《My Amber Flower》~Losin isn't love~


I was in the waiting room giving Dragonair a nice groom "let's give it our all" I said returning her and standing up, I placed a capsule and a dragon seal on my pokeball "this should give me more points.."

"And next is number 19..Amber Valley!"

The lights came on as I smiled "Dragonair, Showtime!" Dragon orbs surrounded Dragonair as she came out "what was that?! And how did it happen?!"

"Dragonair..Thunder wave then Agility!" Thunder wave surrounded the stage as she moved fast with agility "amazing!"

"Next Ice beam!" The Thunder wave froze in place "now let's finish this..Spin and use Dragon tail!"

Dragonair spun hitting the frozen bolts making beautiful sparkles "what a beautiful performance! But is it enough?"


Drew was the final contestant, he sent out Roselia making petals come out "no way! He must've tried my way of performing.."

He snapped making Roselia appear "that little.."

Now the results were in, the four that moved on were..Drew, May..Savana and me "well seems like I don't need to worry anymore. Cause that ribbon will be number four for me!"

My first opponent was Drew "great..this'll be perfect!"


*time to do this..*

"Five minutes on the clock, and begin!"


"Masquerain, your up! Go!"

"Crawdaunt..Crab hammer lets go!"

"Dodge and use Bubble!"

Masquerain dodged and sent bubble towards Crawdaunt "use ice beam!" The bubbles froze in place "now hidden power go!"

The frozen bubbles were hit with Hidden power sending them towards Crawdaunt

"No Crawdaunt!"

"Crawdaunt is out of the match!" I was frozen in place..I couldn't believe I lost "not again..Crawdaunt return" I said as I grabbed Viper's ball *this battle was for you..but now I can't win that ribbon*


I stood up and started walking to the exit "oh viper..I'm sorry I didn't win.."

"Master Amber.."


I was at the centre waiting for Crawdaunt "I wanted to win just for you Viper but..I couldn't, I'm so sorry.."

"Who's viper?" I jump as I heard Drew's voice "why are you here?! Came to brag?!" I shouted getting up "no..I just wanted to say our battle was great..but who's this viper?" He asked as I turned around "it's none of your business!"

"Why are you getting angry? What did I do?!" Drew asked as I sighed "it was after I didn't make it when I had Viper! She was upset and angry! She flew off on the same day..May won that contest. The same day when I..got heart broken.."

"What? What are you talking about?" He asked "it doesn't matter.." "Amber..your Crawdaunt is all better now" Nurse Joy said handing me her pokeball "and about your Viper..someone has seen a her following you around" I was surprised she was following me.

"Thanks..I'll be going now" I said walking off "Nurse Joy..who's Viper?" Drew asked "she never told you? Viper is her Vibrava, she really loves Vibrava"

"She never told me about that..so she lost her"

"More like..Viper ran away, she's been upset everyday and she's been looking for her" Nurse Joy said as she looked over at me talking to another coordinator.

"You know Drew..maybe you can find Vibrava and give it back to her, who knows..maybe this is a sign of true love"

"True love? Ya right! She lost something she loved..she only loves her Pokémon and that's that" nurse joy giggled at Drew "what's so funny?"

"You being dense. Even if she lost something..losing isn't love, losing is something that can help you regain it"

"Losing isn't love..it helps you regain it.." Drew saw me smile as I also giggled "guess..I gained feelings for Amber. What a surprise.."

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