congratulations Amber..here is the Mystic ribbon, and your entree to the Grand Festival" Vivian said as I grabbed it "I did it..I really did it..I can't believe I got all five ribbons!"

"Gon!" I turn to Flygon showing her the ribbon "alright! I got all five ribbons!"

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