《My Amber Flower》~Lilycove, Pokeblock!~


Lilycove city, where the next Pokémon contest is. I was in the market looking for some berries "hm..Chikorita, find any berries you like?" I asked "Chiko!" I walk over to him, see him eyeing some Bluk berries

"You like Bluk berries huh..excuse me. How much for three bags of these?" I asked "it's 15 pokedollars." I smile as I grabbed three bags of it and paid for them "thanks for shopping with us!"

"Alright..now lets go and make some delicious, Pokeblock for you" "Chiko!"


"And done! Here we are..Chikorita, go ahead and try it" I said holding one out "Chiko.." he puts it in his mouth, once he was done..he smiled at me jumping making me fall "I'm glad you liked it! Does that mean you'll be in the contest?"

"Chiko!" I laugh as I placed the rest in a box "just perfect! Now then..there's a pokeblock shop not far from here. I'd like to go in and buy some things for, Sceptile. I wanna know what it likes"


"Then let's go..the sooner we leave, the sooner we get to train"


"Now let's see..Sceptile, she likes anything sweet and tasteful. So..the Nanab pokeblock would be perfect..and add some Oran berries to the mix, a nice healthy and sweet pokeblock!"

"Chiko!" I smile as I paid for the pokeblock I grabbed, I went outside and checked my list "I think I have everything..time to relax and train" Chikorita jumped off my shoulder and ran towards a clear area

"Alright..show me what you got" "Chiko!"

Chikorita jumped up using Magical leaf "whoa!" It then used Sweet Scent making the leaves turn pink "amazing!" He then finished off with Synthesis


"Amazing! You were great!" I said as Solar ran up my back and sat on my shoulder "can't wait to use that in the contest!" "Chiko!"

I smile as I looked up at the sky

"Solar..let's show Drew and Harley, that I'm ready for any challenge someone puts my way"



The day of the contest..I was so nervous, if I win this..I'll be heading to the Grand Festival "you ready, Solar..this is it! No backing out now!"


I return Chikorita, as I placed my capsule around my pokeball "can't believe these things work..I'm glad I met the Pokémon I have now. If only Viper could see me, she would be happy and proud"

"Combusktion, that's to much!"

"Huh?" I look up at the screen, seeing May and her Pokémon. Combusktion was using for spin..but way to much of it

"Oh no, May!"

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