《My Amber Flower》~Mind is Clear~


"So..your Liza and Tate. The two gym leaders"

"That's correct! So your our next challenger huh..our last one was quite the challenge, but we won't go down easily" Tate said "let's do this then"

"This'll be a double battle, Amber..you can only use two Pokémon each, and no substitutes. The battle will be over once both Pokémon on either side is unable to battle..so if were ready, let's begin!"

"Solrock, Cmon out!"

"Lunatone, lets do it!"

"Sceptile and Cacturne, lets go!"

"Chiko!" "You need to rest k bud, after that thing with Maxie..you'll need tons of rest. So don't worry about the battle, just watch it" I said as she nodded

"Go Tackle!"

"You too, Lunatone! Tackle!"

"Sceptile..let's use Leaf blade to stop them" Sceptile ran towards the two Pokémon and sliced them with Leaf blade

"Cacturne..and Sceptile, Energy ball lets go!"

They both fired at the same time, one going towards Solrock and the other going to Lunatone "Ice beam!"

Both Energy balls were frozen in place "perfect..go and use Leaf Blade" Sceptile leaves grew as she sliced the frozen energy balls up into pieces "now launch them!"

Sceptile hit the pieces with leaf blade



"Lunatone, Psychic lets go!"

"You two, Solrock!"

"Cacturne..Sucker punch lets go!" Cacturne ran towards Lunatone, hitting it with Sucker punch "Lunatone no!"

"Ice beam!"

"Sceptile dodge it!" Sceptile jumped up landing on one of the planets "alright you two..let's finish this! Alright you two..Solar beam!"

"Quickly, Tackle lets go!" I smile as Sceptile and Cacturne fired it "but how?! It takes time to charge it up!"

"True..but my Pokémon have been charging up the whole time, see..once you used that ice beam on the energy balls. Cacturne was charging up, while Sceptile distracted you."


"Dodge it quick!" But it was to late..both Solar beams hit and ended the battle

"Both Solrock and Lunatone are unable to battle! Amber and her Pokémon are the winners!"

I returned them both as Chikorita ran up to my shoulder "great job, me and my brother would like to give you..the Mind Badge"

"Thanks a lot.." Chikorita grabbed it with her mouth and placed it in my badge case

"One more to go..and it's the water gym. Which means..you might battle, Chikorita" I said as she smiled "but right now..it's our last contest we have to go to"


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