《My Amber Flower》~The Fourth's the win!~


Stopping by, Pink rose town..where my next contest will be. I have signed up just in time

"Alright..Chikorita, you sit out k. Your still new, but I'll make sure you ready for any contest!"


"May every contestant please come and get ready"

"Alright! Let's win my fourth, Ribbon!"


"Hello everyone, welcome to the Pink Rose contest! My names Vivian, and I'll be your host! And our judges..nurse joy, mister contesta and the Pokémon fan club manager himself! Now..let's welcome, Amber Valley!"

"Alright..Cacturne..Sandstorm!" Cacturne didn't come out of the ball..it was a sandstorm instead

"Amazing as always! Amber's entrance is stunning!"

"Cacturne dear..show them your, Solar Beam!" Cacturne appeared out of the Sandstorm, using Solar beam to combined the attacks

"Now time to finish this..Focus blast right to the bottom!" Cacturne jumped high above the storm, using Focus blast to making a beautiful ending to my performance.

"Incredible! All those moves were stunning..but what do the judges think?"


"A perfect score! Now then..let's see what everyone else has!"


(Final battle)

"Now it's our last round battle..on my left, it's Valerie. And on my right, Miss Valley! Five minutes on the clock..and begin!"

"Grovyle, lets go!"


"Okay Vibrava, lets dance!"

I freeze up as I saw her Vibrava "oh no! It seems like..Amber is frozen in place!" "Gro! Vyle, Grovyle!"

I took a deep breath as I stood up "Vibrava, Air Slash!"

"Dodge and use, Leaf blade!" Grovyle jumped up dodging the Air slash and coming down with Leaf blade "Screech lets go!"

Grovyle was countered by a screech "Grovyle!" That made me lose some points "why don't we make this battle over..Vibrava, Dragon Rush lets go!"


"Grovyle please get up!" I shouted "Gro.." the dragon rush was getting close to Grovlye "please get up! Do it for Viper!"

"Gro! Vyle!" Grovlye started glowing..she got bigger and bigger, she grabbed Vibrava and tossed her up and used Duel chop



"Vibrava is unable to battle! This win goes to, Amber and her Sceptile!" I was staring at Sceptile with wide eyes

Sceptile, the forest Pokémon. And the final evolution of Treeko. In the jungle, its power is without equal. This POKéMON carefully grows trees and plants. It regulates its body temperature by basking in sunlight.


"Congratulations on your win and..your new Pokémon. I present to you, the Pink Rose Ribbon" I grab the ribbon looking at Sceptile "we did it! I won..the Pink Rose Ribbon!"

"Tile! Sceptile!"

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