《My Amber Flower》~Sky's the Limit~


Fortree city, where my sixth battle is going to be, I switched out Dragonair for Altaria "hello, I would like to challenge the gym leader!" I shouted

"That would be me, hi there..so what's your name, kid?" She asked as I walked up to the platform "my names, Amber valley. I'm here for my sixth gym badge"

"Well then..my names Winona, the flying type gym leader. So..why don't we get started!"

"The battle between gym leader and the challenger Amber, will now begin. Each trainer will use three Pokémon each, and the battle is over when either trainers Pokémon is unable to battle. And only the challenger can exchange Pokémon, if we understand then..battle begin!"


"A flying water type huh..Cacturne, lets go!"

"A grass type? Wonder what she's up to..Peliper, Hydro Pump!"

"Cacturne..dodge and use, Thunder Punch!" Cacturne jumped up and hit Peliper with Thunder Punch "how can it know an electric type move?!"


"Quick, use Hydro pump now!" Hydro pump got rid of Sandstorm, Cacturne was hit..but it didn't show any damage "what's going on?! Why didn't it phase him?!"

"That's because..my Cacturne has the ability, Water Absorption. It makes my Cacturne regain health" I said smiling "Steel Wing!"

"Dodge and finish that Peliper with, Thunder Punch!"

Cacturne jumped up high, dodged Steel wing. Heading down and hitting Peliper

"Peliper is unable to battle! Cacturne wins!"

"You did great, Cacturne. Now get some rest" I said as Winona returned Peliper "not bad, Amber. Altaria..your up!"

"Crawdaunt dear..Cmon out!" "Crawdaunt!"

"Altaria, Peck lets go!"

"Take it..then Night Slash!"

Crawdaunt took the peck attack, as he slammed Altaria to the ground "Dragon Breath!"


"Hold it's mouth closed, and use Bubblebeam!"

Crawdaunt caught Altaria with its claw "get outta there!" Crawdaunt held her down while using Bubblebeam "Altaria!"

"Altaria is unable to battle..Crawdaunt's wins!"

"I didn't think you'd make it this far..Swellow, your up!" I returned Crawdaunt as I looked at my third Pokémon "do your best girl..Altaria, time to party!"

The platform moved us higher into the sky "Swellow, Peck!"

"Dodge and use, Sunny day!" Altaria flew high using sunny day at the same time it dodged "Arial Ace!"

But the sun was to bright to do anything "Flamethrower!" Altaria fired a powered Sunny day flamethrower at Swellow "are you alright?!"


"I'm impressed..Hyper beam!"

"Dodge it! Use the wind!" I shouted, the wind picked up making Altaria dodge the Hyper beam "Arial ace lets go!"

"Stay still, till I say" Altaira flew down to the ground closing its eyes "now! Double Team!" Before Swellow could hit, Altaria made copies of itself "which is real?!"

"Sunny day then..end this battle, Flamethrower!" Altaira flew high with Sunny day making her shine, she stopped and fired a Flamethrower ending the battle.

"Swellow is unable to battle..which means, the winner is Altaria and Amber!" I walk over to Altaira petting her head "you did an amazing job, Amber..and I'd like to present you..the Feather badge"

I grabbed it as I held it high at the sky "I did it! I got..the Feather badge!"


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