《My Amber Flower》~Rainstorm conquired~


"Solar..let's give this battle, everything we got" "Chiko!"

I walked into the gym seeing the gym leader, Jaun "so..your the gym leader, strange..I was hoping to see Wallace"

"Yes well..he's busy doing other things then being a gym leader. Now I remember you very well, Amber. So are you ready?"

"You bet!"

"This battle will now commence, each trainer will use five Pokémon each. The first round will be a double battle, and then the second will just be single battles. And this battle will be over..once either trainers side is unable to battle. So if we understand then..let the battle commence!"

"Luvdisc and Sealo, lets go!"

"A Luvdisc Huh.."

Luvdisc, the Rendezvous Pokemon. LUVDISC make the branches of CORSOLA their nests. There is a custom from long ago of giving a LUVDISC as a gift to express one's feelings of love.

"Alright then..Absol and Cacturne, your up!"

"Luvdisc, Water pulse on Absol and Sealo..Aurora beam on Cacturne!"

"Absol, Protect lets go!" Absol got in front of Cacturne using protect "now..Energy ball and shadow ball!"

They both fired at Luvdisc and Sealo, both attacks hit the two Pokémon "Luvdisc..Sweet kiss let's go!"

"Dodge and use Thunderbolt! Cacturne you use Solar beam!" Absol hit both Pokémon as Cacturne charged up "quick, Blizzard let's go!"

"Absol, Protect!"

Absol protected Cacturne once it was fully charged, Absol jumped up as Cacturne finished the double battle

"Both Sealo and Luvdisc are unable to battle..Absol and Cacturne win!"

"Great job you two..return" I said as the battle field changed up "alright..Gorebyss let's go!"

"Seaking your up!"

"Gorebyss, Use Ice Beam!"

"Dodge and use Horn Drill!" Seaking dodged the attack as it hit Gorebyss with Horn drill "now, hyper beam!"


"Psychic and bring it back!" "Huh?!" Hyper beam was taken over by Psychic knocking the Seaking out "Seaking is unable to battle..Gorebyss wins!"

"Nice work! Now return" I said as I looked at Jaun "interesting, your just like Ash" I smile as I stood up "well..we do battle the same in away..now let's continue, Sceptile let's go!"

"A Sceptile..Wishcash your turn!"

"Sceptile, Energy Ball!"

"Wishcash, dodge and use Tickle"

Wishcash jumped and started using tickle on Sceptile "shake it off then use, Leaf blade!" Sceptile knocked Wishcash off using leaf blade "Rock smash!"

"Dodge then use, Energy Ball!" Sceptile used the obstacles to dodge the attack and hit Wishcash with Energy ball.

"Hyper beam!" I smirk as Jaun noticed my strategy "wait don't!"

"Now Leaf Blade!" Wishcash tried to dodge, but Leaf blade hit making it unable to battle

"Wishcash is unable to battle..Sceptile wins" I return Sceptile "Solar..it's your turn" "Chiko!"

"So your fifth Pokémon is Chikorita, then my last Pokémon is..Milotic!"

"A Milotic..let's see what Dex say's about her"

Milotic, the Tender Pokemon, and the evolved form of Feebas. It is said to live at the bottom of large lakes. Considered to be the most beautiful of all POKéMON, it has been depicted in paintings and statues.

"Solar be careful..it might be fast" Chikorita stops it's ground ready "Twister let's go!"

"Dodge and use Magical Leaf!" Chikorita ducked as she jumped and used Magical leaf hitting Milotic

"Hydro pump lets go!"

"Dodge and use Sweet scent!" Chikorita jumped above the Hydro pump, using Sweet scent "not bad..use Hydro pump to get rid of this!"

Milotic sprayed all around her getting rid of sweet scent "now Magical leaf!"


"Hit them back, Iron tail. Then wrap around Chikorita!" The Magical leaf was hit back with Iron tail, then wrapped itself around Chikorita "oh no, Solar!"

"Hydro pump"

"Quick, Magical leaf!" But Chikorita couldn't even move *I need to think of something..and fast!*

"Now fire"

"Please do something, Solar!"

"Chiko..Rita!" Chikorita used Magical leaf getting free then started glowing "it's evolving.."

"Bay bay!" I was amazed "congrats, but that doesn't mean anything..Recover!"

I pulled out Dex to see if it learnt any new moves

Bayleef, the leaf Pokémon. And the evolved form of Chikorita. A BAYLEEF's neck is ringed by curled-up leaves. Inside each leaf is a small tree shoot. The fragrance of this shoot makes people peppy.

"Use Twister"

"Dodge then use..Vine whip to toss it in the air!" Bayleef moved to the left as she grabbed Milotic and threw her "now finish this..Solar Beam!"

"Hydro pump, Quick!" Bayleef quickly fired the Solar beam..hitting Milotic, and ending the match "Milotic is unable to battle..Amber and Bayleef win"

"We did it! We got our final badge!" I said running towards Solar and hugging her "Bay Bay!"

"You and Bayleef were excellent, I'd never seen battling like that. And learning Vine whip helped you out at the last second..so here you go, the Rain Badge"

I grabbed it as Bayleef held my badge case out, I placed it in the last slot as I stared at all the badges I got. "I did it..I got all eight badges!"

"Now you'll be able to enter the Hoenn league, I wish you luck. Amber" Jaun said as I closed my case "thanks! Now Bayleef..lets go and win, our final ribbon!"

"Bay bay!"

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