《My Amber Flower》~Viper the Flygon~


"Cmon Bayleef! Drew is just up ahead!"

Heading towards my next contest, Drew..for a really long time. Texted me saying she was on the same island as I was, so I decided to go and see him

I saw a Silver wind attack happen, I knew it must've been Drew "Drew!" "Amber" I also saw Ash and the others "hey you guys!"

"Your..happier. Did something happen? Like you get a boyfriend or something?" Drew asked "okay one, me getting a boyfriend isn't my thing and two..I won my final badge, and now I'm in the Hoenn league!" I said jumping "that's great! Ash also won all eight badges"

"What about your ribbons? How much you got?" I pulled my case out and showed him

"Four ribbons, one more to go" I said "ain't that nice, I already won five ribbons" I blink as i sighed "welp..I should've known.."

"So..what's uh, happening now?" I asked "May and I are going to battle" "really..well have fun..I'm going to go and uh..train for the contest, I'll see ya" I said running off.

"That was strange.." Brock said as Drew sighed "she's still looking Huh.." "Huh? What do you mean?" May asked "it's nothing..let's just get this over with"


"Let's do this..!" I then heard a familiar modo, I was wondering if it was Cassidy, or Jessie. I walked over seeing it was Jessie and James

They started using there sub to suck up Pikachu and other Pokémon "oh no! Pikachu! Masquerain! Beautifly!" Everyone else got sucked in as well, I decided to go and help..but sucked in (lol)

We crashed right inside of the sub "that's gonna hurt.." Max then freaked out and pushed a button on the wall, making us go fast under water

Once we found air..the sub exploded and blasted us off on an island


"Bayleef! Bayleef where are you?!" I shouted, I then started to freak out "she's not here..Bayleef!"


"Is her Bayleef, special May?" Drew asked "well ya..ever since Viper left, Solar's been making her happy..but now" "hey Amber..look" I turn towards the ocean seeing a boat


As we learned we were on Mirage island, o started to worry for the others..even Solar "um..is your friend okay? She looks worried" Rodrick asked "she could be better..she's worried about her Pokémon, Bayleef" Drew said

"I see..well let's hurry and find your friends" I held both Viper's and Solar's pokeballs "um Drew..she's holding Viper and Solar's pokeballs..maybe we should.."

"Leave her, she'll get over them eventually" Drew said as May worried even more "I hope your right.."


We walked through the forest, until we saw a river *I can't be like this..I mustn't let May worry, and Drew..he never cares*

"Hey look!" I looked up seeing them near the cliff "lechy berries!" Absol came out, telling me something was wrong. The cliff broke, the old man brought out Bellsprout to use vine whip, May grabbed it..but let go once she grabbed Drew.

"Gorebyss help me out!" Once she was out, Absol jumped on as we fell as well "are you mad!" Drew shouted "why yes. Mad that I'm going to save you both!"

"Swim to shore! There's a water fall dead ahead!" I looked seeing a big drop "Absol return k" "Sol"

"Gorebyss, faster please!" Gorebyss sped up..but they already went down the water fall "hold on!" I returned Gorebyss as I jumped into the water swimming towards May

She swam towards Drew and grabbed him "Drew, May!" "Wy! Wynaut!"

We both looked seeing a ton of blue tiny Pokémon "what is that.."

All the Pokémon jumped and connected to one another. They grabbed May's hand as, May held my hand as well *what are they?*


"Sol! Absol Sol.." "I..I'm fine..don't you worry, Moon" I said as he licked my arm "here" I look up seeing Drew holding a Lechy berry "thanks.."


"Careful..it has a strong after taste" I took a bite as I knew what he meant "have some k" "Sol.."

-(that means time skip to night)

It was night, Moon was sleeping peacefully beside me. I sighed as I grabbed my phone and looked at some pictures "oh Viper..Solar, I hope you both are safe.."

I put my phone away as I looked outside the cave "Wy!" I saw a Wynaut run up to me "you want me to join?" "Wynaut!" I smile as I got up "alright.." I walk over to where May was with her Pokémon and Wynaut.

Drew saw that same smile on my face from a while ago *she's smiling again..I'm glad. I just hope Bayleef is with her friends..and Viper, I'll find her for you Amber*

"Huh?!" We heard something from outside, we ran seeing the Lechy berries being sucked up "Team Rocket!"

"Those Lechy Berries belong to the, Wynaut!" May shouted as she was sucked into there machine ballon "May!"

"Before we go..let's grab a gift for the boss" a hand came towards me grabbing me, I screamed as another hand hit Absol "May! Amber!"

"Moon! Go and find help!" "Sol!"

"Oh no! Master Amber!!"


They continued to suck the berries into there ballon "stop it!" Me and May shouted *Cmon Drew or even, Moon..come and save us!*

"Amber! Hang tight k! I'm going to get you outta there!" I saw Drew and the Wynauts here *he came to save me and May!*

"Seviper, Poison Tail!"

"Roselia, Magical Leaf!"

Roselia fired Magical leaf as it was stopped by Servipers tail, a Wynaut came in and protected Roselia from Poison tail "Roselia, use petal dance!" Roselia used a beautiful petal dance to free May

"Now for Amber!"

"Go Seviper, Poison Tail!" But then..a Thunderbolt came in and stopped the attack "Ash!" I saw Solar run beside them "Solar!" "Bay bay!"

"Give back those berries, and Amber!" Ash shouted "Dustox, use Poison Sting!"

"Cacnea, lets go!"

"Fly..Gon!" My eyes widened as a Hyper beam came in and freed me "Masquerain, Silver Wind!" I was falling, I didn't know who saved me..or did i?

"Solar quick! Catch her!" But something else caught me..a Pokémon I'd never seen before "what..who are you?" I grabbed my Dex scanning the Pokémon.

Flygon, the Mystic Pokemon. And the final evolution of Trapinch. The flapping of its wings sounds like singing. To prevent detection by enemies, it hides itself by flapping up a cloud of desert sand.

"Pikachu, Thunder!"

"Fly..Gon!" Flygon fired another Hyper Beam at team rocket, sending them flying. "Amber!" The Flygon flew me down safely "are you okay?!" Max asked as I nodded "I'm fine but..why would this Flygon come and save me?"

"Fly..Flygon Gon" the Flygon pointed to a pokeball on my belt "Viper's pokeball..I don't get it?" The others realized who it was, May nudged Drew to help out "Amber..I think that Flygon's your.."

My eyes widened as I walked up to her "Flygon..are you really..?" She nodded as tears started to form "Viper!" I hugged her crying "I was so worried about you!" "Fly..Gon Flygon"

"Never do that again!" "Gon.." Flygon looked up and walked over to Drew, giving him a nudge "huh?" "Gon..Flygon.." "Drew did you..find Viper?" I asked "huh? Oh I uh.."

"Gon!" He took a deep deep and looked at me " I did..I didn't want to see you upset and-" I hugged him tightly in my arms (there the same size, BTW)

"Thank you.." I let go as I looked at Viper "Solar..get some rest" I said as I got on Viper's back "where you going?" Ash asked "to, Mystic Island! That's where my next contest is! So May..win the one on the other island!"

"I will!"

Viper..the Pokémon that left me ages ago. Has now returned, and become a Flygon

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