《My Amber Flower》~The Scuffle of Legends~


*they've both gone made..*

Kyoger was released..a battle happened..Archie had the red orb in his hand "I have to break free..but how?" I tried thinking on how I'll break free from the chain around me *thats it! If I use the mark of Groudon..it can burn through!*

I concentrated the power into one hand..using that hand, the chains were melting off. Once they were lose enough I broke free and ran towards Solar "Solar! Please wake up!"

Nothing..I was scared, was she gone..

The rain was coming down hard, I saw Kyoger being in a ton of tornados "Solar, return buddy.." I said as I got up and looked at Archie then at Kyoger "there's only one thing to do.."

I grabbed Sceptile and looked at Kyoger "I need to defeat Kyoger..and calm it down" I started walking over to the ocean "Sceptile..Solar beam go!"

"Sceptile!" A hyper beam stopped the solar beam from hitting its target "Archie! Your going mad with power..you need to stop!" I shouted "and why should I? I finally have the power to create my new world! And no one..not even you will stop me!"

"Sceptile..!" The red orb has gotten into Archie's body, it was to late to retrieve it. I heard a roar not to far away, I froze in place as it was Groudon's voice

"It's awoken..both beasts are now roaming, Sceptile..this might be the end" "tile.."

The volcano erupted, a light cleared the sky's of the rain "Sceptile get some rest..Gorebyss help me out!"

Once she was out, I got on her back as she swam for me to see both beasts "Kyoger..Groudon, stop it!" A tidal wave was coming towards the island, by Groudon stopped it with Solar Beam.


Groudon slashed the waters, hitting Kyoger "Gorebyss..let's help Groudon k" "Gorebyss!"

A hydro pump was heading Groudon's way, but Pikachu stopped it with Thunderbolt "Gore! Gore Byss Gore!"

"I don't know..Gorebyss..I think, there's only one thing left to do. I have to use all of the power I have to summon it" it..what was this it I was talking about? I didn't understand what I was summoning..but I knew it had to be done.

I closed my eyes as both marks glowed "please help me stop the battle between land and sea..from the universe above..Rayquaza, the Pokémon of space..please lend me your strength and reveal yourself"

Kyoger was hit by a solar beam, the red orb fell out of Archie. Rayquaza's shadow was right beside me, I jumped on its back as we flew towards the orb.

The blue orb also was out of Pikachu's body, both orbs landed in my hands "there safe..thank goodness"

My body felt weak..Rayquaza flew me down to the ground, as Gorebyss swam towards me "alright you two..go and do your thing!" I said..they both flew up, going into one another..and turning into dust.

"Kyoger! Groudon!" They both turn to see me "Amber.."

"Miss Valley, are you alright?" Kyoger asked "yes I'm fine! Now you two head on back to sleep..and don't worry! I'll keep you both safe and sound!"

"We're counting on it..Amber Valley"


"Hey Amber..how ya feeling?" Ash asked as they walked over to me "I'm fine..but my Chikorita isn't..can't believe father did this to her.."

"Father?" I looked at them sighing "guess I should tell you huh..Maxie, leader of team

Magma..is my father" "what?!" I looked down as I glanced at the volcano "he wanted me to control Groudon..but I denied what he wanted, that's when Archie came and asked me to do the same..but with Kyoger. I said no..and I've been a target ever since.."


"What about your marks?" May asked "there normal now..I still have them, which means..Kyoger and Groudon's power are in my hands." I said "so..what are you going to do now?" Max asked as I sighed

"Continue my journey..I haven't explored all of Hoenn yet, and..I'd like to finish my journey, with a nice big battle at the league..or even at the grand festival. And until then..I hope you guys will become stronger, May, Ash"

"We will! And next time we meet..let's battle!" I

Smile as them both as I nodded

"And I won't lose"

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