《My Amber Flower》~Cacturne for the Worse~


"Gorebyss..Aqua Ring, then Icy wind!"

Gorebyss used Aqua ring and the icy wind made it sparkle "now that's perfect!" "Gorebyss!"

"Take a rest k" I said returning her, Chikorita nudged my leg as I looked down "what's up,


"Chiko!" I turned to where she pointed, seeing a familiar Cacturne and trainer "oh that little..Harley!" He tensed up as I yelled his name "oh Amber..what a surprise"

"Oh hush..why haven't you been calling it even texting me?! And why didn't you come and see me if you knew I was here?!" I shouted "well I Uh.."

"Wait..you know each other?" May asked "that's right..Harley and I know each other ever since I was little, he's like a big brother to me" I said "that's right! So these are the ones who took care of you while I couldn't..I'm so glad! Thanks so much!"

"Not a problem" "Chiko?" "Turne?"

"And what's this! Oh my, you got yourself a Chikorita! She's so beautiful!" Harley said picking her up "Harley don't! She's very shy around new people and Pokémon!" I said grabbing her from Harley "really? Well it's just the right Pokémon for you"

"Why you..Solar let's head back to where we were. May, I'll see you at the contest" I said waving and walking back "that Harley! I swear he'll get it!"


"Don't worry, we'll show him"


"Alright Gorebyss..lets get the show on the road!"

"And next, we have entry number 19!"

"Gorebyss..Agility!" Gorebyss came out using Agility around the stage "now Aqua Ring! Then follow up with, Icy wind!"

Gorebyss jumped up using Aqua ring then the icy wind made it sparkle "now..Psychic lets go!" The three Aqua rings were floating around Gorebyss now


"Spectacular! I'd never seen anything like it!"


The first round was over, I made it to the second round. And my first opponent, was Harley

"Gorebyss, Showtime!"

"Cmon out Cacturne, and show her who rules!"

"Use Water pulse, and then Icy wind!" Gorebyss shot out many Water pulses, then it sparkled with Icy wind

"Use Poison sting now, Cacturne!"


"For our next attack, Cacturne will use Bullet Seed!"

"Quickly Dodge that!" But Cacturne was faster then Gorebyss "Gorebyss No!"


"Gorebyss can't continue..which means, Harley and Cacturne advances on" "awe man.."


"Gore..Gorebyss.." "hey it's okay, you did an amazing job Gorebyss" I said feeding her some pokeblock "there's another contest a couple islands from here..we'll go to that one and, win our final ribbon!"



I saw Harley walk out of the contest hall with a smirk "he's up to something..guess this isn't the last time I'll see him"



I saw him glance at me, then walk away "Solar, Gorebyss..let's make sure Harley doesn't do anything to May and her Pokémon"

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