《My Amber Flower》~Chikorita Johto~


"An egg? That my mom sent" "yes..it's from professor Elm" Nurse Joy handed me the egg "I'll take good care of it, so please send Altaria to my mom" I said handing Nurse Joy her pokeball "of course"

I walked out of the centre as I still held the egg "now..why don't I try to make it warm..Grovlye and Cacturne Cmon out"



"Can you two watch the egg..while I find something to warm it up?" I asked as they nodded "thanks so much..I won't be long!"

~Pokemon POV~

"Grovyle..you think Viper will come back?"

"Why yes..she told us she would."

"Look what we have here..my sisters Pokémon and, mothers egg?"

"Not them!"


I was walking back with a blanket for the egg, once I got back..they were gone "oh no! Cacturne, Grovyle! Where'd you guys go?!" I shouted



I look up seeing a machine "Cassidy!"


"Give my Pokémon back!" I shouted "no can do! These beauties will be given to the boss..even this egg" my eyes widened as she held the egg "you give that back..right now!" I shouted, my right hand glowed blue "what's going on?!" Butch asked "who cares! Let's just go!"

"No you don't! Crawdaunt, Giga Impact!" I shouted as she came out with a big symbol on its head, she blasted Butch and Cassidy to who knows where "Grovyle, Cacturne..return!" Once they went back into there ball, I caught the egg just in time.

"Thank goodness!" I then started to hear cracking sounds "is it..hatching?!" Crawdaunt came closer seeing it hatched "C..Chiko?"

"What is that?"

Chikorita, the leaf Pokémon. In battle, CHIKORITA waves its leaf around to keep the foe at bay. However, a sweet fragrance also wafts from the leaf, becalming the battling POKéMON and creating a cozy, friendly atmosphere all around.

"But it's a different colour..which means it's really rare!" Chikorita looked at me then smiled "welcome to the family..Solar"

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