《My Amber Flower》~Dragonair Flamernair~


"So Dragonair..are you ready to compete?" I asked her "Nair!" I switched out Manetrick cause I haven't been using her, and I thought Dragonair would be the perfect partner

I headed into the centre seeing a huge crowd of girls around someone, I was wondering what was going on "how cool!" I was so confused on who they were talking to "Hey Nurse Joy" "yes? What can I do for you?" She asked "can you heal up Grovyle and Cacturne please?" "Why of course"

I handed the pokeballs to nurse joy as I returned Dragonair *no sign of Viper yet..all I have is her pokeball and that's it, what a bummer!*

"Hey you guys over here! I've got Norman's daughter May!" I turn seeing ash and the others here as well "Drew.." I saw him walk off away from the girls *guess that crowd was for him..figures much*

"Miss amber, your Pokémon are all healed up" I turn to Nurse Joy and grabbed them "thanks." "No way..Amber Valley!" I tense up as someone yelled my name "Wallace's step-daughter and apprentice!" I turn seeing the girls eyeing me "not even happening!"


"I really hate this! Why do I have to be chased by them...why can't Wallace just be here and let them go all over him!" I shouted "Vyle? Gro Grovyle"

"You better not have asked about Drew, Ivy! He's not even worth my time, he's a selfish..good for nothing guy who never tells me how he's doing!" I said as I checked my phone "even Harley..he didn't even tell me if he's entering any contests."

I sighed as I looked up "you know..I don't know what kind of Pokémon I'll use" I said "are you okay?" I turn my head seeing Drew "I'm fine..why are you even here?" I asked "rude much? You should know I'm entering the contest"


"Ya I know..And I'm not going to lose to you, if we do face each other. So get ready, cause I'm going to show you how this coordinator wins" I said pointing at him "are you sure your okay? Your not acting the the normal you"

"Grovyle lets go..we need practice for the contest" "Gro!"

*I'll see you in the second round, Drewy*


"Dragonair..Protect then Thunder Wave!" Dragonair was surrounded by protect as thunder wave was inside of the orb "now..Dragon Tail!"

Dragonair slammed it's tail breaking the Protect making sparkles come out "that's perfect! Great job" "Dragoo!"

"Now then..let's head inside and get some rest." "Nair!"

"Master..please don't be upset I left you..I'm doing this so we don't lose another contest again!"


"Crawdaunt..Giga Impact! And Dragonair..Ice beam!" "Craw! Daunt?!"


"Hey what's going..on?!" A couple of hands came down and grabbed me, Crawdaunt and Dragonair "Amber!"


"Not you three again! Let me go!" I shouted "Bulbasaur, Razor leaf!"

"A little whirlwind, Dustox!"

Dustox made the leaves go back towards Bulbasaur "Flareon she Flamethrower!"

"Altaria help Flareon out!" I shouted as she came out and used Flamethrower

Their wabafet absorbed the attacks

"Dustox, poison Sting!"

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded as jr hit the Poison Sting's "Mudkip, Lombre..water gun!"

Both of Brocks Pokémon came out and hit Wobafet *not good..if only I had someone who can..that's it!*

"Dragonair..use ice beam then Protect" "Nair!" A flamethrower hit the ballon sending them down to the ground "now!" Dragonair formed and ice trail down towards May, she used protect and slid down the slide.

The ballon hit the ground hard making me go free as well as Crawdaunt "give back those ribbons!" Ash shouted "I'd give James up first and then mewoth" "excuse me?!"

"You three return, we can let Ash and the others handle this" I said returning them and walked away smiling.

*the contest will be a breeze..and I'll beat drew at his own game. Watch out Drew, cause I'll become top coordinator!*

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