《My Amber Flower》~Contest of Cove~


"Oh no, May!"

I was scared, this has never happened in a contest. Her Combusktion went in front blocking it "Peck Combusktion!"

Combusktion pecked the fire spin and continued on "oh thank goodness..I was worried she would've gotten hurt"

"Miss Amber, your next after May" I smile as I stood up "Solar..let's get this done"


"And next we have, Coordinator number two, it's Amber! She has won four ribbons..and this might be her last contest before the Grand Festival! So let's see what she's got!"


Chikorita came out with petals around her (changing Chikorita to a girl, cause I feel like it make sense in a way..)

She landed on my shoulder perfectly "Chikorita, use Magical leaf!" I said throwing her up. She spun slowly as Magical leaf let her get down safely

"Amazing! That Magical leaf was incredible!"

"Now sweet scent!" Chikorita used the move turning all the leaves pink, "now..let's finish this up! Synthesis!" Chikorita jumped up, as she started using Synthesis

"What a beautiful sight! I'd never seen Amber work this hard, but what do the judges think?"



"You did great, Solar" I said brushing her leaf "Chiko!" "Amber!" I turn seeing May and Kelly "hey you two, you both did great in the first round" I said "you two! You and Chikorita were amazing!"

"It was really all, Solar. She showed me what should could do and..I just had to use it. And it worked" Chikorita went onto my head smiling "she's the perfect Pokémon..everyone of my Pokémon is, I just hope..we make it"

"I know you will!" Kelly said as I grabbed Solar, and held her in my arms "sorry to keep you waiting folks! But here are the eight that'll be in the second round!"


I held Solar close to me as the faces were shown "we made it!"

"That's great Amber!" I smile as me, Kelly and May were in the second round.

"I can't wait to see who I'm facing!" They then mixed the battles up, my eyes widened as I saw who I was battling

"No..not him!" Both May and Kelly looked at me in confusion "that's Jaxon..he's my cousin" "your cousin!"

"Yes..him and his Pokémon..are incredible, I never beat them in a battle before" I said "well you can do it now!"

"That's right! Show him what you made of!" I smile as I nodded my head "Thanks you two!"


"It's time for our final battle..Jaxon valley is on my right, and Amber valley is on my left..let's see which one will make it! And begin!"

"Flygon, action!"


"A Flygon Huh.."

Flygon, the mystic Pokémon. And the final evolve form of Trapinch. The flapping of its wings sounds like singing. To prevent detection by enemies, it hides itself by flapping up a cloud of desert sand.

"Careful, Solar..it could be fast" I said "your first, Amber! Let's see how much you've improved"

"Chikorita, Magical leaf!"

"Flygon..use Dragon claw to slice the leaves"

Flygon did as Jaxon said "now..Hyper beam!"

"Solar, dodge it quick!" Solar jumped, but was hit in the leg "oh no!" I lost tons of points from that "Synthesis"

"Don't let it heal! Fire Spin!"

"Quick dodge it!" Chikorita ducked at the fire spin went over her head, Synthesis healed it's leg as she was ready "alright..Sweet Scent!"

"Really? Sand attack.."

The sand attack countered Sweet scent, it wasn't good..I had to think of something..but what "I got it! Chikorita move in close!" "Chiko?!"


"Trust me k!" She nodded and she ran towards Flygon "are you an idiot? Let's finish this, Flygon..Dragon claw let's go!"

I waited till Flygon was close "Solar..use Solar beam!" Chikorita stopped and blasted Flygon into the wall "Flygon!"


"Flygon is unable to battle..which means, Amber advances to the final round!"


I was facing Kelly..I was ready for this battle "let the battle begin!"

"Grumpig, lets go!"

"Chikorita, Showtime!"

"Grumpig, Iron tail!"

"Dodge and use, Magical leaf!"

Chikorita jumped up high and hit Grumpig with Magical leaf "Bounce lets go!"

"Sweet scent!" The sweet scent made it hard for Grumpig to see Chikorita "Magical leaf!"

"Use Psychic to bring it right back!"

My move was used against me "Synthesis!"

"Use Iron tail!" Chikorita didn't have anytime to react, she was hit by the Iron tail

"Solar beam now!"

"Use Psychic to bring it right back!"

Chikorita fired the solar beam, but it was fired back at her with Psychic "dodge it!" But it was to late..Solar beam hit, making Chikorita faint

"Chikorita!" I ran over crying in worry "C..Chiko.." "your alright! I'm so glad!" I said hugging her "Cmon..let's go to the centre and get you nice and rested"



"Miss Amber, your Chikorita is fully healed" I smile as Solar jumped into my arms "I'm so glad!" "Chiko!"

"Cmon buddy..lets go and win my next badge, which is the mind badge. And it's a double battle! Who do I use?!"

"Chiko? Rita~!"

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