《My Amber Flower》~Team Aqua Strikes~


"Cmon Solar..Team Aqua's helicopter should just be up ahead!" I said as we ran, Team Aqua..an evil group trying to get the blue orb, that'll wake up Kyoger creator of the sea.

"Okay, Crawdaunt..lets go!" I hid behind a tree as I saw the scientists get captured "I need to be careful.." "well well..look what we have here.."

"Not good.."


"Let's see..your marks are growing? That must be a sign.." I growl at the main captain of Aqua "calm down..look, if you join us..you'll get your revenge on your father" she said "why would I ever join you?! Yes I hate my father..but I would never join you!" I shouted

"So be it..watch her. And don't let this one, escape" "yes ma'am" I looked over at Chikorita seeing he was scared "don't you worry bud..I'll get us outta here" I said "Chiko.."

"That castform..maybe you would be of use. What do you know about, kyoger?" Shelly asked "that's none of your business!"

"It is when I make it..now you better tell me, or else your little friend here..is going to get it"

Her Crawdaunt's grabbed Chikorita ready to fire "I don't know much! All I know it's sleeping in some cave under water! I don't know the location or anything.." I said as she smiled "we still need more, hurry and find that card!"

Crawdaunt put Chikorita down beside me "don't worry..someone will save us, Solar" Chikorita didn't say anything, he just laid there shaking.


*cmon..someone please help!*

"Alright..let Bart go right now!" I opened my eyes hearing Ash's voice "Ash! Pikachu!"

"He's not going anywhere, not unless you give us that access card first" Shelly said "no deal!"


"What a shame..guess you don't care what happens to your friends, do you.."

*I need to help..but how* I look at Chikorita, then at his leaf "that's it! Solar, try using an attack on my chain here" he nodded as he used Razor Leaf "good! Keep going"

A storm cloud hit..Team rocket and..you know what happens next. I gulp as I worried for mine and Solar's sake "solar..try to focus on one spot k" "Chiko!"

Millie the one with the ditto..gave Shelly the card, once they got into the system. The information they were looking for, was gone.

"Do you think this is all a game?!" Shelly yelled "yea, looks like we won"

"No I did!" I was shocked on what was going on, is Millie an enemy? "B..Brody!" I was scared..Brody was my Ex

"Team Aqua I gotta admit, you made my job easier. I owe you one.." I growl as Chikorita got me free, both Shelly and Brody engaged battle

"Grovlye..get that disk back!"

"Combuskion, help Grovlye out!"

"Sky Upper cut!"

"Leaf Blade, Grovyle!"

"Grab hammer go!"

Ditto/Crawdaunt came down hitting both Grovyle and Combusktion "Grovyle!" I ran towards her worried, Brody then flew off with his jet pack

"That good for nothing..Magma!" I shouted hitting the ground "Gro?!" "Chiko.."

"Let's go after him" they both nodded as I ran into the forest


"Dang it! He got away..that Brody, I swear he'll pay!" I shouted hitting a tree "Chiko.." I turn to Solar sighing "cmon..let's set up camp and get some sleep, my neck Pokémon contest is in a couple towns ahead."


*Brody..you and Maxie are going to be history*

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